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W: Hi, Tony. What's up?
M: 小题1:_______
W: Really? What’re they like?
M: 小题2:_______ He was interested in being my friend. He asked me lots of questions—you know the kind:What's your name,how old are you,that kind of thing. Well,it was quite funny really.
W: So,what's so funny about that?
M: Well,he went back into his house and I continued playing basketball. 小题3:_______
W: That's strange. What did you say?
M: 小题4:_______ But it was like I talked to two different boys! I thought there was only one but then I saw them both in the garden together a few days later. And they look the same!
W: Can you tell who is who?
M: 小题5:________
A. They look different.
C. We have new neighbors.
E. The son seemed really nice.
B. I was polite and answered him all over again.
D. No, not at all! I can't see any differences.
F. He came out again and asked me all the same questions!


小题1: 联系下文:--托尼,你怎么了?--我们有新邻居了。联系下文中的对话内容为来了新邻居。因此第三项符合。故选C
小题2: 联系句意:--他家的孩子很好。他很感兴趣成为我的朋友。他问了我许多问题,如:问你叫什么名字,你多大了,类似这样的问题。--关于这些他很感兴趣。充分说明,邻居家的孩子很可爱。故选 E
小题3: 分析句意:--他回家了,我继续玩篮球。不久,他又出来了并且问我相同的问题。--那太奇怪了。你说了什么?--我很有礼貌地回答了。但是,我好像在与两个不同的男孩谈话。我认为这仅仅是一个男孩,但在几天之后,我在公园看到两个男孩。他们长得很像。联系对话内容,他又问了同样的问题。故选F
小题4: 分析句意:--他回家了,我继续玩篮球。不久,他又出来了并且问我相同的问题。--那太奇怪了。你说了什么?--我很有礼貌地回答了。但是,我好像在与两个不同的男孩谈话。我认为这仅仅是一个男孩,但在几天之后,我在公园看到两个男孩。他们长得很像。联系上下文,有礼貌地回答了问题。故选B
小题5: 联系上下文:--你能分辨清他们吗?--不,根本不能!我看不出他们有任何不同。从中体现他们俩人是双胞胎。故选D

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

----I’ve just heard that the lecture (讲座)to be given by Ma Yun,the Alibaba CEO,has been cancelled(取消).
----Oh , no!__________ .
A.It’s wonderful.B.It doesn’t matter.
C.I have no idea.D.I was looking forward to that.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A. What are you going to do?            B. When and where shall we meet?
C. Can you come?                    D. When are you free then?
E. What about Sunday?                 F. What can I do for you?
G. Can you ask Jack to join us?
A: Hi, Mona! I am going to have a birthday party on Saturday evening. 小题1:
B: Oh, I am going to visit my grandfather on Saturday evening.
A: 小题2:
B: I have to take the piano lessons.
A: Oh!小题3:
B: Well, Friday is fine.
A: Friday? That’s tomorrow! OK. We can have it then.小题4:
B: Sure. 小题5:
A: In my house at half past four.
B: Great! See you then.
A: Bye!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A: Hey, Peter, what’s wrong?
B: I had a fight with my best friend. What _小题1:_____ I do?
A: Well, you could write him a letter.
B: I don’t think so, although it’s a good _小题2:____. I ’m just not very good at writing.
A: Maybe you should ___小题3:_him up..
B: No, I don’t want to talk it on the phone.
A: But you ___小题4:__ should talk to him so that you can say you’re sorry.
B: Yes, I know I should I should, but it’s not ____小题5:___.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

– Aren’t you tired, Jane?
– ________ I like going shopping.
A.Not at all.B.I’m so sorry.
C.You’re welcome.D.Yes, of course.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

— What’s the trouble with Tim?
A.He is writing lettersB.He has a bad cold
C.He has long curly hairD.He should lie down and rest


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

4. --- Can I play computer games for a while, Mom?
--- ______. Remember work must come first.
A.Better notB.Go ahead
C.Not at allD.It doesn’t matter


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

--- Mum, I got good marks in the final exams.
---         .
A.It’s very nice of you.B.Good luck
C.Congratulations!D.I’m sorry to hear that


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

______ is your father ? ---He’s a driver.

