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These four ads are for four children’s books. They talk about the writers, prices, sizes and so on.
Alfie’s Angels
Henriette Barkow       Ages 8-12
Pictures by Sarah Garson
Alfie wants to be an angel(天使) because angels can do anything! But his teacher has other ideas. She thinks Alfie wants to look cool.
£7.50  21.5 cm x 27cm
Languages : English and French
That’s My Mum
Henriette Barkow      Ages 8-12
Pictures by Derek Brazell
People often think that Mia’s mum is not her mother because they don’t like each other. Mia doesn’t want people to think that. Mia and her friend Kai decide to do something about this.
£6.50  21.5 cm x 27cm
Languages : English and Chinese
What Is Peace
Emma Damon         Ages 4-6
Peace is giving…not taking.
Peace is love…not hate.
And peace is many more things…
£5.99  19 cm x 21cm
Languages : English and Japanese
Farmer Duck
Martin Waddell        Ages 6-8
Pictures by Helen Oxenbury
There was a duck. It lived with a lazy farmer. While the duck worked, the farmer lay in bed. One day the other animals decided to do something for the duck.
£8.50  28 cm x 23cm
Languages : English and Korean
小题1:Why does Alfie want to be an angel?
A.Because angels can fly.
B.Because angels can do anything.
C.Because angels look like each other.
D.Because angels are cool.
小题2:How much is What Is Peace?
A.£7.50. B.£6.50. C.£5.99. D.£8.50.
小题3:That’s My Mum is written in______.
A.English and JapaneseB.English and Korean
C.English and ChineseD.English and French
小题4:Andy is a Korean boy. Which book can he read?
A.Alfie’s Angels.B.That’s My Mum.
C.What Is Peace.D.Farmer Duck.
小题5:Tom is 5 years old. Which book can he read?
A.Alfie’s Angels.B.That’s My Mum.
C.What Is Peace.D.Farmer Duck.


小题1:细节理解题。根据短文广告一Alfie wants to be an angel(天使) because angels can do anything!可知艾尔法相当天使因为天使能做任何事。故选B。
小题3:细节理解题。根据广告二可知这本书的语言是Languages : English and Chinese,故选C。
小题4:推理判断题。根据问题安迪是一个韩国男孩。故要选韩语写的书,Farmer Duck是韩语和英语写的,故选D。
小题5:推理判断题。根据问题汤姆5岁,What Is Peace适合4-6岁的孩子阅读。故选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Good morning! Welcome to our food shop. We have many things on sale.
Please come in and have a look! Please look at our ads (广告). Would you like some of them? Buy them soon. Some food isn't on the ads, such as chicken and fish. The chicken is

小题1:The ads are for      _
A.a toy shopB.a clothes shopC.a food shopD.a book shop
小题2:Mrs Green can buy three kilos of eggs with     _
小题3: Ifyou have only $7.00,    you can buy     _  .
A.two kilos of orangesB.two bottles ofmilk
C.three bottles of orange juiceD. four kilos of bread
小题4:.If you have S60.00 now. You can buy     _ of apples or     _ of rice.
A.15 kilos; 2 bagsB.12 kilos; 3 bags
C.20 kilos; 1 bagD.12kilos;2bags
小题5:Which is TRUE according to the passage?
A.In this shop, you cannot buy any food with only $3.00.
B.This shop doesn't have fish or chicken.
C.Fish isn't on the ads, but we can buy it in the shop.
D.You cannot buy any drinks in this shop.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Wonderful Experiences in Australia
Phillip Island Nature Park

Have fun at Phillip Island Nature Park. You will spend half a day there. You can see many animals, such as koalas, kangaroos and penguins at the peak.
Balloon Flight

Enjoy an early morning balloon flight over the beautiful city of Melbourne. After the flight you will enjoy a wonderful breakfast at the Hilton Hotel.
Amazing Sailing

Relax and enjoy the wonderful sights of the heart of Sydney as you sail across the sea in a large boat.
Restaurant Tour—Lunch

Having lunch in Melbourne can be a wonderful experience, specially in old trams(有轨电车)that have become restaurants.
小题1:11-year-old Tony and his parents will visit Phillip Island Nature Park. They should pay_______.
A.£79 B.£146 C.£158 D.£225
小题2:The Balloon Flight starts in the_______.
A.early morning B.late morning C.early afternoon D.late afternoon
小题3:When you_______, you can enjoy the wonderful sights of the heart of Sydney.
A.visit Phillip Island Nature Park
B.sail across the sea
C.take a balloon ride
D.have lunch in an old tram
小题4:From the passage, we can learn that_______.
A.people can see animals at the Hilton Hotel
B.food in the trams is not good
C.Melbourne is a beautiful city
D.there are no aquatic animals at Phillip Island Nature Park
小题5:People who want to_______are most interested in this passage.
A.travel in Australia
B.learn about the history of Australia
C.eat Eastern food
D.see forests


