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—What’s your classmate Lily’s­­ _____number?
—It’s 010-86003211
A.           B.           C.

试题分析:根据句意知道是电话号码. 句意:—你的同学Lily的电话号码是多少?—它是010-86003211。结合语境可知选A。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空


The programme called Dad Where We Go is f   小题1: Korea. Five star-daddies took c  小题2: of their children w 小题3:  mothers. They went to lots of different areas, i  小题4: countryside and desert. Without moms, what h  小题5: to them? How did they deal with all the problems? Don’t worry! They did them very well.During the experience of l 小题6:  with their fathers, these babies grew u  小题7: . They l  小题8:  more about helping each other. Our growth can’t  lack(没有)of  our  fathers. Fathers play an important r 小题9: in their children’s education. So please spend as much time as p  小题10: staying with your children, they will be very happy.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

---Could you be so kind as to close the door?  ---______.
A.With pleasureB.Go aheadC.Yes, pleaseD.That’s OK


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Job requirements:
★Register(注册) a store on the Internet.
★Do a market survey and think of creative ideas.
★Develop a wide social network that helps make the store liked by a lot of people.
Time needed:
3-5 hours a day.
Cost needed:
From Zero to as much as you can spend. (Zero?if the supplier makes you an agent(代理商), you needn’t spend anything on the products before they are sold.)
Possible income:
Anywhere from less than 100 yuan a month to more than, 10,000 yuan.
Are you looking for a part-time job during the holiday? I’ll be happy to offer you one. That is to open an   6  store.
You should register a store on the Internet first. Then you need to do a market survey, which can help you   7  up with some creative ideas. In addition, you should develop a wide social network to make your store   8 . If you’re an agent, you can give money to the supplier for the products   9   they are sold.
In a word, it’s an easy job. It won’t take you   10  5 hours a day. If you devote yourself to it, you may get more than 10,000 yuan in a month.[
Come on! Your dream will come true.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题

trouble,  learn,  poor,  practice,  improve


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

_______ 小题1: Many people like animals and take them as their pets. Nowadays pet hospitals are very busy. Kind persons who love animals are needed to work in busy animal hospitals.
_______小题2: Scientists think that pets will probably be much smaller because people in the future will be living in much smaller places. Scientists are already working on making very small farm animals. The same things might be done to make smaller cats and dogs.
_______小题3:It’s said that some day you might own a panther as a pet. Scientists might have to start turning wild animals into pets. This might be the only way to save them from dying out.
_______小题4: What about a robot for a pet? This may sound silly, but it could become true. Robot dogs have been made to bark like real dogs. These “pets” might become more and more popular in the future. After all, robots don’t lose hair or chew on things the way real pets do.
_______小题5: Lots of people miss their pets while they are on holiday. One hotel in Minnesota has solved this problem. They lend cats to their guests. Many experts believe this idea will become more and more popular. It is very possible that in the future you will be able to order a pet, as well as room service, at a hotel.
A.Pet hotels
B.Smaller pets
C.Robots for pets
D.A panther for pet
E. Pet restaurants
F. Assistant needed in pet hospitals


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I think that the most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. When people are talking, there's no need to do a  小题1:   but receive them. Listen to what they're saying. Most times letting someone talk is more i  小题2:  than understanding it.
When I was teaching in a middle school, one of my s  小题3:  told me that sometimes when she tried to tell her story, people often interrupted (打断) to tell her that once had something just like that h  小题4: to them. Finally she stopped talking to most people and became very l   小题5:   . We connect through listening. When we l   小题6:  , they know we care. Many people with cancer can talk about the relief (安慰) of having someone just listen.
I have n   小题7: learned to respond (反应) to someone crying by just listening. I just listen. When they have cried all they need to cry, they find me there w  小题8:   them.
This simple thing has not been that easy to learn. It certainly went a  小题9:  everything I had been taught since I was very young. I thought people listened only because they were too s   小题10:    to speak or did not know the answer. A loving silence often has far more power than words.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

San Francisco has many museums. You can visit one and learn s  小题1:   new. We have arts, science, history and other special museums. Some museums are小题2:   every day. Some are only open 小题3:   certain days. Many museums are expensive, and others are 小题4: . But some of the expensive o 小题5:   have free days. Many museums have websites. The websites usually have information about the things you can see in the museums.
On a museum’s website you can get i 小题6:  about ticket prices and free days. You can also know w  小题7:   the museum is and when it is open. Sometimes the information is on the first page, and it’s very小题8:  for you to find. But sometimes you have to click on (点击) the小题9:   like Visit Information, or About to find the information. That will be hard 小题10:    for you.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Keep off the grass
There are notices(告示牌)with “keep off the grass” in gardens and parks. Don’t walk or lie on the grass. You must protect the environment(环境).
Keep the change
You go to buy something in a shop. You give more money to pay for it, the assistant or waiters will pay back some money. You can say “keep the change” to let them keep the money for themselves.
Keep goal
When you watch a football, hockey(曲棍球)or cricket(板球)game, you will hear the words “ keep goal”. Guards(守门员)should stop the opposing(对方的)players from scoring(得分)。
Earn the keep
You should earn the keep to make a living. You need money to buy food, clothes and all the other things. If you don’t work hard, you won’t have enough money to eat, wear or live.
Keep going
If you are in a difficult situation(境况), you must keep going. The life will be better in the future. You should try to live a happy life.
A. keep off the grass     B. keep the change     C. keep goal 
D. earn the keep         E. keep going
小题1:The poor family       although they now have a bad life.
小题2:You are old enough. It’s time for you to get a job to        .We will never give you money.
小题3:Did you see the football game yesterday? The guard      well in the game,
小题4:The notice says “         .” Sam, get out of the garden.
小题5:Here are ten dollars. Please        for a tip.(小费)

