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1 如果这个星期天不下雨,他们将去长城。

They                     to the Great Wall if it                   this Sunday.

2 刚开始他们对一些事感到兴奋,最后却以说中文结束。

At first, they got       about something and                            Chinese at last.

3 目前,我们中国人都在唱红歌来歌颂我们伟大的祖国,我们非常的自豪。

                     , we Chinese people sing red songs to praise our great country.

We are quite                       it.

4 昨天晚上那个女孩的妈妈回来的时候,她正在玩电脑游戏。

The girl                         computer games          her mother came        

last night.

5 ---你的小妹妹曾经去过游乐园吗?-----从来没有。不过她希望有一天能去。

--------          your little sister ever          to         amusement park?

-------No, never. But she          to go there some day.

1 will  go/are going    doesn’t rain

2 excited   ended   up   speaking/with

3 At present  proud of

4 was playing    when   back

5  has   been   an/the   hopes/wiches


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


Bill Evans was a professional baseball player. He had played in many important matches. He was also superstitious(迷信). Before 1 game, he went to a fortune-teller to 2 what was going to happen.
One day, 3 the eve of an important game, he visited his favourite fortune-teller, as 4 . She 5 his fortune many times in the past and had often been correct(正确的).

The fortune-teller studied his hand for a few moments. Then she said, "I see a man 6

a white coat."
"Do you see anything else?" Bill asked.

"Yes. I see you 7 on a stretcher(担架)."

This really worried Bill. There were often injuries during a game, but they were hardly ever

serious 8 for the player to be carried off on a stretcher.
"Then I won't play tomorrow," he told the fortune-teller. "I can't risk(担风险) a serious injury."

The captain of Bill's team was not pleased when Bill told him that he was not going to play. Bill

was one of the 9 players on the team. However, there was nothing he could say to make Bill

change his mind.
Bill did not watch the game, but decided to go to the hospital and visit his friend 10 had

been badly injured a few weeks before. As he was walking into the hospital, a doctor wearing a

white coat ran out of the door and, not seeing Bill, knocked him down.
Bill hit his head on the ground. Within a few seconds, he was being carried into the hospital

on a stretcher.

1. A. all B. both C. every

2. A. look for B. find out C. find

3. A. in B. on C. at

4. A. usual B. usually C. often

5. A. told B. had told C. was told

6. A. wearing B. was wearing C. wore

7. A. lay B. lied C. lying

8. A. so B. too C. enough

9. A. best B. worst C. stronger

10. A. which B. who C. where


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


What do we do when we go camping? First, we make a plan. We take food, clothing, a knife, and things for cooking and eating. We take things to keep us away from insects and the sun.

Then we put everything into the car and we drive to the woods. We look for a place for campers(露营者) and we look for a good place for our tent(帐篷). The place should have a lot of moving air. This will keep some insects away. High land with water on both sides of it is good. Then we put up our tent. We put everything into the tent, and we are ready for fun. We can swim in the lake, walk in the woods, climb a mountain, row a boat, or go fishing.

In the evening we come back to the tent, and we build a big fire because it can keep the insects away. We sit around the fire and talk. We may tell interesting stories or we may sing songs.

At night we lie down on the grass. We can look up at the stars. It is a busy day, so we try to go to sleep early.

Everything is dark. Everything is quiet. We hope we won’t hear music from the radio in the next tent. We hope it won’t rain.

1. Before going camping we should first _______.

A. make a plan B. take some food

C. take things to keep us warm D. take something for cooking and eating

2. We go to camp _______.

A. by bus B. by car C. by bike D. on foot

3. Campers can take part in _______activities.

A. one or two B. only a few C. many    D. two or three

4. In the evening we build a fire because _______.

A. it is cold at night    B. it can keep us warm

C. it can keep the insects away D. it is dark and quietw

5. Campers like to _______ at night.

A. hear music from the radio B. go to sleep early

C. have rain D. be busy


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Thousands of people         after the powerful earthquake happened in Japan on March 11th.

