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A family moved into a house, next to a vacant lot(闲置的地皮). One day, some workers came to start building a house there.
The family’s 5-year-old daughter took an interest in all the activity going on next door and spent much of each day watching the workers. They talked with her, let her sit with them when they had coffee and lunch breaks. They also gave her little jobs to do here and there to make her feel important.
At the end of the first week, they even gave her an envelope(信封)with ten dollars. The little girl took this home to her mother. Her mother told her to take her“pay”to the bank the next day to start a savings account.
When the girl and her mom got to the bank, the clerk was surprised and asked the little girl what she did.
The little girl said,“I worked last week to build the new house next door to us.”
“Oh,” said the clerk, “and will you be working to build the house again this week, too?”
The little girl said, “Yes, of course.”
小题1:What did the workers want to build on the vacant lot?
A. A bank.        B. A hospital.                C. A house.
小题2:Which of the following activities didn’t the workers do?
A. Talked with the girl.
B. Sang with the girl.
C. Gave the girl little jobs here and there.
小题3:What did the workers think of the girl?
A. They disliked her.
B. They liked her.
C. They hated her.
小题4:What do the underlined words mean in Chinese?
A.一个基金账户     B. 一个储蓄账户         C.一个股票账户   
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE about the girl?
A. She wanted to become a worker.
B. She learnt to make a lot of money.
C. She thought she was important.


小题1:细节理解题。根据原文One day, some workers came to start building a house there.可知工人们在闲置地皮上盖房子。故选C。
小题2:细节理解题。根据原文They talked with her, let her sit with them when they had coffee and lunch breaks. They also gave her little jobs to do .可知工人们跟女孩儿聊天,让他跟他们一起喝咖啡吃午饭,还给她一些简单的工作做。没有提到唱歌。故选B。
小题4:词义猜测题。根据Her mother told her to take her“pay”to the bank the next day to start a savings account.可知去bank银行开一个储蓄账户。故选B。
小题5:细节理解题。根据原文They also gave her little jobs to do here and there to make her feel important.可知女孩儿认为她自己很重要。故选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

For hundreds of years, Japan has been hit, from time to time, by enormous (巨大的) tsunamis(海啸). These awful sudden risings of the sea are caused by earthquakes or underwater volcanic actions. The story of the boy Yuuki is the story of such a disaster.
Yuuki lived with his family in a seaside village, below a small mountain. One day, as he played on top of the mountain, Yuuki felt a small earthquake but it was not strong enough to frighten anybody and passed quickly. Soon after, however, Yuuki noticed the sea darken and begin running away from the shore very fast, leaving behind wide stretches of beach that had never been seen before.
With a grasp, Yuuki remembered reading that just before a terrible tsunami, the sea suddenly and quickly rolls backward. He ran to the beach, warning the villagers who had gathered to admire the new beach land.
“Get back!” shouted the boy, “There is a terrible danger!”
But no one listened. They laughed at him and continued playing in the new sand and watched the sea roll backward even more.
Desperate, Yuuki could think of only one thing to do. He lit a tree branch, raced to the rice fields and began burning the harvested rice. Then he called out, “Fire! Fire! Everyone run to the mountain! Now!”
When everyone reached the mountain-top, a villager cried out, “Yuuki is mad! I saw him set the fire.” Yuuki hung his head in shame, but said nothing as the villagers cursed him. Just then, someone shouted, “Look!”
In the distance what seemed to be a huge dark line was speeding towards the shore. As it got nearer the people realized the long thin line of darkness was the returning sea, towering like a mountain.
The villagers watched in terror as the water struck the shore, smashing over their homes then tearing out the land as it receded.
On the mountain everyone stared speechlessly at the destruction below.
“I'm sorry I burned the fields,” said Yuuki, his voice trembling.
“Yuuki,” village-chief answered. “You saved us all.”
The villagers cheered and raised Yuuki into the air. “We were going to
celebrate our rice harvest tonight,” said one, “but now we’ll celebrate that we’re all still alive!”
小题1:Where was Yuuki when the earthquake struck?
A.On the beach.
B.On the mountain.
C.In the rice fields.
D.At his family home.
小题2: In what order did the following events take place?
a. Yuuki set fire to the rice fields.
b. The villagers laughed and played on the beach.
c. The land was torn away by the water.
d. Yuuki ran to warn the villagers.
e. The villagers stared at the destruction.
f. The people were cursing Yuuki.
