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If you have seen the 2012 hit movie The Avengers(《复仇者联盟》),you must know Captain America, a h 小题1: who has super power and beats his enemies with his shield(盾牌),
Two years on, Captain America is n 小题2: to save the world again in the movie Captain America: The Winter Soldier. He must fight a horrible bad guy that happens to be his old friend. The movie o小题3: on April 4 on the Chinese mainland. Unlike superman, Captain America is not from a小题4: planet. He used to be a human named Steve Rogers. But after a top secret Super-Soldier project in the 1940s, he turned into the powerful and heroic Captain America.

During the second World War, Captain America got h小题5: and nearly bled to death.Then he “fell asleep”. When he woke up, 70 years had passed. He became a member of a universal peacekeeping organization. But soon Captain America finds that besides fighting against bad guys, he has to deal w小题6: his own honesty, too. B小题7: he is from the 1940s, the modern world gives him many shocks. Modern science is new to his eyes. What’s more, he finds that in modern society, it’s harder to tell who’s right and wrong.        A小题8: you take may be good for some people, but b小题9:  for others. That’s tough for the superhero to accept.
But it is these struggles that have made Captain America a lively superhero. Go to see the movie and find out w小题10: he can manage the modern world and beat the bad guy. Captain America will show you how to build a peaceful world.


小题6:但很快美国队长发现,除了打击坏人,他必须对付自己的诚实,。deal with 处理,对付,故填with
小题9:根据转折词but ,故填bad

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。
Tears went out of my eyes when I talked to my mum on the phone.
It was 7:30 in the evening, she still小题1:______(work) in the fields. These are my parents. They are always working hard. My father works from seven in the morning to nine in the evening. And my mum is much busier than him because all the housework 小题2:______(leave) to her. Besides, she also小题3: ______ (look) after the vineyard(葡萄园).
Every day she 小题4:_____(get) up early at 4:00 in the morning, and keeps on working till evening. One day I 小题5:_____(call) her at eight in the evening. She said, “I’ve just got home from the vineyard and 小题6:_____(not have) supper yet. I 小题7:______(wash) the clothes now.”
Although they are busy and tired, they forget it as soon as I appear. For them, the happiest time is to be with me. Once my mum saw me 小题8:______ (walk) towards home, she cried happily. Whenever I go back home, she always runs into the kitchen 小题9:_____ (cook) something delicious for me.
Dear mum and dad, I am your hope. I’ll take more exercise to keep healthy. I 小题10:______( study) harder to be excellent at school.
Love, sometimes, doesn’t need many words. Love your parents as they love you. Give them a   call and tell them you miss them.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

--Wow, PSP! How cool! Is it         ?
--Yes, it’s for your birthday.
A. mine                   B. yours             C. hers


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Do you know the Four Great I____________ of Ancient China?
小题2:In g__________, he can get along well with his classmates.
小题3:The old man's sudden_______(死亡)made all his children very sad.
小题4:In this book, you will find out how to s_______these difficult problems.
小题5:How to protect ourselves should be ___________(教) at school.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A tragic mystery happened in South-east Asia. Malaysia(马来西亚) Airlines flight 370 t 小题1: off early Saturday morning, March 8th, in 2014. It was headed from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Beijing, China. There were 12 crew members and 227 passengers on board, i小题2:  154 Chinese. But less than an hour into the flight, it d 小题3:. There was no communication from the pilots and no distress calls(遇险求救信号). There was something u 小题4: about the flight. Some of the people on it weren't who they said they were. Interpol, an international police organization says at l小题5: two of the passports were stolen in the past two years. The f 小题6: thing is to find the plane. It is said that the plane may have changed course and turned 小题7: towards Kuala Lumpur. We don’t know w 小题8: exactly happened to the plane. All of us hoped it could return safely. However, 17 days l 小题9: after the accident, Malaysian Prime Minister told the world that flight MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean and none of those on board survived. What bad n 小题10:!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Keep quiet! You are speaking too ____________. (noise)
小题2:Please cut the apple into _______. (half)
小题3:There are a lot of foreign ____________ (travel) on the train.
小题4:Bananas ___________ (grow) in the south of China.
小题5:He had visited many countries in his ______________. (thirty)
小题6:________________ (luck), he missed the last bus.
小题7:I’d like to buy a _________________(wool) sweater.
小题8:This year my father is _____________ (health)than last year.
小题9:He feels like____________(do) morning exercises every day.
小题10:The village is far from the big city. It looks very ____________(peace).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:North points up on a _______ (地图).
小题2:There is a tall tree________ (在。。。。。。的后面) the teaching building.
小题3:_________(没有什么) is difficult to the men who will try.
小题4:_________ (十月) 1st is the National day of the PRC.
小题5:He always __________(抄写) new words on pieces of paper and reads them aloud.
小题6:It's _________ (礼貌 ) to be quiet in the library.
小题7:No one can__________ (成功) without any hard work.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Hi! My name is Shen Gang. I am a schoolboy. My __小题1:_____ is far from my home. I must__小题2:____ up early in the morning. I usually go to school by bus. Every day it takes(花费) me about half an hour to get there. I have no __小题3:______ for breakfast at home. I often have some bread___小题4:_____ breakfast on my bike. I don’t __小题5:_____ to be late for the morning exercises(早操). I have lunch____小题6:___ school. Sometimes I ___小题7:__ basketball with my classmates after school. I often get __小题8:______at about 5:30 p.m..


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

.Our school is as     as     .
A. beautiful…yours
B. more beautiful…you
C. most beautiful…your

