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九年级体育中考即将到来,学生Tom, Jenny, Mary, Sally和Jack在体育方面有着各自不同的问题,请为他们选择合适的建议,将序号(A-E)填入题的空格中。


小题1:推理判断题。句意:汤姆太重,他感觉做运动时真累。根据Keep a balanced diet in the wintertime, or you’ll find you are too fat to take the PE exam in spring.在冬季保持平衡饮食,否则你会发现春天上体育课太胖,可知答案选A.
小题2:推理判断题。句意:詹妮考试前总是感觉紧张。根据Relax or you’ll make mistakes and waste time.放松,否则你会出错浪费时间,可知答案选C.
小题3:推理判断题。句意:玛丽喜欢运动前喝凉水。根据Don’t drink any water in half an hour or eat cold food before the exam. Or you may be sick.考试前半小时内不要喝任何水或吃生冷的食物,否则你可能会生病,可知答案选B.
小题4:推理判断题。句意:莎莉不喜欢练习,他只想在考试前几天做练习。根据You’d better put in as much practice as possible. Train for the exam well every day.你最好尽可能多的练习,每天为考试进行训练,可知答案选E.
小题5:推理判断题。句意:杰克经常在1000米长跑后腿抽筋。根据 Do warm-up exercises before the exam. If not, you may have a twitching leg!考试前做热身运动,如果不热身,你可能会抽筋!可知答案选D.

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Many kinds of birds live in the United States, but the number of the birds is becoming smaller every year. One of the leading reasons is the growing number of pet cats. By keeping your pet cats in your home, you can help give birds a better possible chance to live.
Of the 90 million pet cats in this country, about two—thirds are allowed to go outside. It is said that these cats kill hundreds of millions of birds each year, as well as billions of small animals such as rabbits and field mice.
They can also bring illness to the animals that live I n people's yard(院子), further weakening the health of the natural populations.
Allowing pet cats to go outside is not just bad for birds and wildlife, it's also bad for the cats themselves. Outdoor cats can get sick very easily. They are in danger from traffic and attacks(攻击)from other animals. In fact, outdoor cats usually don't live past the age of five, while indoor cats often live to be 17 or older.
Keep your pet cat inside! If you raise a young cat, it's your duty to let it play inside.
The number of birds is becoming 小题1:_____; at the same time,many pet cats are in 小题2:______from traffic and attacks from other animals.
Reason for the problem :
Pet cats are 小题3:_____to go outside freely.
What to do:
People who 小题4:____ a young cat have the 小题5:____ to let it play inside.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

November 19th, 2013                                                   Sunny 
Today is my first day in Singapore. It’s quite fascinating. I fell in love with this beautiful c小题1:  as soon as I got off the plane. The city was so tidy that I couldn’t find any r 小题2:.
My host family were waiting for me outside. I wanted to s 小题3: hands with them because they are Chinese, but they k 小题4:me to welcome me. All of us wanted to be as polite as possible. On the way to their home, my host p  小题5:  to a beautiful statue--- Merlion Statue and told me it was the s 小题6: of Singapore. My host had prepared a big dinner for me. When I saw forks and k 小题7: on the table, I told them I had learned how to use chopsticks before I left France for Singapore. I had the most delicious Chinese food. After dinner, we took a walk in the park n小题8:  the house. Though we are from d 小题9: countries, we talked happily. My host family went out of their way to make me r 小题10:  and feel at home.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空




科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Wen Genying was born in 1987 in South Korea. She is a very f _小题1:_ actress. She has many fans all over the w _小题2:_. She likes to p _小题3:__ the piano and read comic books when she is f _小题4:__. And she is good at swimming and dancing. She has a h _小题5:__ family. Her grandmother helps her a lot w_小题6:_ her acting and teaches her Japanese. She often helps    p __小题7:__ people and gives away some m _小题8:_ to the people in n __小题9:__. She also sets up a Wen Genying Scholarship(奖学金) for s __小题10:__. I think we should learn from her.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