A.d, b, e, a, c, f
B.b, a, d, e, c, f
C.d, b, a, f, c, e
D.a, d, b, e, f, c
小题3:How did Yuuki save the villagers from the disaster?
A.He told them about the earthquake.
B.He explained why the sea was flowing out.
C.He told the village chief to warn the people.
D.He set fire to the rice field.
小题4:What were the people planning to do before the tsunami struck their village?
A.Harvest the rice crop.
B.Play on the beach.
C.Climb the mountain.
D.Celebrate the rice harvest.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Our English teacher, Tom Jackson, has some good neighbors. They are Carl, Ann, Joe and Mary. Here’s some information about them.
Carl is a train conductor. He works on the railway for 28 years. It is always a good job for him because he likes meeting people. Carl is very helpful and tries to make the passengers comfortable. He often stops to talk with the passengers. He likes his work because he can travel to many different places.
Ann is a kind woman in a small town. In a hospital, she works as a nurse for four years. She likes her work very much. This month she is helping mothers with their new babies.
Joe is a taxi driver. He drives a taxi for 22 years. Most of the time Joe likes his work. He takes many film stars to the airport. He is cheerful and smiles a lot and his passengers like him. He makes a good living and supports a family of four.
Mary is a teacher in a high school. She teaches French. She has 33 students in her class, 15 boys and 18 girls. She likes her students, and her students like her. She is very kind and helps them a lot. She is always happy to be a teacher.
小题1:Carl likes his job because____________.
A.he can meet many film starsB.he makes a good living
C.he works on the railway for 28 years.D.he can go to lots of different places
小题2:Which of the following is true?
A.Ann helps mothers with their new babies for four years.
B.Ann works as a nurse for four years.
C.There are eighteen students in Mary’s class.
D.With Joe’s help, the passengers can feel comfortable on the train.
小题3:The underlined word “support” means “__________” in the passage.
小题4:From the passage, we learn that _______ always enjoy their work.
A.Carl, Ann and JoeB.Mary, Carl and Ann
C.All of Tom’s four friendsD.Joe, Ann and Mary


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The young man went to a town and worked there. He did not have a wife so a servant(仆人) did the work in his house.
The young man liked laughing a lot. He nailed(钉钉子) the servant’s shoes to the floor on Monday, and then laughed, because the servant put his feet in them and fell down.
The servant was not angry, but smiled.
Then the young man put brushes in his bed on Tuesday. The servant got into bed and hit the brushes with his feet. He was afraid. The young man laughed loudly again. Again the servant was not angry, but smiled.
Then on Wednesday the young man said to his servant, “You’re a nice, kind man. I am not going to be unkind to you again.”
The servant smiled and said, “And I’m not going to put any more mud(淤泥) from the street in your coffee.”
小题1:The young man went to a town to __________.
A. study                    B. work                 C. spend his holiday
小题2:He played a joke on the servant because __________.
A. he hated him            
B. he had nothing to do    
C. he wanted to get pleasure
小题3:When the young man played a joke on him, the servant just smiled because __________.
A. he was afraid to be fired(解雇)
B. he liked the young man’s action
C. making the young man laugh is his job
小题4:The young man thought the servant showed kind to him, so at last he __________.
A. got angry               
B. stopped playing jokes       
C. laughed loudly again
小题5:What did the servant do in return to(回报) the young man?
A. He stole something from the house.
B. He gave a smile to the young man.
C. He put mud into the young man’s coffee.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Around two weeks ago, I was invited to be a judge(裁判) at a college. All of the students had been given a piece of paper with a topic written on it. The first one to speak looked a little      . “My dear friends and judges,” he said loudly, “this is an unfair         ! I have been given the paper,” he continued, “to speak on the topic with just a few minutes’ preparation,        those who come after me have more time to         their speeches!” He then left the stage and went out of the hall. 
  I met him later by chance. “Who said life is        ?” I asked him with a smile, and I asked him to walk with me to my car. “Have you seen the figures(数字) they show when a new car is        into the market, saying how good it is?”  
  “Yes,” he nodded.
  “But they put a         after all these figures. They say all the figures are in ideal road conditions!” 
  “Yes,” he said again.
  “Can you show me some ideal road conditions?” I asked him, and he smiled. “The car that sells well is the one        will provide power and speed on the       roads. That car is the winner.” 
  We had got to the car. “Don’t look for ideal competition conditions,” I said. “        the unfair and come out a winner!”
