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American people have the habit of saying “Thank you”when something kind is done for them or something polite is said to them, no matter how easy the thing is. This habit is learned by people of many       countries.
You should say “Thank you”when someone       you the salt on the table, when someone walks aside to let you       in a corridor (走廊), when someone       ahead of you keeps the door open       you, when someone says your work is well       or you have bought a nice thing, or your city is very beautiful.
“Thank you”is       not only between strangers or new friends, but also between old friends, parents and children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives. Parents often tell      children that they should say “Thank you”in answer to a kind word or act when they are only four      five years old. Perhaps that’s      almost everyone has got this habit.
A.tellB.saidC.to sayD.told


小题1:C考查代词辨析及语境理解。Others 别人;another 另外一个;other 其它的;else 其它。句意:这个习惯被许多其它国家的人学习。根据上文提到这是美国人的习惯,所以被别的国家学习,故选C项。 
小题2:B 考查动词辨析及语境理解。Puts 放;passes通过;carries 携带;borrows 借。根据上文提到American people have the habit of saying “Thank you”when something kind is done for them or something polite is said to them, no matter how easy the thing is根据美国人习惯说谢谢,当做一些好事的时候。所以这是指别人递给你盐时,说谢谢。Pass sb sth 递给某人某物。
小题3:A 考查动词辨析及语境理解。Pass通过;jump跳;sing 唱歌;dance跳舞。句意:当有人在走路让你通过时,要说谢谢。Let sb do 让某人做某事。所以选A项。 
小题4:D 考查动词辨析及语境理解。Jumps 跳跃;walks 走;sit 坐;walking走。句意:当走在你前面的人给你开门时,都要说谢谢。Walking ahead of you用来修饰someone,分词做后置定语,所以选D项。
小题5:C 考查介词辨析及语境理解 根据句意当走在你前面的人为你开门时,你要说谢谢。For sb 表示为某人。故选C项。
小题6:B 考查动词辨析及语境理解 made 制作;done 做;built建设;doing做。句意:当有人说你的工作做得好或者给你买一个东西或者 你的城市很漂亮时,你都要说谢谢,work be well done 表示干得好,做得漂亮。 
小题7:B 考查动词辨析及语境理解。Tell 告诉;said 说;to say 为了说;told告诉过去式。根据第二段提到 You should say “Thank you”你应该说谢谢,所以谢谢是被 说的,所以选B项。考查被动语态。
小题8:D 考查代词辨析及语境理解。句意:父母经常告诉他们的孩子,谢谢是对赞美或好的行为的一种回应。主语是父母,所以是告诉他们的孩子,所以用their.
小题9:C 考查连词辨析及语境理解。But 但是;and并且;or 否则;so 因此。句意:当他们在四五岁时父母就告诉他们,谢谢是对赞美或好的行为的一种回应。Four or five years old四五岁。故选C项。
小题10:A 考查表语从句辨析及语境理解。句意:也许这就是为什么几乎每个人应该有的一种习惯。Why引导表语从句。That is why ..表示 这就是为什么。。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage. (12分)

People of all ages, especially young children, follow comic strips in newspapers, magazines and the movies. Who is your favourite superhero --- Spideman? Wonder Woman? These heroes have been around for a long time. Comics came out even earlier. In ancient times, people made funny drawings of animals _____ paper.
Comic strips first came out during the 1800s and remain much the same style today. These comics are drawn in connected boxes. The boxes usually show a dramatic _________. Some comic strips are printed in newspapers, which often continue from day to day. Some people even read the comics before they read the front page.
The comic books first _____ during the 1930s. It seemed that everyone wanted to read comic books. They loved reading about the adventures of The Man of Steel and Batman. During the 1940s, the nation was at war and some comic book characters, such as Captain America, reflected (反映)the times. Others, such as Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, made people laugh during this _______ time in history.
After the war, people became __________ interested in old comic book characters, so new superheroes had to be made. The new superheroes, such as Fantastic Four, X-Men, and Spideman, talked and acted more like real people. As time went on, comic books had to _________ TV because TV has offered a lot of fun to people.
Comic strips are usually good for a laugh or at least a smile. But they have held a place in history. They take people away from their daily lives into another world. In this world, the hero always wins, and failure only comes to the bad guys.
A.link wihB.compete withC.talk withD.communicate with