George Dawson wrote a book called Life Is So Good. The book is filled with stories from George's life.小题1:    It is surprising that George learned to read just two years before he wrote the book. When George was 8, his dad sent him to work.   小题2:   George did many jobs. All the time, he took care to keep it a secret that he couldn't read signs.   小题3:  
George helped his children with their homework when they were at school. They read their homework to him. He said this would help them learn better. 小题4:   He told them his secret when they started high school. Then they helped keep the secret. When George was 98, he heard about the evening classes near his home. He still had a dream that he would learn to read.    小题5:  He said, “A wise man can change, but a fool stays the same.” With the teacher's help, he wrote his book Life Is So Good two years later.
A.Because food became more important than school at that time.
B.George wrote it in 1998 when he was 100 years old.
C.He went to class and learned the alphabet(字母) in less than two days.
D.He had to ask people things and tried to remember them.
E. The book is so meaningful to both the writers and the readers
F. They didn't know their dad couldn't read.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

短文填空 根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺。(请在答题纸上写出完整单词)(每空一词;共10空,每空1分,满分10分)
We are beautiful red-crowned cranes. We have red caps on top of our heads. You may 小题1: the caps are our feathers. In fact, they are combs(冠). We are one of the l  小题2:birds in size in the world. We are the heaviest cranes. An adult red-crowned crane can 小题3:  11 kilograms when it grows up. We are good at 小题4:  . I think we are the most beautiful dancers of all the birds. We are also good s  小题5: . We sing loudly and beautifully. We are good at flying as well. We fly to warm East Asia when 小题6:   comes. We give birth to baby cranes there. We like to live together on wetlands in Southwest China and some other places. We 小题7:   mainly on worms and small fish. We like to live in long grasses. Water and grasses are 小题8:for us. But sometimes, life is harder these years. We are one of the most endangered birds in the world now. People keep taking our living areas t  小题9:  make farms and build houses. We don’t have enough space to live. And we don’t have enough food to feed our babies because people fish and hunt too 小题10: . Can you help us!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Once Einstein(爱因斯坦) travelled all over the United States and gave lectures(演讲) everywhere. He travelled by car and soon became friendly with the driver.
The driver a 小题1:  listened to Einstein’s lecture. The lecture had been given again and again. One day, the driver told Einstein that he knew the lecture so w小题2:  that he was s  小题3:  he could give it himself. Einstein smiled and said “Why don’t you try to give it instead?” The driver a 小题4:   .
That evening they b 小题5:  came to the lecture room. N  小题6:  there had been given seen Einstein before. Then the driver began the lecture. Sure enough, he didn’t make any mistakes. The lecture was well done. When it was over, the p 小题7:  claps lasted for a long time. When they were leaving, the driver shook hands(握手) with everybody, while Einstein was following him quietly b 小题8:  .
Just before they got to the door, a man s  小题9:   them and asked the driver a difficult question. The driver listened c 小题10:  and pointed to(指向)Einstein. “The question is so simple that even my driver can answer it. You can ask him.”


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Dear Tom,
Thank you for your postcard. I show it to some of my friends at school. Three other people in my class have friends in other countries, too.
Now I want to tell you something about my family. My father and mother are teachers. I have a brother and a sister. My sister works in a middle school and my brother is studying at a university( 大学 ). I am a middle school student. I am 12 years old. I am tall and a little fat. I have short hair. I like reading and playing the guitar. I always play it on Saturdays and Sundays. I like my English teacher very much. Because she is kind to us and her class is fun.
Could you give a few photos of yours? I want to know what you look like.
Huang Lei
Who is the letter to ?
The letter is to小题1:        .
How many people are there in “my” family?
There are 小题2:        .
What is “ my ” sister’s job?
She is 小题3:             .
What is “my” brother ?
He is 小题4:        .
What do “I ” get from Tom?
小题5:           .

