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Hi! I’m Jack from New York. I am 15 years old. I’m in No.7 Middle School to learn Chinese. I can speak and write Chinese! I think I can be a Chinese teacher one day(某一天).
I like to swim best. Li Ling is my friend. she is a Chinese girl. She is 14. Li Ling is in my school, too. She thinks she may be a painter. Because she likes painting very much. She can paint well. Basketball is her favorite sport. She thinks it’s very interesting.
Li Ming
To be a Chinese teacher
Favorite sport

小题4:To be a painter

小题1:细节题。根据文章Li Ling is my friend. she is a Chinese girl. She is 14.李玲是杰克的朋友是一个中国女孩,14岁。故这里填Fourteen。
小题2:细节题。根据文章I’m Jack from New York.杰克来自纽约,属于美国。故这里填America。
小题4:细节题。根据文章She thinks she may be a painter.李玲想成为一个画家。故填To be a painter
小题5:细节题。根据文章 I like to swim best.杰克最喜欢游泳。故填Swimming。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

阅读表达 阅读短文,按要求完成短文后的各项任务。
What must you do when you receive a gift for your birthday? You have to sit down and write a thank-you note. The words “thank you” are very important. We have to use them on many occasions. We say them when someone gives us a drink, help us to pick up things, hands us a letter, lends us a book or gives us lift.
(1)______ important word is “please”, _____ many people forget to use it. (2)It is impolite to ask someone to do something without saying “please”. We have to use it when we ask for something , too. It may be a book or a pen, more rice or more milk, help or advice. It may be in the classroom, at home, at the bus stop or over the counter. We have to use “please” to make request pleasant.
We have to learn to say “sorry” too. When we have hurt someone’s feeling, we will have to go up and say we’re sorry. When we have told a lie and feel sorry, we will have to use the same word. When we have forgotten something or broken a promise, we will have to explain with that word, too. “Sorry” is a healing word. We can make people forget wrongs by using it sincerely.
“Thank you! Please! Sorry!”—these words are simple but important. Man had to use them long ago. We have to use them now. Our children will have to use them again.
____________ 、____________
小题3:回答问题:What will you say if your friends help you?
When we haven’t told the truth, we must use the word “sorry”.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Dear Peter,
But first, I am sure that you are wrong that nobody will care if you leave your home. What about your parents? And other family members? It seems that you are very sad. You'd better go to see a doctor or talk to your parents. They can help you. Second, I'm sure there's someone in your class who feels lonely, too. You never know how other people feel inside. Try to make friends with them. Or you join a club to meet new people and to keep yourself busy.
You need to find happiness in yourself. Write a list of all the good things about yourself. Learn to like yourself, and then others will see your confidence (信心) and like you, too.
小题1:Peter isn’t good at _______ and he feels __________.
小题2:He writes to the editor to ask for _______ because he wants to _______feeling lonely.
小题3:If Peter joins a club, he can_______ new people and keep _______ busy.
小题4:The editor suggests (建议) that Tom should talk to a ________ and his ________.
小题5:Peter is lack of (缺少) _______ and he needs to find ________ in himself.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1:is, green, ruler, that, her
小题2:call, please, at, Tina, 3407586
小题3:English, what, in, is, that
小题4:hat, I, think, your, is, mother’s, her, on, desk
小题5:she, is, friend, your


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

As a city with a long history, Yangzhou is among the f  小题1:  24 cities in China that enjoy the title(称号) of Historical and Cultural City approved by the State Council. B 小题2:  the year 2014,Yangzhou will mark its 2500th anniversary of the founding of the city.
Throughout history, Yangzhou has been 小题3:  for its gardens. However, during the late Qing Dynasty, Yangzhou gardens were 小题4:  destroyed because of the city’s decline(衰落) and the wars.
Since the foundation of the PRC, Yangzhou gardens have been better p 小题5:  and developed. Famous gardens like the Slender West Lake, Ge Garden, He Garden…are under effective protection. In 1996, Yangzhou became o 小题6:  of the first Garden Cities in Jiangsu Province and in 2003 ,it w 小题7:  the title of the National-level Garden City.
Yangzhou gardens are generally characterized(总体风格) as being 小题8:  and fresh. The design is usually based on the principles of following the natural landscape, using rocks, pools, lakes, or rivers in a garden scene, and decorating(装饰) gardens with famous 小题9: and ancient trees. In this w小题10:  , the style of Yangzhou gardens can be characterized by combining the greatness of North China and the beauty of South China. Living in the world like this, people are sure to have a healthier life.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

John’s family is going on vacation next week. They are renting a house in the mountains for a week. John plans to hike and go bike riding there. And he is going to the mountains on Monday, and coming home on Friday. He is having a party on Saturday night. John’s mother is going on Monday, too. She is staying for a week and coming home on Sunday. She plans to take walks with her family in the beautiful countryside. John’s father is working on Monday and Tuesday, so he can’t be in the mountains then. He is going on Wednesday morning. He plans to go fishing, and he is coming home with John’s mother. John’s sister is staying at home. She is taking classes this summer and visiting friends.
Time in the mountains
Monday to  小题1: 
Go hiking and go bike riding.
John’s mother
Monday to Sunday
John’s father
  小题3:to Sunday
(She isn’t going there)
Stay at home and take classes


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Do you like Home with Kids (《家有儿女》)? It is very popular (受欢迎的) now. many children like it. There is a sister and two brothers in their family.
Father doesn’t do housework often. He is always happy. Mother loves her children, but she gets angry easily. Sister, Xiao Xue, is a good student. Big brother, Liu Xing, can always make other happy. He likes ball games. Little brother, Xiao Yu, is helpful. He likes playing computer games.
小题1:There are five people in the family.
小题2:Father often does housework.
小题3:Xiao  Xue isn’t a good student.
小题4:Liu Xing likes playing computer games.
小题5:Xiao Yu has a brother and a sister.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Here is something about Peter’s family. There are five people in his family. They are his father, his mother, his grandfather, his sister Kate and him. His father, Mr Brown, is a doctor.(1) _____ is thirty. Peter’s (2)_____, Mrs Brown, is a teacher. She is thirty too. Peter and his sister study in their mother’s school. Peter is in Class Two, Grade Eight. Kate is in Class Two, Grade Seven. (3)They go to school at 6:30 in the morning. Look! That old man is Peter’s grandfather. He is very old. He walks his dog every morning. Where is Kate? Look! She is under that big tree.
小题1:在(1)(2)处填入合适的词或短语使句子完整。_________,  ________
小题2:回答问题: Where do Kate and Peter study?
小题4:在文中找出He takes his dog for a walk every morning.的同义句。


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1:As we are growing up, we should know that the i  of a person’s morality(品德) is far more important than his or her knowledge itself.
小题2:It’s reported that there were more than sixty d     caused by car accidents in the last two months. How sad I am when I hear the news!
小题3:On the afternoon of December,31, all the classes in our school o    parties to celebrate the New Year’s coming.
小题4:According to an a      Chinese legend, the emperor Shen Nong discovered tea when he was boiling drinking water.
小题5:As young people, although they have more opportunities in their lives than grown—ups , they still should be more r    instead of being much too romantic(浪漫的) when they consider their jobs.