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The Sydney Opera House is a very famous building in the world. It has become Sydney's best-known landmark and international symbol. The Opera House with a "sailing roof" was designed by a famous Danish(丹麦建筑师), Utzon. The base for the building was started in 1959, years before the designs were finished. Utzon spent four years designing the Opera House. In 1962, the designs were finalized(定稿)and the construction began. In 1967, they started the decoration inside. It took 14 years in total to build the Opera House. Queen Elizabeth II officially opened it on October 20th, 1973.

The Sydney Opera House cost around $100 million and was paid for by the public. 6,225 square meters of glass was used to build it. The Opera House includes 1,000 rooms. It is 185 meters long and 120 meters wide. The building's roof sections weigh about 15 tons. Each year, this fantastic building attracts 200,000 tourists to come for a visit or enjoy events in it.
The Opera House reaches out into the harbour (港湾). It is amazing and unforgettable, offering people a strong sense of beauty.
小题1:The designer of the Sydney Opera House was from_________.
小题2:Building the Sydney Opera House lasted__________.
A.from 1959 to 1973 B.from 1962 to 1973C.from 1959 to 1967D.from 1962 to 1967
小题3: The underlined word "construction" means__________ in Chinese.
小题4: ___________paid for the cost of the building of the Sydney Opera House.
A.UtzonB.The publicC.Queen Elizabeth II D.The government
小题5:Which is the best title for the passage?
A.Sailing RoofB.Travelling in Sydney
C.The Sydney Opera HouseD.The Opening of the Opera House


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In 2013, China chose “中国梦,”which means “Chinese dream,” as the Character of the Year to symbolize the overall feeling of the past 366 days. It’s easy to see why the word “dream” would be chosen as so many Chinese dreams have been recently realized: space exploration, a China-made aircraft carrier and a Nobel Prize-winning author.

Finishing national dreams makes us proud, but realizing personal dreams makes us worthy in our own eyes. Though the media would try to convince you, there is no set of “approved” dreams that we should all go after. Some may strive for money, fame and power, but others have more humble dreams that are just as important: learn English, study abroad, achieve inner peace, and be of service to humanity. It’s normal for people to create lofty New Year’s resolutions and just as normal to start strong and give up a few weeks later on our goals. How do we make sure that we achieve our dreams? Make your resolutions SMART and they’ll come true.
S — specific, detailed goals are easier to accomplish.
M— measurable goals enable you to complete a fixed amount of something.
A— achievable goals are possible, not ones that would take magic or miracles to accomplish.
R— relevant goals are meaningful to you.
T— time bound goals have an ending date. They’re not infinite. You know when you’re done.
Trip Bethel, a local college professor suggests that all goals should be positive and future-focused. “You can’t make a goal about being perfect. You’ll always disappoint yourself. But you can make a goal about perfecting your process. Then, you’re always on the way to a better life.”
Trip says many people write endless lists, but he just writes his resolutions once. He states them simply on a piece of paper and then puts the paper away for a year. “Often, when I look at the paper a year later, I’ve accomplished everything, or gotten close. There is something about writing things down that makes goals real and the opportunities to achieve them will come into your life.”
小题1:In 2013, China chose “__________” as the Character of the Year?
C.futureD.Chinese dream
小题2:What if you finish our national dreams? We will feel___________.
小题3:What does “SMART” means? It means Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and ____.
小题4:What is the best title for the passage?
A.Dreaming in 2013B.Dreaming Big in 2013
C.Dreaming Big in 2012D.Dreaming in 2012