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:_________are needed in AL Hotel.
小题2:If you like children and have two-day free, you can call at _________for a job.
小题3:If the owner of the large house asks a cleaner to tidy his house once a day, how much will the cleaner get in a week?
小题4:If you’re a college student of English who enjoys writing, during your summer holidays you will be more interested in the job in ________.
小题5:The above jobs ads are probably from_________.
A.a science bookB.a story bookC.a novelD.a newspaper


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Since 1968
Plumbing and Heating Fixing
24 Hours 7 Days Service
Tel: 56568833
268 Pine Street 5th Avenue
小题1:Which shows New York P & H (Plumber & Heating) has been in business for a long time?
A.“Since 1968”B.“24 Hours 7 Days Service
C.“56568822” D.268 Pine Street 5th Avenue
小题2:For which of the following problems would one call New York P & H?
A.Rainwater drops from the roof
B.A refrigerator stops working
C.The floor of the bathroom is covered with water.
D.There’s something wrong with the furniture
小题3:What will the person who needs help probably discuss with New York P & H? 
小题4:If something is wrong with your heating, ____________.
A.you can ask them for help at once.
B.New York P & H has known it clearly
C.P & H will just help you by telephone
D.you can ask for free fixing in 24 hours.
小题5:Which of the following is NOT clear in the reading?   
A.Where P & H isB.How big P & H is
C.What P & H doesD.When P & H was set up


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Two films will be on this Saturday afternoon at Andersen Cinema. See Life of Pie at 2:30 p.m. The Smurfs will be on at 4:45 p.m. For more information, call 66328801.
Picnic (野餐)
Are you tired of eating the same food every day? Come to City Park this Saturday and enjoy food from all over the world. Delicious and not expensive. Noon (中午) to 5:00 p.m.
"The only", a popular rock band(摇滚乐队) from America, will give their first concert (音乐会) this Saturday night, at 8︰00 p.m. at Golden Hall.
小题1:If you want to see the film Life of Pie, you have to arrive the cinema before          
小题2:At noon people can             this Saturday.
A.see a film.B.have a picnic.
C.go to a concert.D.watch a football game.
小题3:The rock band's first concert will be given at                 .
A.Andersen CinemaB.City Park
C.Golden HallD.The Zoo


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I like        best. Last week, I saw a movie called Robot. It tells us a story about the future with robots. It is the year of 2035 and people can see robots everywhere. Robots can help people do a lot of things, like looking        the old people or babies, washing, cooking, cleaning or taking dogs for a       . Robot does everything people ask them to do. But a policeman        Spooner doesn’t like robots. Because he doesn’t think that people can live well       robots.
One day a scientist kills himself. He leaves a robot. Some time later Spooner finds       wrong with the robots in the world. A        robots have their own thoughts (思想) and want to control(控制) the people. If the robots succeed, it will be very        for people. Susan is another scientist working on robots. Finally, Susan and Spooner decide        work together to fight against these robots. At last, they succeed. People control the robots again. I think the movie is very, interesting.        you have interest in it, why not go and see it?
A.on B.withC.toD.for


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Good news for you! Our new school library is open to everyone, and the library card is free. Please come and have a look!
☆ books in 36 languages
☆ many kinds of stories, novels, and so on
You can enjoy newspapers and magazines in the reading room.
You can borrow five books at a time and keep them for three weeks.
☆ many kinds of video films
☆ many kinds of music videos
You can rent (租) a video, one yuan a week.
You can enjoy yourself and watch your favorite videos at home.
☆ music for everyone
☆ language cassettes (磁带); 42 world languages
Special rooms for you to enjoy listening.
You can keep one CD or one cassette at a time for one week.
小题1:The books in the library are published (出版) in ________ languages.
小题2:What can you enjoy in the reading room?
A.MagazinesB.Language cassettes.
C.Video films.D.CDs.
小题3:How much should you pay if you keep three videos for a week?
A.1 yuan.B.2 yuan.C.3 yuan.D.Nothing.
小题4:How long can you keep one cassette at a time?
A.One day.B.One week.C.Two days.D.Two weeks.
小题5:Which of the following is True according to the form?
A.The library card will cost you one yuan.
B.You can borrow as many CDs as you like at a time.
C.You can borrow five books at a time and keep them for three weeks.
D.There is a special room for you to enjoy music videos in the library.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The Town Zoo
Zoo rules
1. Stay behind the yellow line.
2. Do not feed the animals.
3. Do not put your fingers through the fences(栅栏).
4. Do not bring balloons into the zoo.
5. Do not play ball games or ride bicycles in the zoo.
6. Do not shout or clap your hands. This may frighten the animals.
7. Keep the zoo clean. Eat only in the eating areas.
Tip for visitors
Some animals take a midday nap(小睡). If you cannot see them, come back later.
Entrance fee
Children under 12
Students under 18
Senior citizens over 60
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m.~4:00p.m.
Saturday and Sunday 10:00 a.m.~5:00 pm
小题1:If visitors can not see the animals, the animals may be______.
小题2:Jack is eight years old. He goes to the zoo with his 58-year-old grandfather.How much should they pay for visiting the zoo?
小题3: What should we do in order not to frighten the animals?
A.We should ride bikes.B.We should keep quiet.
C.We should feed the animals.D.We should keep the zoo clean.

