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Have you heard such an old English saying? It says that we must go to b__1___ early and get up early. Then we should be h__2__ and clever.
This is t__3____ .The body must have enough sleep to be healthy .Children of teenagers(青少年) should have ten hours’ s___4_____ every night .If they don’t have e__5____ sleep, they can’t do their work very w__6____.
The body also needs e__7___. Walking, running, jumping, swimming and playing games are all exercise. Exercise keeps the body s___8__. Exercise also keeps the blood(血) moving around inside the body .It is very i__9__ because our blood takes food to all parts of our body. The h_10___ also needs blood, exercise helps us to think better!


小题1:本句的含义应该是早睡早起,故填睡觉的短语go to bed,故本空填bed。
小题3:前句所说的话应该是符合事实 ,是真的,故本空填true。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The boy left the room with_________(眼泪) in his eyes.
小题2:It’s________(浪费) to throw away glass, paper and metal.
小题3:Tony sits_________(在……之间) Lucy and Lily.
小题4:You’d better speak_______(大声). I can’t hear a word from the back.
小题5:Tom will hear from his parents this__________(星期二)。
小题6:My English teacher always________(鼓励) me to speak more English in class.
小题7:My daughter is looking forward to___________(收集) more stamps.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Could you give me a h________? I can’t stand up.
小题2:James, there is only one minute l________, so we need to hurry up.
小题3:Are you good at spoken English or w_______ English?
小题4:One c___________ is equal to one hundred years.
小题5:I w___________ go to his party unless I am invited.
小题6:John came to China last year. He has b______ to learn speaking Chinese.
小题7:Aunt Lucy used to be a f__________. She went fishing almost every day.
小题8:Tomorrow is D__________ forty-fifth birthday. He looks older than Mum.
小题9:Remember that it is not a _________ to use mobile phone in class.
小题10:The teacher asked the boy many questions, but he only a_________ some of them.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Read the passage and fill the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)
The Empire State Building(帝国大厦) has held a special place in the hearts of Americans since it was completed in 1931.It r___1__ more than 443 metres into the sky. For more than forty years , it was the tallest building in the world.
It has one hundred and three levels and six thousand five hundred windows. Visitors can ride in one of seventy-three elevators that take them from the b__2__ to very near the top of the building. Some of these elevators are very fast, reaching the eightieth floor in only forty-five seconds.
The heads of government of almost every n__3__ in the world have visited the Empire State Building. These important people are just a few of million who have ridden to the observation area near the top of the building each year. From there, visitors can see almost all of New York City. They can see the view a __4__ the Hudson River into the state of New Jersey. They can see ships in the East River.
Even if you have never visited New York, there is a good chance for you to see the Empire State Building. It has been photographed c __5__ times. It has even played parts in movies. One is about a huge ape(猿)that escapes and climbs to the top of the building. The movie is “King Kong”(金刚). It was made in 1933. The Empire State Building also appeared in the love story “An Affair to Remember”(金玉盟).Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr play a man and a woman who meet and fall in love on a ship. They are looking at the New York City skyline from the ship when they plan a future meeting.
More recently, in “Sleepless in Seattle(西雅图未眠夜)”,two people in love agree to meet at the Observation Deck on Valentines Day(情人节). B__6__ do arrive, but one is a little later. They almost m __7___each other.
In the early nineteen seventies, the Empire State Building lost its place as the tallest building in New York. People in the city then had the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center to look up to. Tragically that all changed on the morning of September 11,2001. Terrorists hijacked(劫持) passenger airplanes into the Twin Towers and destroyed them. The Empire State Building again has become the city’s tallest building.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:The bag is __________(light) than that one.
小题2:I’m sorry to say that there’s nothing ________(eat).
小题3:When I visited them at 7 o’clock yesterday, they _____________(chat) by the fire.
小题4:There are many boys _________(play) on the playground.
小题5:We must send a letter to her. A letter must _________(send) to her.
小题6:What you said makes me __________(confuse)
小题7:He needs _________(spend) time with friends.
小题8:An ad can lead you _________(buy) something you don’t need.
小题9:She ______________(live) here since three years ago.
小题10:____________(receive) money makes me uncomfortable.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:It’s three years since we         to the city.(move)
小题2:We should do what we can _____   (keep) animals and plants from becoming endangered
小题3:I ‘m afraid Mum can’t answer your phone now. she          food for dinner.(cook)
小题4:If you         careful with your homework, your teacher will be unhappy.( not be)
小题5:Who          my e-dictionary? I left it here five minutes ago.(take)
小题6:We have a lot of things to do,including          a bird count.(do)
小题7:Hurry up ,or you may           the early bus.(not catch.)
小题8:There            little free time for our hubbies next week ,will there?(be)
小题9:When I arrived ,Tom with his classmates       on the phone.(talk)
小题10:You must spend as much time as you can         English every day.(read)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

I have two story-books. One is for you and ______ is for your sister.
A.anotherB.otherC.the otherD.others


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:I saw an alien get out of the UFO. Isn’t that a________.
小题2:The old men should be spoken to p________.
小题3:——Shall we meet on W_______ or Thursday?——Either day is OK with me.
小题4:I don’t remember w________ I have left my keys at home or in the car.
小题5:Don’t tell anybody. It’s just b________ you and me.
小题6:Many young people like to study a______, such as in Britain or in the USA.
小题7:Keep s________ and have a happier, healthier and better life.
小题8:S_________ across the Pacific Ocean when it is possible. This is what your parents said.
小题9:When I got to the school, I r________ I had made a mistake that I had left my homework at home.
小题10:I think as teenagers, we should be allowed to make d________ for ourselves.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

I’m looking forward to seeing my daughter and her daughter, my granddaughter.
I’m going to visit  1 in China because it’s my granddaughter’s birthday. I’m going to  2 the plane to Beijing because they live there. We are going to do some sightseeing because we like Chinese  3 . We’re going to visit the Forbidden City and  4 we are going to walk   5 the Great Wall.

