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B. Listen to Benny talk to his friends and Miss Luo about where they are going to take Ted. Then match the person with the place each suggests.

1 Mary   a The Palace Museum 

2 Cathy   b Beihai Park 

3 joe c Beijing Zoo 

4 Miss Luo   d The Beijing Capital Theatre 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

(C  Circle British if a given sentence is in British English or American if it is in Ameri ( English. Then change it into British or American English. You may use a dictionary to he you.

1. Does Miss Shan have a computer? (British/American)

2. He often goes to Sunshine Library at the weekend. (British/American)

3. She has already listened to the song. (British/American)

4 .When Jack went to China for the first time,he was in junior high. (British / American)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A2. Benny is making notes about the people and their jobs. Help him complete the table.



How can he/she help?

Pan Wei

English teacher

help with (1)

Lin Sen


check and ⑶

Su Ning


do some (5)

Lan Bo


give advice on (6)


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A2.Sandy sat in the back row,so she did not hear Neil clearly. She asks Simon some questions about Neil's presentation. Help Simon answer Sandy's questions.

1 Where is the city of Liverpool?


2 Is Liverpool a new city?


3 Howmany old buildings are there in Liverpool?


4 When was Liverpool the European Capital of Culture?


5 What is the most famous band from Liverpool?


6 Does Neil like living in Liverpool?



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

B1.David and Millie are looking for their school bags. They are talking to Mr Wu. Complete their conversation with the correct possessive pronouns.

David: We're looking for our bags.

Mr Wu: What are they like?

David: ⑴ is black.

Millie: (2) is blue.

Mr Wu: Take a look at these two bags. Are they (3) ?

Millie: Yes,they’re (4) . This black one is ⑶ . This blue one is (6) .

Mr Wu: Are you sure? Peter and Amy are looking for their bags too. These could be (7) .

David: No. They're (8) . See,they have our names on them.

Millie: Look over there. I think those bags are (9)   .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A.  Amy's cousin Shirley is at Shanghai Wild Animal Park. She is telling Amy about the park on the phone. Complete what she says with the help of the first letter of each word.

Hi,Amy. We're now at Shanghai Wild Animal Park. The park is very big. There are over 1 ,0000 animals in it.

We re taking a special bus to go around the park. I can see some tall

(1) g  beside our bus. Th?eyVe reaching their long (2) n for the high (3) I on a tree. The (4) e are drinking water.

Their large ears are moving like (5) f . There are some

(6) d animals like lions and tigers too.

There's also an (7) a in the park for people to walk around You can see lovely animals there. The pandas are lazy,but they're really (8) c. They seem to be eating (9) b all the time. A monkey is putting a visitor's hat on its head. It looks so (10) f and is making all of us (11) I !


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A2.Sondy finds a map of the town on the Internet. Look at part of the map and complete what she savs with a,an or the.

Ah,a map of the town. This will be very helpful!Now let me see ...

This is my house. There's (1) bank across Spring Road and

(2) supernnarket next to it ⑶ Art Museum is in Summer Street South of Summer Street there's (4) river.

(5) park in the middle of (6) town is large. My school is on the other side of (7) West Gate of (8)

park. There's (9) cinema in Green Street. Tm going to watch (10) interesting film there tomorrow.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

A.  Complete the sentences with the simple past tense of the verbs in brackets.

1 Suzy (ask) her father a lot of questions about animals.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Simon's favourite activity is

