精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情


Ann:  1     2  were you away from school last term?

Lucy:More than three weeks.

Ann:What   3   wrong with you?

Lucy:There was nothing   4   with me, but my mother   5   ill in hospital.I had to look   6   her in the hospital.

Ann:I am   7   to hear that.Is she   8   now?

Lucy:Yes, she is much better now.Thank you.

Ann:Don’t worry   9   your lessons.I’d like to help you   10   them.

Lucy:Thank you very much.

Ann:You are welcome.


1.How 2.long 3.was 4.wrong 5.was 6.after 7.sorry 8.better 9.about 10.with


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:053


Mike: What's for lunch today?

Ann: Why don't we ____1____ hamburgers?

Mike: We ____2____ hamburgers yesterday.

   What kind of foods do you like?

Ann: Hamburgers, pizza ____3____ French-fries.

Mike: I think you ought to eat ____4____ vegetables.

Ann: ____5____ you're right.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012年外研版初中英语八年级上Module 2 练习卷(解析版) 题型:补充句子


Mott: 1

Ann:I was born on May 18,1987.

Mott: 2

Ann:I was born in England.

Mott: 3 

Ann:We lived there for about nine years.

Mott: 4

Ann:Because my father found a job in France.

Mott: 5

Ann:Yes,we’re enjoying living in China.



科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

No want to go thank you don't like an action 
Let's go a comedy I don't know to go a movie
Ann:  Hey, Lin! Let's go to 1_____.
Lin: Hmm... but I don't know what kind of movie it is.
Ann: Well. Let's go to "Danger Zone". It's 2_____ movie.
Lin: Well, I really 3_____. action movies. I don't really want 4_____, but 5_____.
Ann: OK. Where's Tom? Does he want to go to a movie?
Lin: 6_____.
Ann: Hey, Tom. Do you 7_____ to the movies?
Tom: Sure. Is it 8_____? I like comedies and romances.
Ann:  No, it's an action movie.
Tom: 9_____, thank you. 10_____ to a comedy.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


(J=Jenny, A=Ann)

A: Hello, Jenny. Is the panda your favourite   1  ?

J: Yes, it is.    2   you like it?

A: Yes, they are lovely. Everyone likes pandas very much.

J: I know there    3   about 1, 600 pandas in the   4   in China.

A: There are not too many. Do they sometimes   5  meat?

J: No. They usually eat   6   . They often eat 15 kilos of it a  7   and eat    8   about 12 hours a day.

A: Oh, they eat a lot. Do you know anything about tigers?

J: They like to eat   9   very much. They usually need 6 kilos of meat a day. But zoos often give them only 5 kilos, so they always stay   10   .

