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Is this factory ________ you want to visit tomorrow?

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.
    the one

科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:050

  What's the world's favorite game? In America, people call it soccer, but in other parts of the world it's called football.

  Football is an old game in Europe and South America. Countries like Italy, Spain, and Argentina have long football histories and thousands of(成千上万的)fans. For many fans, their football club is part of their lives. They wear their club's colours and sing their club's songs and watch every game their team plays. Do you know the history of women's football in China is longer than football in Europe and South America? There are pictures of women playing football at the time of the Eastern Han Dynasty(东汉).

  One of the oldest football competitions(竞赛)in the world is the FA Cup in England. Teams from 600 clubs play in it. Big clubs in this competition are Manchester United(曼联队), Liverpool(利物浦队)and Arsenal(阿森纳队). These clubs have fans in China and in countries all over the world. Manchester United even has a TV station called MUTV.

(1)For many fans, their football club is part of their lives.What does the sentence mean?

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AMany football fans love their football club very much.

BMany football fans help their club.

CThe football club needs fans' help.

(2) Which is the oldest, the football in China, the football in Europe or the football in South America?

[  ]

AThe football in Europe.

BThe football in China.

CThe football in South America.

(3) What is MUTV?

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AThe Manchester United Team.

BThe TV station of Manchester United.

CThe TV station of United States.

(4) What's the best title of the passage?

[  ]

AThe world's favourite football teams.

BThe world's football fans are excited(兴奋激动的).

CThe world's favourite game.

(5) Which of the following is NOT right?

[  ]

AFootball fans like to wear their team's colours and sing their club's song.

BThere are many football fans of English clubs in China.

CLiverpool and Arsenal are American football teams.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


71 We had three days _____________ / ɔ:f / this New Year’s Day.

72 Most of the students ____________ / heit / doing chores at home.

73 Chinese people are _____________ / kaind / to the tourists all over the world.

74 If you are _____________ / fri: / this weekend, what about going hiking?

75 The moon is the ______________ / fa:ðist / place people have reached.


科目:初中英语 来源:月考题 题型:阅读理解

     Many teenagers (青少年) feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends. They
believe that their family members, and in particular (尤其是) their parents, don't know them as well as
their friends do. In large families, it is quite often for brothers and sisters to fight with each other and then
they can only go to their friends for advice.
     It is very important for teenagers to have one good friend or a group of friends.  Even when they
are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of time talking among themselves on the phone. This
communication is very important in children's growing up, because friends can discuss something which
is difficult to tell their fa-mily members.
    However, parents often try to choose their children's friends for them. Some parents may even stop
their children from meeting their good friends. The question of "choice" is an interesting one. Have you
ever thought of the following questions?
    Who chooses your friends?
    Do you choose your friends or your friends choose you?
    Do your parents like your friends?
    Your answers are welcome.
1. Many teenagers think their ______ know them better than their parents do.
A. friends                            
B. parents
C. brothers and sisters                  
D. family members
2. When teenagers stay alone, the usual way of communication is _____.         
A. to go to their friends
B. to talk with their parents
C. to have a discussion with their family on the phone
D. to talk with their friends on the phone
3. Which of the following is different in meaning from the sentence "Some parents may even stop their
     children from meeting their good friends. "?          
A. Some parents may even not allow their children to meet their good friends.
B. Some parents may even ask their children to stay away from their good friends.
C. Some parents may even not let their children meet their good friends.
D. Some parents may want their children to stop to meet all of their friends.
4. Which of the following sentence is TRUE according to the passage?           
A. Parents should like everything their children enjoy.
B. In all families children can choose everything they like.
C. Parents should try their best to uniderstand their children better.
D. Teenagers can only go to their friends for help.
5. The sentence "Your answers are welcome. " means "______"           
A. you are welcome to have a discussion with us
B. we've got no idea, so your answers are welcome
C. your answers are always correct
D. you can give us all the right answers


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    Ancient Chinese,Roman.and Egyptian writings tell about games played by kicking a ball.We also know that in the twelfth century, in some English towns,on Certain days of the year.hundreds of young men would kick a ball around the streets.Unfortunately,fighting often resulted.People were hurt and even killed.In l314.such games were not allowed because they were too dangerous.

