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( Da Wei comes across Li Lei, who is studying, in the school library. )
A: Hi, Li Lei. Are you busy with your homework now?
B: Oh, yeah, Da Wei. And you?
A: I'm here for a book. Hey, Li Lei. Have a break! We should be outside in the fresh air. It's good for us.
B: Sorry, I can't.    1     I must hand it. in tomorrow.
A: Oh, I see. But we can't always stay indoors.  We must often take exercise.    2  
B: Never.  I hardly have time now.  A sea of homework almost takes up all my free time.  It's sad but that's life.   3   
A: You mean my life? In fact, I'm also very busy like you. But you know I like sports.    4     When ever I have a little time, I will try them.
B: No wonder you are so energetic.
A: Yeah, better health, better grades.     5   
B: Yes, you are right.  It sounds as if should also try to exercise often in the future.  Da Wei, shall we play basketball for a while now?
A: OK. Let's go!
A.How about your life?
B.I like jumping, running, playing basketball and so on.
C.Why not walk in the fresh air?
D.How often do you exercise?
E.. Do you agree with me?
F. I have to finish my homework first.
G. Sounds like great fun!

这是两个同学之间的对话。Li Lei作业多,没时间运动;Da Wei鼓励他多运动,better health, better grades。
小题2:根据下文的回答Never得知,用How often提问。
小题3:从后者的“You mean my life?”,可推测。
小题4:前面提到sports,后面又有try them,可以判断在列举几样运动项目。
小题5:前面的同学Da Wei表达了一种观点,后面的同学Li Lei的回答是Yes,可知,问句是一般疑问句。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

( A )根据句意完成句子,首字母已给出。(5分)
小题1:I a__________ walk to school, and I never go to school by bike. .
小题2: F__________ is the sixth day of a week.
小题3: Go a__________ the street. And you will see the museum on the right.
小题4: Keep q_________, Mary! Your mother is sleeping.
小题5: We usually have a short r__________ after lunch.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Welcome to the House of Noodles! We have beef noodles, mutton noodles and cabbage noodles. What size bowl of noodles would you like? We have only large bowls of beef noodles. They are just 8RMB for each bowl. For mutton noodles, a small bowl is 5RMB, a medium one is 7RMB and for a large one, it is just 10RMB. We have cabbage noodles only on Monday. We have free orange juice for you. All our noodles are good and at a good price. Anybody can afford our noodles!
小题1:A large bowl of beef noodles is ________RMB.
小题2:A ________ bowl of mutton noodles is 7RMB.
小题3:If you want to have cabbage noodles, you can come here on__________.
小题4:The House of Noodles has _______ kinds of noodles.
小题5:__________ is free at the House of Noodles.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A —— salesgirl         B —— customer
A: Good afternoon, can I help you?
B: Yes, 小题1:___________________________________________________ .
A: We have different kinds of sports shoes. They’re all in style. What color would you like?
B: I prefer blue.
A: 小题2:________________________________ ?
B: Size 40.
A: What do you think of this pair?
B: Great! 小题3:_______________________________ ?
A: Certainly. This way, please.
B: Oh, they fit me very well. 小题4:________________________________?
A: 500 Yuan.
B: 小题5:__________________________________________ . I can’t afford.
A: Well, I’ll give you a 20% discount.
B: OK. I’ll take them.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A: Hi, Tom.
B: Hi, Mary.
A: ______小题1:________
B: I’m doing my homework.
A: Do you want to come to my house after school? _____小题2:______
B: That sounds great!  __小题3:______
A: It’s on Long Street. It’s a quiet street.
B: _______小题4:_______ There is a school on it.
A: Yes, and my house is across from it. ______小题5:___
B: OK! I’m sure to see you.
A. Where is your house?
B. It’s easy to find it.
C. What are you doing?
D. We can watch a DVD at my home.
E.  I know the street.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题


Mike: May I use your car, Jane?
Jane: Yes, of course, __________
Mike: Just one or two hours.
Jane: OK. __________ By the way, _________
Mike: I’m going to the train station to meet a friend
of mine.
Jane: Can you do something for me?
Mike: ___________
Jane: Will you buy some apples for me on your way?
Mike: _____________


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

around, refuse,miss, magazine,  cool
小题1:We could ask her to help,but she ___________.
小题2:You look really ___________with these sunglasses.    
小题3:He enjoys reading books and__________when he is free.
小题4:Rita opened the door and found Dick walking __________outside.
小题5:I began to __________my family soon after I arrived in London.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

I met Rose, my new classmate, on the first day of college. To my surprise, she was already 87 years old. "Why are you in college at such a young age?" I joked. " I ’ m here to meet a rich man, get married, have two children, and then retire and travel. " She answered.(1)                     
Like young students, Rose was outgoing, kind and helpful, (2)            Soon, she became a superstar in our college.
At the end of the term, Rose wes invited to give us a speech. I will never forget what she said to us," There are only four secrets to staying young and achieving success. "
“First, you have to laugh and find humor(幽默)every day. Then, you need to have a dream. ( 3 )                  Next, find any chance to change yourself. Finally, people shouldn’t have regrets(遗憾) for things they didn’t do. ”
(4)                Over 2000 students went to her funeral(葬礼) to express their love to the wonderful woman.
The great woman didn’t live in this world any longer, but she gave us an unforgettable lesson in life. That is -- (5)                  Don’t you think so?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A: Hey, Peter. _______________1______________
B: I argued with my best friend. _____________2______________
A: Well, you could write him a letter.
B: I don’t think so. I don’t like writing letters.
A: _______________3__________________.
B: No, I don’t want to talk about it on the phone.
A: Well, you should say you’re sorry.
B: Yes, I know I should, but it’s not easy.
A: Hey, I know. You could give him ________________ a ball game.
A: Well, that’s a good idea, but ___________________.