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Father’s Day is the third Sunday in June. It is a day to thank fathers. On that day, fathers usually receive greeting gifts and cards. On the cards, children will write, “Thanks, father.” “Best wishes for Father’s Day” and so on. Father’s Day is also a day families get together at home as well as in the restaurants.
Where does the idea for the holiday come from? We should thank an American. In 1909 she wrote letters to some important persons. In her letter she advised to make Father’s Day on the third Sunday in June. In June in 1910, people celebrated(庆祝) the first Father’s Day in Washington. People whose parents are dead often decorated(装饰) their graves(坟墓) with flowers on these days. These are days of family fun and creating good feelings and memories(记忆,回忆).
小题1:When is Father’s Day?                     
A. The second Sunday in May.   
B. The third Sunday in June.
C. The third Saturday in June.    
小题2:On Father’s Day           usually receive gifts and cards.
A. fathers   B. mothers    C. father
小题3:Where does the idea for the holiday come from?             
A. China.   B. England.    C. America.   
小题4:When did the people celebrate the first Father’s Day?           
A. In June in 1900.            B. In July in 1910.       C. In June in 1910.
小题5:Which sentence is not TRUE?               
A. On the cards, children will write “Thanks father.”
B. Father’s Day is also a day students get together at school.
C. In 1909 an American wrote letters to some important persons.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:The following descriptions of Paris,which is not true.
A.Notre Dame Cathedral is one of the most famous churches.
B.The Eiffel Tower is a fantastic sight.
C.There are many beautiful beaches in Paris.
D.There aren’t any mountains in Paris.
小题2:What can we do to save the environment?
A.Go to bed with the lignt onB.Turn on the shower while washing hair
C.Often use paper towelsD.Take our own bag while shopping
小题3:There many places of interests in China._________ are the birthplaces(发源地) of Chinese culture.
A.Mount Tai and Mount HuangB.Poyang Lake and Dongting Lake
C.The Changjiang River and the Huanghe RiverD.Mount Song and Mount Emei
小题4:If you wanted to visit an educational place in China,such as Confucius' hometown,you would go to__________.
A.Huanggang HubeiB.Weihai ShandongC.Qufu ShandongD.Nanjing Jiangsu
小题5:Yellow River Fisherman is ____________.
A.Hong Tao’s latest movieB.Lu Xun’s novel
C.Han Han’s new bookD.Zhang Yimou’s new movie
小题6:In Beijing ,people drive  on the _______ side of the road,while  in London ,people drive on the _______ side of the road.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The city of Yangzhou came into being at the Spring and Autumn Period ( about 500 AC ).
As the key transportation link at joint place of the Great Canal(运河)( Beijing-Hangzhou) and Changjiang (Yangtze River), Yangzhou has been from the Sui Dynasty (600 AD.) an economically rich city, and then reached its top in the Tang Dynasty. At that time Yangzhou was a famous port and one of few biggest cities in East Asia.
With the improvement of the local economy and easy transportation way, there happened in the history a special local culture, which has an important place in Chinese culture. Many famous men of letters, poets, artists, scholars(学者), statesmen, scientists and national heroes in the history were born in, lived in or had connection with Yangzhou. Li Bai, one of the greatest Chinese poets visited and stayed in Yangzhou several times in his life and one of his famous poems about Yangzhou has been so popular that Chinese of all ages can sing it and has become a symbol of Yangzhou . Zheng Banqiao, a famous Chinese painting painter in the Qing Dynasty heading a group called “Eight Eccentrics”, had strongly influenced Chinese paintings. Wang Zhong and Yuan Yuan and some other scholars formed school of Yangzhou Scholars and achieved great success in the study of classic Chinese and writing. Zhu Ziqing, one of most famous modern Chinese writers and scholars, had always been proud of himself as a native of Yangzhou and thanked the city for being nourished(养育) by its rich culture. Quite a few other names you may come across frequently in the study of Chinese culture and history have connection with Yangzhou . Yangzhou was so attractive and important that many Chinese emperors in history had come specially to visit or check the city. Emperor Suiyang, who ordered to cut the Great Canal so that he could come more easily and quickly, died on his last trip to the city and buried(埋葬) here. Emperor Qianlong had come all the way from the north and visited the city nine times.
小题1:Which of following sentences is NOT right according to this passage?
A.Yangzhou joined the Great Canal (Beijing-Hangzhou) and Changjiang (Yangtze River).
B.In the Tang Dynasty Yangzhou was a famous port and one of few biggest cities in Asia.
C.Emperor Suiyang was buried in Yangzhou.
D.Emperor Qianlong visited Yangzhou nine times.
小题2:We can infer(推断)the poem mentioned in this passage by Li Bai is _______.
小题3:Who influenced Chinese paintings a lot according to this passage?
A.Zheng BanqiaoB.Zhu ZiqingC.Wang Zhong D.Li Bai
小题4:What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Yangzhou:An Economically Rich City
B.Yangzhou:An Easy Transportation City
C.Yangzhou:A Historical Culture City
D.Yangzhou:A Famous Tour City


