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_______ the milk shake, please. It's very nice.        
[     ]
A. Drink      
B. Eat          
C. Bring      
D. Make

科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省张家港市2012届九年级上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:001



1.What does the woman want to learn?




2.What is Tom's animal sign?




3.What does Daniel have?




4.Which festival does Millie like best?




5.What are they talking about?




6.Where will they go?

A.The Great Wall.

B.The Palace Museum.


7.When did Mike come back?

A.At 6∶45

B.At 7∶15

C.At 6∶15

8.How much is the ticket for the students?

A.Ten yuan.

B.Fifteen yuan.

C.Five yuan.

9.What does the woman want to drink?

A.Black coffee.

B.White coffee.

C.Tea with milk.

10.What kind of person is John?

A.He is a polite and fair person.

B.He is a dishonest person.

C.He is an unkind person.



11.What does the man want to do?

A.He wants to pick some flowers

B.He wants to step on the grass.

C.He will stop the girl from picking the flowers.

12.What does the sign say?

A.Keep off the grass.

B.Please don't pick the flowers.

C.No parking on this street.


13.How does the man seem to feel after this interview?




14.How many people have been asked for a second interview?




15.What does the man's girlfriend want?

A.She wants to find a job near Mark.

B.She hopes Mark offered the job.

C.She hopes Mark will find a job near her.


16.Who is Harry Potter?

A.He's a cartoon character.

B.He's JK Rowling's son.

C.He's created by JK Rowling

17.Where is the doctor from?




18.What did three children get while reading the Harry Potter books for long hours?

A.a headache

B.a cold

C.a toothache

19.How long did each patient spend reading the Harry Potter books a day?

A.less than four hours.

B.more than four hours

C.four hours

20.When did the headache go away?

A.before they began to read the books.

B.while they were reading the books.

C.after they finished reading the books.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011年四川省遂宁市中考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

All living things on the earth need other living things to live. Nothing lives alone. Most animals must live in a group, and even a plant grows close together with others of the same kind. Sometimes one living thing kills another, one eats and the other is eaten. Each kind of life eats another kind of life in order to live, and together they form a food chain(食物链).Some food chains are simple, while others are not. But all food chains begin with the sun, and all food chains become broken up if one of the links disappears.
All life needs sunlight to live on. But only plants can use sunlight directly. Plants are“factories”.They make food from sunlight, water and things in the soil and air.
Plants feed all other living things. Animals can only use the sun’s energy after it has been changed into food by plants. Some animals feed directly on plants, others eat smaller animals. Meat-eating animals are only eating plants indirectly.
What about human beings? We are members of many food chains. We eat wheat, rice, vegetables, fruits and so on. We also eat meat and drink milk. But men often break up the food chains. They kill wild animals. They also make rivers, lakes and seas dirty. When these rivers, lakes and seas are polluted, the fish in them cannot be eaten. If men eat the fish, they will get strange diseases.
Each form of life is linked to all others. Breaking the links puts all life in danger. 
【小题1】How does every living thing on the earth live?
A. Each plant can live alone.
B. Each animal can live alone.
C. Every living thing on the earth cannot live without others.
【小题2】Which living things can use the sun’s energy directly?
A. Animals      B. Plants         C. All living things
【小题3】Who often break up the food chains?
A. Human beings
B. Animals
C. Plant and animals
【小题4】 Which of the following do you think is the best title of this passage?
A. Animals         B. Plants       C. Food Chains    
【小题5】Where can you probably find this passage?
A. In a news report.
B. In your textbook.
C. In a business magazine.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014届陕西省八年级下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


The food my British friends eat in Britain is very different from our Chinese food. For example, they eat a lot of potatoes. They like to eat them every day. They eat bread for breakfast and usually for every other meal. They eat their bread with butter, cheese, or jam, things we don’t eat much in China. Cheese and butter are made from milk. They drink a lot of milk, too. They drink the milk cold or hot, and they put it in their tea. They put sugar in their tea as well. They are the world’s biggest tea drinkers. They like Chinese tea, but they drink mostly strong black tea from India and Sri Lanka(斯里兰卡). They don’t eat much rice. For their main meal they like meat or fish with potatoes and one of two vegetables. They serve(供应) all these together. Later they always have something sweet. They call this dessert. They don’t have Jiaozi in Britain.

1.The Chinese food is the same as the British one.

2.The British like to eat potatoes very much.

3.Chinese like to eat cheese.

4.They drink tea with milk in Britain.

5.They eat meat or fish every day in Britain.



科目:初中英语 来源:专项题 题型:填空题


1. Please turn __________ (on) the lights. It's bright (明亮) enough.
    And we can see clearly.
2. The girl __________ (cut) up the banana now. Be careful.
    Don't __________ (cut) yourself.
3. Could you please tell me how___________ (make) an apple milk shake?
4. We need two ___________ (cup) of ___________ (yogurt).
5. ___________ (final) put the milk shake into the cup and
   drink ___________ (it\them).
6. It's much too___________ (salt). Maybe someone ___________ (put)
    too much ___________ (salt).
7. F___________, p___________ some bananas, and c___________ them up.
    N___________, put the banana and ice cream i___________ the blender,
   and p___________ some yogurt into the b___________. T___________,
   t___________ on the blender for about two m____________. F___________,
   pour the milk s___________ into the cup and d____________ it. It must be very d____________.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

       Do you drink milk every day? Milk is good for health. It is one of the healthiest foods. But do
you know the best ways to drink milk? Here are some suggestions.    
       ◆ You should not drink milk on an empty stomach.  Milk is not enough for a meal in itself. You
need other foods with the milk, like bread and biscuits.  They help you to take in more of the milk's
nutrients (营养).    
       ◆ If there's no milk, soybean milk (豆浆) is a good choice.  People drink milk because it gives the
body calcium (钙).  So you can try foods with lots of calcium,  these could be bean products, like tofu,
nuts, or shrimp (虾).    
       ◆ When is the best time for a glass of milk? At breakfast or an hour or two before dinner. Milk
helps you sleep. You can have a glass before you go to bed.    
       ◆ Iced milk may taste good, especially in summer.  But it may not be good for your health.  Iced
milk gives your body less calcium.
1. We should drink milk with               .          
A. other drinks                    
B. some fruits          
C. other foods                      
D. some vegetables
2.              is also a kind of food with lots of calcium.        
A. Soybean milk  
B. Rice            
C. Apples        
D. Bread
3. If you want to sleep well, you can have                 before going to bed.        
A. some nuts                        
B. some tofu        
C. a glass of milk                    
D. a glass of soybean milk
4. Hot milk gives our body              iced one.          
A. as little as calcium                  
B. more calcium than          
C. less calcium than                  
D. as much calcium as
5. The passage tells us                .          
A. the advantages to drink milk        
B. there are many healthy foods          
C. the nutrients in milk                
D. the best ways to drink milk

