精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

A On the way

A1. Sandy's unde and aunt are going to Sandy's home for dinner. Her unde is drivingand her aunt is colling Sandy. Read about what happens to them on the way.

Aunt: Hi,Sandy. This is Aunt Joan. We're on the way. We'll get to your home in about 20 minutes.

Sandy: OK,see you soon. .

Aunt: Sandy,there's a yellow car behind us. The driver is a young man. When we turn left,the yellow car turns left. When we turn right,the yellow car turns right. When we stop at the traffic lights,the yellow car stops behind us. What do you think that young man is going to do? Is he going to rob us? We'd better drive to the police station.

Sandy's aunt is so afraid that she forgets to hang up the phone. They stop at the police station.

Aunt: The car is still behind us!

Sandy's uncle and aunt jump out of their car and run over to a policeman.

Aunt: I think he;s going to rob us.

The man does not run away when he sees the policeman.

Man: Is this your purse,madam? You dropped it. I just wanted to return it to you!


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

3 Suzy will not succeed without her classmates' help, (if ... not)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A2.Complete the sentences with the simple future tense of the words in brockets.

The man says:

1 (it be) cloudy tomorrow.  

2 (the temperature not rise) above 30° C.

3 (it rain) at the weekend.  

4 (we have) sunny days next week.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A2.Jerry and his family are in their new flat now. They are looking for their own boxes. Complete their conversation with noun + 's.

Dad: There's a "J" on this box. Jerry and Jane,whose box is it?

Jerry: It's not my box. There's a small flower beside the "J". It's ⑴ .

jane: Yes. It's my box. (2) box is here. There are many books in it.

. Dad loves reading.

Dad: Jane,you have another box here. Your T-shirts are inside.

Jane: No,Dad. Those T-shirts are (3) . They're large.

Mum: Yes,it's my box. Oh, (4) T-shirts are in my box too.

Possessive adjectives and pronouns


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

C. Cathy is interviewing Ted for the school newsletter. Listen to their conversation and complete Cathy's notes.

Ted has many (1)  . He likes (2)  and

(3) to music. His favourite hobby is (4)  .

He likes eating (5)  . In the UK,there are lots of good Chinese(6)  , but they are(7)   ,


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A Using a,an and the

A1.Complete the questions and answers with a,an or the. Put a cross (×) in the blanks if no articles are needed.

1 Q: Is there library near here?

A: Yes. Beijing Library is just on corner of this street.

2 Q: Do you have dictionary? I need English dictionary.

A: Yes. There's dictionary on my desk.

3 Q: Is there post office near your home?

A: Yes,there is. It's at the end of road.

4 Q: Is New York capital of USA?

A: No. Washington   D. C. is capital.

5 Q: Are you going to play basketball after school?

A: No. I'm going to cinema with Peter.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

B. Listen to Benny asking his classmates and Miss Luo how they come to school. Write down what kind of transport they use and how Iona it takes 


Cathy comes to school by . It takes her only

First,Joe takes the . Then he takes the

. It takes him about —.

Miss Luo comes to school by . It takes her about


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

F. Kitty saw a poster for a summer camp. She is reading it to Millie. Listen to her and complete the poster.

Sunny Summer Camp:

The time of your life!

Do you like fresh air and beautiful countryside?

Then this is the camp for you!

(1) and enjoy lots of (2) outside!

Don’t spend your (3) alone watching (4) TV!

(5) from your town or city.

Have a great time and make new friends!

Give us a call now and soon you’ll enjoy a wonderful summer camp!

丫ou’ll never (6) it!


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

7 David (carry) a large bag to school this morning.