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When Mr. Jones went to a restaurant one day, he left his coat near the door. There was nothing in the pockets of the coat when he left it, so he was very surprised when he took his coat after his meal and found the pockets full of jewelry(珠宝).There was a waiter near the door, so Mr. Jones said to him, “Somebody has made a mistake. He has put some jewelry in my coat. Take it, and when he comes back, give it to him.” The waiter took it and went away. Suddenly another man came in with a coat just like Mr. Jones’s. “I’m sorry ”,said this man. “but I made a mistake. I mistook your coat and you have got mine. Please give me my coat and jewelry .”Mr. Jones answered, “I gave the jewelry to the waiter. He will give it to you.” Mr. Jones called the manager of the restaurant at once, but the manager said, “We have no waiter here. We only have waitresses.” “You gave the jewelry to a thief !” Shouted the other man. “I shall call the police!” Mr. Jones was frightened and paid the man a lot of money for the jewelry.
小题1:Who took the jewelry?
A.The waiter.B.Mr. Jones. C.The manager. D.The thief.
小题2:Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.We have no waiters here. B.Mr. Jones.
C.Jewelry in Mr. Jones’ coat. D.A clever waiter.
小题3:Which of the following statements is right?
A.Mr. Jones had put some jewelry in his pocket.
B.Mr. Jones was an honest man.
C.The man who came later was the thief.
D.Mr. Jones was punished by the police.
小题4:Why was Mr. Jones frightened?
A.The man wanted to beat him.B.He was afraid of the police.
C.He had no money to pay.D.He was afraid of the manager.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Nothing beats sitting down in front of the TV with some delicious candy or tasty French fries.
Recently, an online list of favorite snacks in China became popular. It says that peanuts (花生), walnuts (核桃) and chocolate are good for our health, but jelly (果冻), potato chips and lollipops (棒棒糖) are “bad” for us.
Kids, though, hardly care if the snacks are good or bad for their health. They love them either way. Some snacks often have special importance in a certain country or culture.
Potato chips and French fries are very popular in the US. They are cheap and tasty. People don’t need to wait for a long time to eat it. Popcorn is another common snack. People love eating it when they are watching sports games or visiting the amusement park. Most cinemas sell it to attract customers.
In the UK, kids often sit down for snacks after school. They call this “afternoon tea”. A traditional afternoon tea includes biscuits (饼干) and tea. People also have scones (烤饼) with jam and cream, which is probably the most classic English snack.
In South Korea, Choco Pie is one of the most popular snacks. It’s also a favorite of soldiers. The sweet snack makes them happy and helps them get through hard times.
However, it is not just about what you eat as a snack – it’s how much you eat and when. Chips and French fries are high in calories(卡路里) and eating too much may make you fat. Sweet snacks like candy and chocolate are high in sugar and eating a lot may give you bad teeth.
小题1:From the passage, we can know popular snacks in different countries except_______.
小题2:The Chinese meaning of the phrase “get through” in this passage is probably________.
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The snacks including peanuts, walnuts and jelly are bad for our health.
B.People love to eat popcorn when they are watching movies.
C.A traditional afternoon tea includes pies and tea.
D.If you want to have good teeth, you can have more candy and chocolate.
小题4:According to the passage, we need to care about ____________
A. why we eat snacks                      B. where we eat snacks
D. who we eat snacks with                   D. how much snacks we eat