A  saved   B  was saved   C  were saved   D  has saved


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Tony: These days, the word “clone” has appeared very often in the newspapers. Do you know its meaning?

Lana: I read a report. It said that Dr. Ian Wilmut successfully cloned a lamb* named Dolly from a grown-up sheep. So people call him the “father” of Dolly.

Tony: In fact, the word “clone” means to produce the “same” animal by taking cells* from a

grown-up one. I think, if we know how to do cloning, we need only to keep a small number

of sheep, cows or horses.

Lana: What’s more, these days some people even want to clone humans. They have asked: Can we

clone ourselves?                                                       

Tony: It seems interesting. But do you think it possible to do that?

Lana: No, impossible! First, I think we cannot clone a dead person, because the cells in his body are dead already.

Tony: Then can we clone a living person?

Lana: Again no! You might clone yourself one after another, but it is only a copy, not a real you. It is only something, not a “human”.

Tony: Well, you mean that it is not a real human.

Lana: True enough! I think Dr. Wilmut would most like to make better animals, and it has nothing to do with human cloning.

1. The word “clone” means_________________.

A.     复制  B 克隆 C 抄袭   D  制造

2. Dolly was the name of _______.

  A. the father of a sheep   B. a famous scientist 

C. . a grown-up sheep    D a sheep that was cloned

3. Lana says Dr. Ian Wilmut is the “father” of Dolly. Here, she means __________.

A.     Dr. Ian Wilmut was the first man to clone a sheep in his lab

B.      Dr. Ian Wilmut gave Dolly a new life

C.     Dr. Ian Wilmut took care of Dolly like a father

D.  Dr. Ian Wilmut has a daughter whose name is Dolly

4 From the conversation,           may be clone in our life.

A a tree   B a person   C  an elephant   D  an orange

5. According to the conversation, we know about          .

A.     Scientists have successfully cloned humans. 

B.      Dr. Wilmut likes to do human cloning.

C. Cloned animals are better than humans.      

D. Lana doesn’t think humans shouldn’t be cloned.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

— What fruit would you like?

         — Some     , please. They are my favorite.

              A. dessert             B. grapes 

              C. juice                D. biscuits


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:



Here are some important rules for you to become a good student at school.

◆ Go to school on time

As a   1 , going to school on time is very important. If you are late, you will not start your lesson at the same time with your classmates so that you will   2   some lessons, which can influence your grades. If you are late, the teacher will be   3   with you, too. So remember to go to school on time.

◆Follow the school rules

Do not   4   the school rules. For example, you are not allowed to chew gum or sleep in class. Don’t fight   5   your classmates, and you should be friendly to your classmates and your teachers and be ready to   6   others who are in trouble. You mustn’t run in the hallway (走廊).

Prepare (准备) lessons before class

    you want to know what you will learn next day, you’d better prepare lessons. It is good for your study and it can help you get good   8  . Besides, you should listen to the teachers as   9   as possible.

◆ Take part in all kinds of activities at school

Try to be in all kinds of activities at school. For example, sports can not only improve the relationship between you and your classmates but also make you   10  .

It’s easy to follow the school rules and you will become a good student.

(   ) 1. A. classmate      B. teacher           C. volunteer      D. student

(   ) 2. A. miss             B. teach              C. study              D. practice

(   ) 3. A. pleased          B. angry             C. strict              D. popular

(   ) 4. A. break             B. make              C. change                     D. follow

(   ) 5. A. to             B. at                   C. with                       D. about

(   ) 6. A. help              B. love                C. understand        D. realize

(   ) 7. A. If                 B. Although                C. Unless               D. After

(   ) 8. A. lessons       B. comments      C. studies          D. grades

(   ) 9. A. happily           B. carefully          C. easily                      D. slowly

(   )10. A. calmer          B. funnier            C. healthier            D. cleverer


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

—Lily is sad because she didn’t pass the examination.

—Let’s .

A.cheer up her B.cheer her up

C.cheer for her D.cheer her for


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

—How are you?


A. How are you?                                           B. How do you do?

C. I’m fine, thank you.                                 D. You are welcome.

