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Good heavens, I nearly ________!It’s time ________ home!

  1. A.
    forgot, to go
  2. B.
    remember, to go
  3. C.
    forgot, going
  4. D.
    left, going

科目:初中英语 来源:101网校同步练习 初二英语 人教社(新课标 2002-3年通过) 人教版 题型:016

Good heavens, I nearly ________!It’s time ________ home!

[  ]

A.forgot, to go

B.remember, to go

C.forgot, going

D.left, going


科目:初中英语 来源:英语竞赛教程 初二年级 题型:050

  Harker Brayton was lying in a couch(长沙发). He smiled as he was reading a book. Suddenly he saw something in a dark corner of the room, under the bed. There, in the dark, two points of light were shining with green colour. His eyes couldn't move away from those shining points. Here right under the bed, he saw the body of a large snake(蛇). The points of light were its eyes! Brayton rose to his feet and got ready to back soft away from the snake. But at that moment, it was strange that he could not do so. He took a step forward(向前) instead, and then its eyes were still sticking up(竖起), and shining, with terrible light. After a moment, Brayton fell to the floor, unconscious(失去了知觉).

  Two hours later, when the doctor was pulling the body out, he happened to look under the bed.“Good Heavens(天啊)!”he cried.“A snake!”he reached under the bed, pulled out the snake, and threw it to the middle of the room. It lay there without any movement. It was a snake made of cloth(布) and filled with cotton. Its eyes were two buttons(钮扣).

1.Harker Brayton was smiling because ________.

[  ]

A.he was very happy at that time

B.there was something interesting in the book

C.it was very interesting to watch a snake

D.it was nice to lie in a couch

2.When Harker saw the large body of a snake ________.

[  ]

A.he wanted very much to kill it

B.he was afraid and didn't move at all

C.he wanted to move away from it

D.he wanted to get close to it

3.When Harker moved forward instead of backward, the snake ________.

[  ]

A.rose up, ready to come out

B.made a strange sound

C.was afraid and moved away quickly

D.didn't move at all

4.The story tells us all of the following except that ________.

[  ]

A.Harker in the incident(事件) became unconscious

B.the snake was not a real one

C.Harker was afraid of the snake and died

D.the doctor saw the snake, too

5.Which of the following is the best title(标题) of the story?

[  ]

A.An Toy Snake Caused(引起) an Incident.

B.A Large Snake Killed a Man.

C.The Death of an Unlucky Man.

D.A Happy Man's Strange Death.


科目:初中英语 来源:北京市九年义务教育初中英语 同步练习第四册 题型:050


  It was on a foggy day in the autumn of 1938, when I arrived in London with Aunt Huang and her husband who had brought me to England all the way from my hometown Nanchang .

  They left their luggage at their flat, and they took me together with my small suitcase to my parents' flat. But the neighbours told us that my parents had moved away long ago, and no one knew their address.

  Good Heavens! What should we do? The only thing to be done was to inquire of the Chinese Embassy (中国大使馆). When we got there, we were told that my parents must still be somewhere in London as my father had held an exhibition (展览会) of traditional Chinese painting in the West End not very long ago.

1.The story happened ________ .

[  ]

A.in autumn in Nanchang

B.in autumn in London

C.in 1938 in Nanchang

D.in 1938 in China

2.Aunt Huang helped the writer to ________ .

[  ]

A.leave his hometown


C.look for his parents

D.go to England

3.The neighbours told the writer ________ .

[  ]

A.his parents in London

B.his parents moved away

C.his parents in the West End

D.his parents in Chinese Embassy

4.________ knew the writer's parents' new address.

[  ]


B.Aunt Huang

C.The neighbours

D.No one

5.From the story we know ________ .

[  ]

A.the writer liked painting

B.Aunt Huang was kind-hearted

C.his parents liked London

D.Aunt Huang' husband left London


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

Good heavens! It ________ heavily. What a day it is!

  1. A.
    was raining
  2. B.
    will rain
  3. C.
  4. D.
    is raining

