
1£®Gina is a warm girl£¬so many people like to make friends with her£®

A£®hot                 B£®strange             C£®friendly             D£®heated

2£®Don't be afraid! No matter what happens£¬I'll be behind you£®

A£®meet              B£®support          C£®miss               D£®change

3£®We have been working around the clock to get it done on time£®

A£®here and there     B£®up and down        C£®day and night       D£®now and then

4£®When a child realizes he should stand on his own feet£¬be has grown up£®

A£®stand up quickly                         B£®go somewhere on foot

C£®gel up by himself                        D£®depend on himself

5£®--You haven't played tennis for days£¬have you?

--No£®I have got my hands full these days£®

A£®am busy            B£®am sick             C£®am unhappy         D£®am nervous


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Thumbs Down to TextingÇüÖ¸·¢¶ÌÐÅ

Do you have a mobile phone? Do you send text messages to your friends arm family?

Text messaging or ¡°texting¡±£®is becoming very popular£®But£¬scientists have discovered that texting can give us problems with our hands£®Be careful! Too much texting can cause swelling£¨Ö×ÕÍ£©in our thumbs£¨Ä´Ö¸£©£®Our thumbs were not made for pushing small buttons£¨°´Å¥£©£®over and over£®Scientists call this problem RSI£¨Öظ´ÐÔ½ôÕÅÀÍË𣩣®We spoke to a doctor called Harriet Wilson£¬who treats many sick people with RSI£®She says we need to see how much time we are spending in typing text messages£®If we are spending more than 10¡ª15 minutes at once£¬we could have problems in the future£®

As mobile phones develop£¬ they are getting smaller with buttons closer together£®Texting with a smaller phone£¬is worse than using a larger phone with bigger buttons£®Using a computer keyboard and playing video games can cause the same problem£®So more and more people could find themselves with RSI£®Among them£¬most are university students and teenagers£¬as they do not know the risks of spending so much time using computers£¬video games and mobile phones£®If we don't do something about this£¬too many young people could grow up in terrible pain£®

1£®What is becoming very popular now?

2£®Does the word "once" mean "one time" in the second passage?

3£®What kind of people are easier to have the problem of RSI?

4£®What can also cause RSI except texting?

5£®Which is easier to cause the problem of RSI£¬using smaller mobile phones or larger ones?


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²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£ºÑ§Éú»áÎÄÌ岿the Recreational and Physical Culture Department of the Students¡¯ Union£»ÁªÏµcontact£»ÓÐÏÞµÄlimited


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Alex knew colors and shapes£®He learned about 150 English words£®With his language ability he made himself known as perhaps the world¡¯s most famous talking bird£®

But Alex£®a parrot£¬died two weeks ago when he was 31£®Irene£¬a psychologist£¨ÐÄÀíѧ¼Ò£©at Harvard University£¬studied and worked with the parrot for nearly 30 years£®

In 1977, Irene, then an excellent student in chemistry at Harvard, bought Alex from a pet store£®At that time, scientists were not quite sure whether birds could learn to communicate with humans£®

But using the methods of teaching, Irene helped Alex to learn about 150 words, and to count small numbers, as well as colors and shapes£®

In experiments, Irene would give Alex a small reward £¨½±Àø£©, like a grape£®Alex learned to ask for the grape by watching what the trainer was doing to get it£®The researchers then worked with the bird to help him with pronunciation£®

Alex showed a surprising ability to learn£®For example, when he was shown a blue paper circle, he could tell what color the paper was, what shape it was, and after touching it what it was made of£®

Like other parrots, he also picked up some words when staying in the lab, like "calm down" and "good morning"£®He could also show his happiness and sadness£®

Even before the week he died, Alex was working with Irene on difficult words£® As she put him into his cage for the night that Thursday, Irene said that Alex looked at her and said," You be good£®See you tomorrow£®I love you£®"

He was found dead in his cage the next morning£®


1£®Alex is the name of_______

A£®an excellent student                       B£®a clever bird

C£®a trainer                               D£®a psychologist

2£®How did Irene get the parrot?

A£®A friend gave it to her£®                     B£®She caught it in a forest£®

C£®She bought it from the market£®               D£®The passage doesn't mention it£®

3£®The underlined words "picked up" in the seventh paragraph mean_______

A£®¼ñµ½                    B£®ÌôÑ¡                    C£®¾ÙÆð                   D£®Ñ§µ½

4£®The best title of the passage can be _______£®

A£®A Thinking Parrot                                    B£®The Owner of a Parrot

C£®How to Teach a Parrot to Speak                  D£®Parrots£¬Our Close Friends

5£®The passage is probably taken from a_______£®

A£®history textbook                                      B£®novel£¨Ð¡Ëµ£©

C£®newspaper                                                D£®dictionary


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

--Would you like to go swimming in the river with us?

--Sorry£¬I won't£®Our teacher often tells us ______ that£®

A£®not do              B£®to do          C£®not to do               D£®do


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

--I think she looked more beautiful with long hair£®

--But I disagree£®I really like her_______ hair£®

A£®curly               B£®short              C£®black              D£®straight


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

--Sorry£®I_______ your letter£®

--Never mind£®l will do it myself after school£®

A£®didn't post           B£®don't post          C£®hadn't posted       D£®haven't posted


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

--Is this your bicycle£¬David?

--No£¬it's not ________£®It's Helen's£®

A£®his           B£®yours           C£®mine               D£®hers


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

--Do you know the lady ______is interviewing our headmaster?

-- Yes£¬she is a journalist from CCTV£®

A£®which             B£®who            C£®whom               D£®whose