    The game we now know as football developed in England in the early nineteenth century.Football was played in many schools and clubs as early as l823.These schools and clubs often had different rules.but in l 863.the Football Association of “FA” was created,and standard rules were agreed for everyone to follow.These are the rules that many parts of the owrld use for football today.In l871,a cup Was given for the best English club,called the FA Cup.Football soon spread acrous the world.

    In the United States and Canada, however, a different type of football game developed,where the players could pick the ball up and carry it.The ball is also in a different shape. In American football there is also more violent contact between players,who have to wear special clothing to protect themselves.

    Football is flow certainly the most popular game on earth.Why is that? One reason may be that a more relaxing game like football Can be enjoyed by.just a few people of any age,on any-piece of ground or even in the street. All they need is a ball,and a few things to mark the goals(比分).Another reason may be that,although football is a team game,it also allows people to show their special skills.Some footballers become very rich and famous,like David Beckham,who now plays for Real Madrid.For this reason,many young people dream of becoming football stars and getting very rich.Television too has undoubtedly made football more popular.Millions of people Call watch international matches such as the World Cup,which is held every four years.

1.The first ball games in England were _____________.

    A.very dangerous

    B.played only by a few people for relaxation

    C.played for money

    D.played for a cup

2.In the early l9th century,football was played___________,

    A.in many countries               B.by many people in England

    C.with standard rules         D.by a few people in England

3.When Was the first FA Cup Match held?

   A.1823    B.1863      C.1872        D.1871

4.Why do many young people dream of becoming football stars?

    A.To hurt other people.        B.To get the FA Cup.

    C.To become rich and famous.       D.To weal special clothes.

5.What does “Undoubtedly” mean?

    A.Sure of something.           B.Not sure of something.

    C.Happy about something.       D.Very lucky.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

配对阅读 左栏是五组人在春节假期期间想要做的事情,右栏是七则在《中国日报》刊登的广告。请将左栏的相关人员与适合他们的广告配对。

(  )11.Jenny, a Beijinger, is crazy about Italy.She loves Italian food, Italian music, Italian novels and movies.She has an Italian pen pal, too.She dreams of visiting Rome one day.

(  )12.Mr.Smith is a kind old millionaire in Hangzhou.He retired from work two years ago and his wife has died of cancer.So he really wants to help people who have got cancer.

(  )13.Candy lives in Beijing.She loves music that is popular.She loves the Korea star called Rain and S.H.E from Taiwan.She has 85 yuan with her.

(  )14.Mary is a student in Xinghai Music College in Guangzhou.She loves music that she can dance to.She is good at dancing.She is free on Feb.15.

(  )15.Tommy, a college student in Guangzhou.He majors in fashion design.He is interested in European styles.

       A.Rain's day in Beijing.It's Korean pop star Rain's concert in Beijing.Price: 280-580 yuan.Time: Tuesday, Feb.12, 2013.

       B.Watch Hip­hop dancers from New York City perform in Guang­zhou Tianhe Stadium.Price:50-280 yuan.Time: Thursday-Saturday, Feb.14-16, 2013.

  C.Fund (基金)­raising run.Stretch your legs in this 8.8 km run and raise money for cancer research.Place: West Lake Park, Hangzhou.Time: Sunday, Feb.17, 2013.

       D.S.H.E's concert.The girls from S.H.E are coming to Beijing.They will perform their hot song I Don't Want to Grow up.Price: 80-300 yuan.Time: Tuesday, Feb.12, 2013.

       E.Shanghai Families.Hu Yang photographed the Shanghai fa­milies from workers to millionaires.Price: Free.Place: Shanghai Museum.Time: Saturday, Feb.16, 2013.

       F.Design from Finland.See the works of some young creative designers.Price: Free.Place: Guangzhou Art Museum.Time: Wednesday, Feb.13, 2013.

       G.Three Steps Over Heaven.For a culture evening—the Italian Embassy (大使馆) movie night.This film is about a teenager's romance that is set in Rome.Price: Free. Place: Italian Embassy.Time: Monday, Feb.11, 2013.

