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4 Q:   the train (stop) at the old station?

A: No,it (do) . It (stop) at the new one.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A1. Other students in Class 1,Crade 7 are talking about Millie Simon's and Daniel's future cities. Complete what they say with the words in the box.

fresh jogging looking forward to underground Western

I like Millies future city because the air is (1) and clean there.

The “Clean Air Town” is great. I'd like to go (2) there.

I wouldn't like to take small planes in a city.I like to travel by ⑶ .

People can try all kinds of food in "The Plaza". Thats great!I like (4) food very much. 

Daniel's future city is wonderful. I can buy very cheap things there. I'm (5) cities like that in the future.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

C.Benny wants to know more about the animals. He is asking Cathy some questions. Listen to their conversation and help Benny complete his notes.

˙Dogs can hear sounds much (1) . than we can,and they have a very good sense of (2)  .

. Horses usually (3) standing up. A young horse can

(4)   soon after birth.

˙Cats can (5) very well at night because they have very special (6) . Cats sleep for about

(7) hours a day.

. There are over (8) sheep in the world. Sheep like to live (9) others and move around in (10) .



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A.The students wrote down some sentences about the outdoor activities they did during their summer holiday,but they mixed up the underlined words. Help them write the correct words in the blanks.

1 My family went jogging and we lost our tent!  

2 I went cycling in the lake every morning.  

3 My father bought me a new bike,so I went swimming every day.  

4 I wanted to get fit'so I went camping every morning. .

5 I went riding at the ice rink.  

6 I love horses. I went skating in Inner Mongolia.  


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A.Tommy went cycling with his friend Ricky last weekend. He wrote about it in his diary. Complete part of his diary entry with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

27 May

I (1) (go) on a long cycling trip with Ricky today. We (2) (meet) at City Bridge. Then we (3) (ride) from there along a long road next to tha rivgr. we (4) (gat) to Green Village not noon and (5) (stop) for lunch. We

(6) (not bring) enough water with us,so after lunch,we (7) (buy) some water for the rest of the trip. we (8) (leave) Green Village and (9) (follow) the road through the fields. We (10) (eee) lots of plants and birde.

After a few hours,I (11) (look) at my watch. It (12) (be) latd Wte (13)   (have) eo much fun that we (14) (forget) tha time!



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

C.  Simon is asking Amy about her weekend trip. Listen to their conversation and complete the notes below.


. They ⑴ in the morning.

. I hey (2) on the lake in the afternoon. They saw many

(3) around the lake.


. They (4) in the morning. They enjoyed the


. In the afternoon,Amy (6) with other children and her parents played badminton.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4 We. (fly) kites in the park last weekend.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

4 Daniel: This is Mr Wang's car.

Simon: ! (what/smart)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

E.Look at the pictures. Which are good birthday presents for Max? Listen to joe in the shop buying a present for Max. Circle the present he will buy.

