精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
A in order to   B all the time  C feel like    D so far   E rather than
F get on with  G by accident  H plenty of   I used to  J grow up
小题1:When my brother was young, he couldn't wait to__________
小题2:We have called the restaurant three times__________but the line is busy.
小题3:The old man ____live here, but last month he moved back to his hometown.
小题4:Many students' problem is that they can't__________their parents.
小题5:It's great that she has got a job and doesn't have to stay at home____.
小题6: If you're afraid of taking the lift or just__________exercising, you can climb the stairs to go up.
小题7:I really don't want to know your secret.I only found it____.
小题8:The Internet provides us with__________information which is used in many ways.
小题9: They are riding a bicycle around the island____experience as much of it as possible
小题10:The next day, Peter went to soccer practice with courage____fear in his heart.


小题1:couldn’t wait to do sth.迫不及待地做某事,根据When my brother was young,可知弟弟小,想要长大,故此处为grow up.故选J。句意:当我弟弟小的时候,他迫不及待地想要长大。
小题2:根据We have called可知此处是现在完成时,故此处用可与现在完成时连用的时间短语so far.“迄今为止”故选D。句意:迄今为止,我们已经给这家餐馆打了三次电话,但是电话占线。
小题3:根据 but last month he moved back to his hometown.可知这位老人回家乡了,因此说他过去曾经在这里住过,故用used to“过去常常”,故选I。句意:这位老人过去常常在这里居住,但是上个月他搬回自己的家乡了。
小题4:根据Many students' problem 可知此处指的是学生的问题,应是不能和父母很好相处,故用短语get on with“与......相处”,故选F。句意:许多学生的问题是不能和他们的父母很好相处。
小题5:根据 she has got a job可知,她去上班了,不用一直呆在家里。故用短语all the time“一直”,故选B。句意:真是太好了,她有一份工作,不必一直呆在家里。
小题6:根据you can climb the stairs to go up.可知此处指爬楼梯,应是喜欢锻炼,故用短语feel like“喜欢”,故选C。句意:如果你害怕坐电梯,或者只喜欢锻炼,你可以爬楼梯上去。
小题7:根据don't want to know your secret可知不想知道你的秘密,但是却在偶然的情况下,发现了。故用短语by accident“偶然,意外地”,故选G。句意:我真的不想知道你的秘密,我只是偶然发现它的。
小题8:修饰不可数名词information, 故用形容词短语plenty of“大量的”,故选H。句意:网络提供给我们大量的信息,这些信息可以用到许多方面。
小题9:riding a bicycle around the island“骑自行车”是为了experience“体验生活”,故此处用目的状语in order to “为了”,故选A。句意:他们为了尽可能多体验一下,正在绕着那个小岛骑自行车。
小题10: with courage“勇敢地”和fear in his heart.“内心恐惧”是反义词,故用短语rather than“而不是”,故选E。句意:第二天,彼得是勇敢地去练习足球,而不是内心恐惧地去。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

根据对话内容, 运用方框中所给的句子选项补全对话。其中有一项是多余的。(5分)
晚饭前Anti Cindy 正在和Bob 谈论关于网上购物的话题。
Bob:  Aunt Cindy, do you shop online often?
Cindy:Yes. It's very convenient and the price is even lower.
Bob: Are there many things online?
Cindy:Sure. ______ Let's check it out online!
Bob: Oh, what's this? Second-hand cell phone store?
Cindy:Yeah, this one is very famous with a good credit among on-line customers. _____ If you want to change your cell phone for a new one, you can sell the old one here.
Bob: Really? How to do that?
Cindy:Take some pictures of the thing you want to sell, then upload it onto line with a simple description about it and leave your phone number. ______
Bob: That's amazing. I'd love to try it later. Oh, an on-line supermarket?
Cindy:Let's click to check it out.
Bob: Oh, I got it. It is similar to the real supermarket, which makes it feel so real. _____ She loves shopping in supermarkets.
Cindy:Sure it is!  ______ It's a real revolution (革命)about people's shopping habits.
Bob:  Really! Especially when we are busy, we can get things without going out. Oh, dinner is ready.
Cindy: Let’s go first!
A: It is difficult to shop online.
B: Mom will love it.
C: You can find everything all over the world.
D: Shopping online will get more and more popular.
E: Then your stuff will be sold.
F: It's like an open free market.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

use    provide    wait    save    find
About one year ago, people 小题1:____________for a taxi by the road in China. But now Dididache is one of the most popular taxi-hailing apps(应用软件). Many young people think it is a good way 小题2:_____________money and time. According to a report the taxi-hailing app 小题3:____________by more than 40 million people so far. But for the old it’s getting harder to take taxis. The government should 小题4:___________out solutions. Dididache Company says that it 小题5:___________ more convenience for people to get around in future.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

We                   the event of the missing MH370.
Nowadays more and more people _________________ the food safety.
小题3: 我盼望着收到你的来信。
I’m looking forward to _________________ you.
小题4:. 房价涨得这么快,以致许多人买不起房。
The price of the houses is so high that many people _____________to buy houses.
小题5:. 直到他开口说话,我才发现他是莆田人。
I         _____  he was from Putian        ____   he began to talk.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1: 我每天不得不早早起床赶头班车。
I have to ____________________early every day to catch the first bus.
They were ____________________in Hainan last winter.
We do some cleaning to ____________________ bad luck before Spring Festival.
小题4: 你周日经常和母亲去购物吗?
Do you often ____________________with your mother on Sundays?
Why don’t you ____________________the correct spelling next to the mistake?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题


小题1:We can find the museum ______with Baidu Map.
小题2:Would you mind ______up your seat to the old man ?
小题3:Exercise an hour every day ,and you can keep _______.
小题4:For yyour ________,you’d better not travel to Victnam.
小题5:The waiter puts a fork and two ________on the dinner table.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

like   sweep    carry    leave   stop  
小题1:My teacher        over ten books out of the classroom when I came in just now.
小题2:The rain       . Let’s go out to take a walk.
小题3:—Sam, come downstairs, please. I need your help.
—Just a minute, Mum. I        the floor.
小题4:—Why didn’t you hand in your homework yesterday?
—Sorry, I        it at home. I have brought it here today.
小题5:His grandma        singing Beijing opera in her free time.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子,并将答案写在答题卡上相应的题号后。(注意: 只写答案,试题的其它内容不得抄入答题卡)
小题1:--I can’t make complete sentences.
--- Don’t __________________________(不要怕犯错), because it’s very common.(make)
小题2:---Wanglin won the first prize in the speech contest.
---Yeah, he was _____________________________(激动得说不出一句话来).(that)
小题3:---How can I improve my English.
---Doing more listening and reading can______________________(使你可能学好英语).(make)
小题4:---He _______________________________(过去厌恶踢足球 ), but now he loves it.( used)
---Oh, people sure change!
小题5:---What did your head teacher ask you to do just now?
---He _________________________________(鼓励我们参加保护) the environment.(encourage)
小题6:---Thanks for ______________________(给我提供一些有关那架航班的信息) for Beijing.(provide)
---Not at all.
小题7:---We must pay____________________________________(注意刚刚挂起来的标牌) by the side of the road.(that)
---They warn people of traffic accidents.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

We should____                       toour behavior at school.
1t is impolite to__      __              others.
         our         ,Tom became the winner of the singing competition.
China is                      a poor country.
                       many college students have got their driving licence.

