B) ¸ù¾Ý¾ä×ÓÒâ˼£¬ÓÃÀ¨ºÅÖÐËù¸øµ¥´ÊµÄÊʵ±ÐÎʽÌî¿Õ¡£
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ1¡¿Come and warm _________(you) by the fire ,Millie and Jane .
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ2¡¿------How beautiful the dress looks. ----It must be one of the _________(perform).
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ3¡¿The kids made so much noise that I  _________ £¨simple £©can¡¯t fall asleep.  
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ4¡¿If the robot is _______(correct) used , it will go wrong .
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ5¡¿I asked her if she was ready to go and she __________(nod)


½âÎö¡¾Ð¡Ìâ1¡¿¿¼²é·´Éí´ú´Ê¡£¸ù¾ÝMillie and Jane¿ÉÖª£¬Ó¦¸ÃÓø´ÊýÐÎʽ¡£¹ÊÌîyourselves¡£
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ2¡¿¿¼²éÃû´ÊËùÓиñ¡£One of the+¸´ÊýÃû´Ê£¬¹ÊperformÏȱäΪ¸´Êý£¬ÔÙ¼Ó¡°.¡±¡£¹ÊÌîperformers¡¯¡£


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2011Äê½­ËÕÊ¡ÄϾ©Êн¨ÚþÇøÖп¼Ó¢ÓïһģÊÔ¾í ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥´Êƴд

¡¾Ð¡Ìâ1¡¿It is said listening to   ¡ø (ÒôÀÖ) can make people relax.
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ2¡¿We should ask more people to go to work by   ¡ø (×ÔÐгµ) to reduce the pollution.
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ3¡¿Tomorrow is my son¡¯s   ¡ø (µÚÊ®Îå) birthday and I will buy a gift for him.
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ4¡¿World Expo 2010 Shanghai brings China a bright   ¡ø  (½«À´). 
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ5¡¿Wang Wei is a   ¡ø (Ó¢ÐÛ) and he has been one of the top ten people who moved the Chinese in 2010.
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ6¡¿Thomas Edison always asked some   ¡ø (Ææ¹ÖµÄ) questions in school.
B) ¸ù¾Ý¾ä×ÓÒâ˼£¬ÓÃÀ¨ºÅÖÐËù¸øµ¥´ÊµÄÊʵ±ÐÎʽÌî¿Õ¡£
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ7¡¿I asked him what his   ¡ø  (choose) was but he said it was a secret.
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ8¡¿ In November 2010, the Asian Games took place in Guangzhou, a ¡ø  (south) city in China.
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ9¡¿Neil Armstrong had been interested in   ¡ø  (fly) ever since he took his first flight at six.
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ10¡¿ Vegetables from Japan may be   ¡ø  (harm) to our health, so we will not buy them any more.
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ11¡¿Dr. Ma used to   ¡ø  (work) in his office, but now he works in a moving hospital.


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2012½ì½­ËÕÊ¡ÄϾ©Êа×ÏÂÇø³õÈýÖп¼Ä£ÄâÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨´ø½âÎö£© ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥´Êƴд

¡¾Ð¡Ìâ1¡¿ ¡ø  (wolf) belong to the dog family, living and hunting together.
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ2¡¿With the money donated, we have   ¡ø (success) helped many poor young girls return to school.
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ3¡¿If we always keep our worries to   ¡ø  (we), things will get even worse.
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ4¡¿Our head teacher warned us   ¡ø (not fly) kites near power lines in spring.
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ5¡¿Though it seemed   ¡ø  (hope) to pass the exam, he still kept on trying.
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ6¡¿A recent scientific report says three   ¡ø  (eight) of the school students suffer from sub-health(Ñǽ¡¿µ).


¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2011Äê½­ËÕÊ¡ÄϾ©Êн¨ÚþÇøÖп¼Ó¢ÓïһģÊÔ¾í ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥´Êƴд


1.It is said listening to   ¡ø  (ÒôÀÖ) can make people relax.

2.We should ask more people to go to work by   ¡ø  (×ÔÐгµ) to reduce the pollution.

3.Tomorrow is my son¡¯s   ¡ø  (µÚÊ®Îå) birthday and I will buy a gift for him.

4.World Expo 2010 Shanghai brings China a bright   ¡ø   (½«À´). 

5.Wang Wei is a   ¡ø  (Ó¢ÐÛ) and he has been one of the top ten people who moved the Chinese in 2010.

6.Thomas Edison always asked some   ¡ø  (Ææ¹ÖµÄ) questions in school.


B) ¸ù¾Ý¾ä×ÓÒâ˼£¬ÓÃÀ¨ºÅÖÐËù¸øµ¥´ÊµÄÊʵ±ÐÎʽÌî¿Õ¡£

7.I asked him what his   ¡ø   (choose) was but he said it was a secret.

8. In November 2010, the Asian Games took place in Guangzhou, a  ¡ø   (south) city in China.

9. Neil Armstrong had been interested in   ¡ø   (fly) ever since he took his first flight at six.

10. Vegetables from Japan may be   ¡ø   (harm) to our health, so we will not buy them any more.

11.Dr. Ma used to   ¡ø   (work) in his office, but now he works in a moving hospital.



¿ÆÄ¿£º³õÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2014½ì½­ËÕÊ¡ÕżҸÛÊÐÆßÄ꼶ÉÏѧÆÚÆÚÖп¼ÊÔÓ¢Óï¾í ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥´Êƴд


1. At ______________ (ÖÜÄ©), my mother often goes shopping.

2. The idea ______________ (ÌýÆðÀ´) very funny.

3. Excuse me, can I ______________ (½è) your ruler.[À´Ô´:Z¡£xx¡£k.Com]

4. The old man likes reading ____________ (±¨Ö½)¡£

5. My sister ___________ (ѧϰ)  hard at school.

6.Tom is a ____________ (Àñò) boy.

7. The _____________¡¡£¨»î¶¯£©is very interesting.

8.They are from _____________. They are _______________ (Ó¢¹ú)¡£

9. Sometimes, we eat at my _________________ (×游ĸ) home.


1. My cousin Jack is in Class 2, G__________ 7 in our school.

2.The family like eating in the r______________ instead of (´úÌæ) at home on Sunday.

3.T__________ is the fifth day of a week.

4.We do morning e______________ every day.

5. There are 6 h___________ students in my school.

6.The sports shoes are those              (child).

7. Daniel £¬___________(not talk) in class.

8. This pair of blue jeans ______________(be) beautiful.

9. Millie gets a lot of  ___________  ['preznts] at Christmas.

10. Where are my  ____________   [ 'trauzəz ]   ?


