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I don’t like _____of the sweaters. Please show me a third one.
A.both B.either C.oneD.all

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

          is an American girl,and          name is Mary.
A.Her; herB.She;herC.She;She’sD.She ; his


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

–Is that colourful pencil-box Bob’s ? – No, it isn’t __________. It’s _________,
A.hers, hisB.her, hisC.his, herD.his, hers


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1: If Simon_________________ (have) time next weekend, he will go to the zoo.
小题2:How_________________ (care) you are! You’ve knocked the cup off the table again!
小题3: Yesterday was the _________________  (hot) day of the year.
小题4: It seemed that the victim had many_________________  (enemy).
小题5:I’m patient. I don’t mind _________________  (wait) for people.
小题6:Susan plays the piano very _________________ (好).
小题7: Have you ever_________________ (骑) a horse?
小题8:I’m sure your cousins can do these exercises _________________ (自己)
小题9:I love children, _________________ (尤其,特别)when they smile.
小题10:My brother sleeps with the window open _________________(除非)it’s really cold.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:When we __________(到达) to the theatre last night, the performances had already started.
小题2: --- Susan, is this Millie’s sweater?
--- Oh, no. ______________(她的) is blue but this one is red.
小题3: Go ______________(穿过) the bridge, and you can see the shopping mall on Fourth Street.
小题4:__________ (百) of workers in Libya(利比亚) returned to China successfully in March, 2011.
小题5: Mother is busy __________(准备) for the coming big dinner in the kitchen.
小题6:In late autumn almost all the _________(leaf) turn yellow.
小题7:Sandy got a couple of presents at her _______(twenty) birthday party.
小题8:Mrs Smith often_____________(search) for some information about children education on the Internet.
小题9:As we all know, the weather in South-west China is ____________ (dry) than any other time in history.        
小题10:It gives us much____________(please) to welcome our new teacher.
小题11:While the Disney characters were marching on Main Street, the visitors couldn’t stop ____________ (scream) last Saturday.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Her grandparents bought her a pink _______(钱包). It really made her feel happy.
小题2:We should try our best to protect our__________(环境)?
小题3:The______(口号)of Beijing Olympic Games is “One World, One Dream.”
小题4:His father is a _________(农夫). So he likes working in the field.
小题5:If you want to learn how to use the new software, you should go there on _____(星期三).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—Would you like        cup of coffee?
—No, thanks. I’ve had enough.
A.anotherB.otherC.othersD.the others


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The children often get _______(noise) in the classroom after class .
小题2:Sometimes he spends his weekend ________(fish).
小题3:Several _______(foreign)came to visit our school last week.
小题4:I think the red skirt looks as ______(good)as the green one .
小题5:John just got his _____(driver) license.
小题6:Look!Mrs Li is there. Let’s go and say hello to______(she)?
小题7:.My mother often_____(enjoy) the TV plays in the evening.
小题8:Talking loudly in a library is very______(polite).
小题9:Li Na is a famous tennis p______.
小题10:We can’t l______ to music when the teacher is talking in class.
小题11:The children had a______ been asleep when I got home .
小题12:Mr Li is s_____with his students and makes them work hard.
小题13:Zhou Gu was _________(采访)by the local  newspaper.
小题14:There are ______(五十二)weeks in a year.
小题15:The doctor gave him some medicine for his serious ______(疾病)。


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:—Try some more rice, please.
—No, thanks. I’m f       .
小题2:Have you ever c          buying a new MP4 player? It is good for you to listen to English as well as music.
小题3:The football star loves his girlfriend very much and he decides to get
m        to her next month.
小题4:A terrible disease has just broken out in Europe and it has caused a number of
d       in some European countries.
小题5:Many middle school students like reading Harry Potter, i            me.

