精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
小题1: ____________ (learn) English well, he practises reading every day.
小题2:It will be much ____________ (fog) tomorrow, please drive as carefully as you can.
小题3:—Where is Miss Chen?      —She ____________ (leave) for Paris to attend a meeting.
小题4:The students ____________ (teach) how to do the experiment in the chemistry lab yesterday.
小题5:The wonderful festival my children are looking forward to ____________ (come) soon.

小题1:To learn
小题3:has left
小题4:were taught
小题5:will come/ is going to come

小题1:本句中不定式短语作目的状语,句意:为了很好地学习英语,他每天练习阅读。故填To learn。
小题3:have/has+动词过去分词构成现在完成时,she是第三人称单数,所以用has;leave for去……,leave的过去分词为left。句意:陈小姐在哪里?她已经去巴黎开会了。故填has left。
小题4:be+动词过去分词构成被动语态,yesterday是过去的时间,所以用一般过去时态。句意:学生们昨天化学课被教授怎么做实验。故填were taught。
小题5:本句的主语是The wonderful festival, my children are looking forward to是定语从句用来修饰主语;soon马上,用一般将来时;句意:孩子们正期待的节日马上就要到了。故填will come /is going to come。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题

你叫Jim Green.现在是晚上7点,你一家正忙着做以下的事情。请你阅读表格的内容,给你在英国的祖母写一张明信片,并告知她你家的事情。明信片的开头已给出。词数40~50。
Time    t
Listen to the radio
In the living room
At seven
Mrs. Brown
Wash the cups and glasses
In the kitchen
At seven
Mr. Brown
Read the newspaper
In his bedroom
At seven
Dear grandma,
Jim Green
Guangzhou No.5Middle School


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

Hi Grace,
How’s it going? Sorry I haven’t emailed for a while, but I had so much to do!
I had told you about my decision to take up a sport. I knew I wasn’t fit and I wanted to get some exercises. But that wasn’t the only reason that I decided to do a sport. Students who play sports do better at school.   小题1:   Exercise also helps learning and memory .
小题2:   First, I tried soccer. I had played a bit of soccer before and I thought it would be too bad. I knew I couldn’t run very long without feeling tired. On the first day, I was able to run for the first ten minutes, but then I was so tired that I couldn’t even kick the ball!
Then, I tried volleyball.小题3:  I was able to run for the first twenty minutes and I wasn’t the slowest runner in the team! After a few weeks, I could run faster and longer. I was doing better and feeling better.     小题4:     Maybe I’m not a team sport person after all.
Finally, I tried kung fu . It’s a great sport that exercise the body and the mind. You learn to follow instructions carefully and do what you are asked to do. This is the right sport for me !   小题5:    I feel so confident that I even showed some moves to the class last week. Can you believe it?
I hope you are OK! Write and let me know what you’ve been doing!
Bye for now!


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1: 商店在银行的旁边。The shop _________________________ the bank.
小题2: 下周他们打算呆在家里。They __________________________ at home next week.
小题3: 我想要给妈妈买一件T恤衫。I ___________________________ my mother a T- shirt.
小题4: 明天的天气怎么样?What __________________________________ tomorrow?
小题5:我和我的妹妹都盼着去迪斯尼乐园。My sister and I are _________________ to Disneyland.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Do you find that when you are busy with your study on the Internet, the speed of your computer slows down   小题1:  sometimes? It is probably because your computer gets infected by virus (病毒), which can make it more difficult for you to use the computer. How to keep viruses小题2: your computer is a problem now. But in fact, nothing can ensure (保证) the security of your computer one hundred percent. There are, somehow some things you can do to  小题3: your computer’s security system and decrease (降低) the possibility of an infection.
You can   小题4: your system up to date with the current anti-virus software (反病毒软件), and use the following methods


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:The film on detectives is so interesting that Tim has already seen it ___________.(two)
小题2:I am sure George is able to make a real car by ________.(he)
小题3:If you want to keep _______,you should do some exercise every day.(health)
小题4:“Take care of yourself,”my mother said __________to me.(gentle)
小题5:Shanghai is now very modern. Many foreigners will become the_____ of Shanghai in the future.(city)
小题6:The soup is good for you.It is a ________of different kinds of vegetables.(mix)
小题7:Please _________the milk in the microwave before you drink it.(heat)
小题8:They won’t publish Johnson’s report unless he _________it.(write)


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1: 我的好朋友Tom出国将近2个月了。
My good friend _________________________ for nearly 2 months.
Though it is cold outside,  he _______________________ every day.
小题3: 很多青少年由于过重的作业负担而得不到充足的睡眠。
A large number of teenagers can’t get ________________________ too much homework.
_______________________ , the English teacher has marked new words in red.
小题5: 我想知道多久以后如此多的邮件会得以回复。
I am wondering _______________________________ .
The engineer                        and finally had a success.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1: Linda is the big ____________ of the car race.
小题2: Art is my ____________ class in the timetable today.
小题3:We should always speak ____________ to our parents.
小题4: Jim ____________ the TV and watched the football game.
小题5:Mr. Zhang owns a teahouse. It ____________ tea in special bowls.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

be        sell       know       remember       live
The world paused (暂停) 小题1:__________ a cultural giant on April 17 after Nobel Prize-winning writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez died at the age of 87.Garcia Marquez was born in Colombia but 小题2:__________ in Mexico for more than 30 years. He 小题3:__________ one of the 20th century’s most famous writers.He is best 小题4:__________ for his 1967 novel, One Hundred Years of Solitude (《百年孤独》). It’s about a family over several generations. The story is about the development of Colombia since the 19th century. The novel 小题5:__________ about 50 million copies already.

