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Dialogue 1 从右侧方框内所给句子选择恰当的句子完成下面的对话,并将其代表字母写在题后的横线上,其中有两项是多余的。(共5分,每小题1分)

A:I think so.

B:That's too bad.

C:When did it start?

D:Where did it start?

E:I'm not feeling well.

F:Thank you.

G:That's all right.

A:What's the matter?

B:Hmmmm…1.I have a cold.


B:Oh,about three days ago.

A:___3.______.You should get a rest.


A:I hope you feel better soon.












1.根据下句I have a cold“我感冒了”可知,本句应该是说“我感到不舒服。”故本题选E。

2.根据下句about three days ago“大约三天前”可知,本句应是问“什么时间开始的?”故本题选C。

3.根据下文中的You should get a rest可知,本句应该是对“病”进行评论,然后才得出“你应该休息一下。”故本题选B。

4.根据前面的Yes可知,他同意医生的建议,故用I think so。故本题选A。

5.根据上句I hope you feel better soon.“我希望你不久能好起来。”本句应该表示感谢。故本题选F。




科目:初中英语 来源:新目标英语八年级2006-2007上册期末模拟测试题 题型:001



1.How many times does the man go shopping in a month?

A.Twice a week.

B.eight times.


2.What’s wrong with Jack?

A.He has a cold.

B.He has a stomachache.

C.He has a sore back.

3.How does Mary go to school?

A.By car.

B.On foot.

C.By bike.

4.Can Li Lei come to Cindy’s party?

A.Yes, he can.

B.No, he can’t.

C.We don’t know.

5.Who is quieter, Tom or his brother?


B.His brother.

C.They are both quiet.

6.What are they talking about?

A.Making milk shake.

B.Making fruit salad.

C.Making sandwiches.

7.Where did Jim go on the day off?

A.He went to beaches.

B.He went to the mountains.

C.He went to the aquarium.

8.When was Michael Jordan born?

A.In 1963.

B.In 1980.

C.In 1973.

9.What’s Li Lei’s sister going to be?

A.A computer programmer.

B.A pilot.

C.An engineer.

10.What’s the best movie theater?

A.Town Cinema.

B.Screen City.

C.Movie Palace.


Dialogue 1:

11.Where does the woman go?

A.To the hotel.

B.To the hospital.

C.To the station.

12.Where is the station?

A.At the end of the road.

B.In the middle of the road.

C.Near the factory.

13.How far away is the station?

A.Three kilometers.

B.Two kilometers.

C.Ten kilometers.

Dialogue 2:

14.What are they getting ready for?


B.Children's Day.

C.Women's Day.

15.Where will they hold the party?

A.In the office.

B.In the library.

C.In the classroom.

16.Who will the students have the party with?

A.Their parents.

B.Their teachers.

C.Their friends.

Dialogue 3

17.What day is it today?




18.Where was Judy yesterday?

A.At home.

B.At school.

C.In the hospital.

19.What did Li Lei have for his breakfast?




20.What time does the first lesson begin?

A.At 7∶40

B.At 7∶45

C.At 7∶50


21.What is Mike’s job in New York City?

A.A postman.

B.A waiter.

C.A journalist.

22.How did Mike go to San Francisco?

A.By plane

B.By train.

C.On foot.

23.What did Mike really want to see?

A.The scenery of Italy.

B.The scenery of Canada.

C.The scenery of the USA.

24.When did the train leave New York City?

A.At 10∶30 pm on Monday.

B.At 11∶20 pm on Friday.

C.At 9∶30 am on Sunday.

25.Why didn’t Mike sleep that night?

A.Because he was angry.

B.Because he had many things to do.

C.Because he was excited.


科目:初中英语 来源:四川省仁寿县联谊学校2012年上学期半期检测八年级英语试题 题型:001









6、A.I passed the English exam.

B.Well, I think it is going to rain.

C.Oh…my skirt is out of style.

7、A.Probably they will live on the room.

B.I think they have no place to live now.

C.Maybe they are living under the sea now.

8、A.You are great.

B.Bad lucky.

C.I should learn from you.

9、A.Yes, they do.

B.Yes.think so.

C.No, I won't.

10、A.No problem.You should do what you like to do.

B.Wonderful ! You're so lucky.

C.Don't worry.You can join our sports team and do more exercise.


Dialogue 1

11、The girl thinks there will be more pollution because ________.

A.more and more people take a bus to work.

B.more people begin to drive cars to work.

C.more people walk to work.

12、What does the boy think of the girl's view ?

A.He disagrees with her.

B.He has no idea.

C.He agrees with her.

Dialogue 2

13、Why does Lily look worried ?

A.Because she doesn't study well.

B.Because her clothes are out of style.

C.Because she argued with her parents.

14、Lily's parents think ________.

A.they don't have enough money to buy original clothes for Lily.

B.students shouldn't wear original clothes.

C.original clothes are ugly.

15、What should Lily do ?

A.She should get help from the teachers.

B.She should take some photos.

C.She should let her parents know what other students are wearing.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Complete the Dialogue (1’*5=5’)
(A reporter is interviewing a foreign visitor at the Shanghai Expo.)
Reporter: Excuse me, I’m reporter from a student magazine.
Visitor:   Sure, please.
Reporter: (2)_____________________________________________?
Visitor:   I’m from Germany.
Reporter: (3)_____________________________________________?
Visitor:   I came here two days ago.
Reporter: (4)_____________________________________________?
Visitor:   Yes, just a little. I began studying Chinese two months ago.
Reporter: How do you like the Shanghai Expo?
Visitor:   I like it very much. The China pavilion(中国馆) impressed me most.
Reporter: Thank you for answering my questions.


科目:初中英语 来源:2010年天津市高中阶段教育学校招生统一考试英语卷 题型:翻译

Complete the Dialogue (1’*5=5’)
(A reporter is interviewing a foreign visitor at the Shanghai Expo.)
Reporter: Excuse me, I’m reporter from a student magazine.
Visitor:   Sure, please.
Reporter: (2)_____________________________________________?
Visitor:   I’m from Germany.
Reporter: (3)_____________________________________________?
Visitor:   I came here two days ago.
Reporter: (4)_____________________________________________?
Visitor:   Yes, just a little. I began studying Chinese two months ago.
Reporter: How do you like the Shanghai Expo?
Visitor:   I like it very much. The China pavilion(中国馆) impressed me most.
Reporter: Thank you for answering my questions.