  I looked back as I drove away and saw him smile and wave, and I knew he would do as I said.
A.wait forB.care aboutC.work onD.find out


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It was near Christmas during my first semester teaching at a new school.I loved my small special class more than any group I had taught in the past.They were hungry for knowledge and I was enjoying teaching.
Other teachers had told me that our children were from poor families and not to expect any child to bring a Christmas gift.In fact,I wasn't expecting any gifts.
Imagine my surprise when every child brought me a gift on the day before our holiday break.First,I got a much­loved stuffed monkey from a shy girl.I was told,“He is my favorite,but I love you and I want him to be with you,Miss Taylor.”How thrilled I was!
Next came a new set of Christmas tree lights that was “missing” from a mother's cupboard.
Finally,I came to one little boy's gift which I had never received.It was an old,dirty and broken Christmas story book.Just when I wanted to express my happiness,I was interrupted(打断)by the giver,“And see,it is new!It still has the price tag.”
When other children laughed at him,I stopped them and said,“Oh,books are good in that way.The story is always new if you have not read it before.Now,let's share one together.”Everyone listened quietly as I read the most wonderful Christmas story of my life.
I still keep those Christmas gifts.They always remind me of my lovely kids.
小题1:Why did the teacher like her small special class?
小题2:When did the children bring their teacher gifts?
小题3:Who sent a stuffed monkey to the teacher?
小题4:Was the Christmas story book new?
小题5:How did the teacher feel when she got the gifts?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Yesterday I went to the nursing home to visit my grandma. She just got out of the hospital recently where she had some serious operations. I wanted to surprise her after work, so I stopped by for a quick visit.
When I got there, she was happy to see me. We hugged, kissed and exchanged greetings. Then I heard a woman crying. It was my grandma’s roommate. The curtain was drawn so I could not see her. She started calling out a name that wasn’t mine but she was certainly talking to me, begging me to go to her side of the room.
I ignored her at first and continued visiting with my grandma. Then she started begging and saying, “Please, come to see me!” So I went to see her.
When I drew the curtain back, she looked so old but flashed me the biggest smile! She opened her arms wide for me to hug her so I bent low and gave her a hug. I sat on her bed and talked with her for a few minutes. She kept calling me by the other name but I did not correct her. She told me stories as if I had been there when they happened.
Finally I went back to visit with my grandma. Then the woman started crying again, saying, “Please, come back.” She finally slept.
I stopped by the nurse’s station and the nurse told me that the lady suffers from Alzheimer’s. I mentioned the name she had called me. The nurse told me it was the lady’s daughter’s name. Then I understood why she wanted me to go to visit her.
We will all get old some day. Some of us will have broken minds like he lady and some of us will have broken bodies like my grandma. As I was leaving I promised I would go back and visit the lady, even after my grandma moves back to her home.
小题1:Why did the writer’s grandma live in a nursing home?
A.Because she needed another operation.
B.Because she had been used to living there.
C.Because she waited for the writer to come.
D.Because she wanted to be looked after there.
小题2:According to the text, the woman cried because_________.
A.she missed her daughter very much
B.she expected to tell stories to the writer
C.she feared the curtain being drawn
D.she was troubled by the writer’s talking
小题3:Which word can be used to describe the crying woman?
小题4:What can the writer learn from her experience?
A.The old will become forgetful.
B.Everyone will get old someday.
C.The old need care from others.
D.We shouldn’t leave the old in the nursing home.
小题5:Which of the following is right according to the passage?
A.The lady came out to see me.
B.the lady’s daughter always visited her.
C.The writer’s grandma had some serious illness.
D.The writer would go back and visit the old lady.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Last night I was driving from Harrisburg to Lewisburg, a distance of about 80 miles. It was late, and I was driving          .
At one point along an open highway, I came to a crossroad with a traffic light. I was         on the road by now, but as I came near the light, it turned         , and I braked to a stop. I looked left, right, and behind me. Nothing. No car, no suggestion of headlights,          there I sat, waiting for the light to        , the only human being, for at least a mile in any       .
I started wondering why I         to run the light. I was not afraid of being caught, because there was         no policeman anywhere around and there certainly would have been no         in going through it.
Much later that        , after I'd met with a group in Lewisburg and had climbed into bed near midnight, the question of why I'd stopped for that light         me. I think I stopped         it's part of a contract(契约) we all have with each other. It's not only the law, but it's an agreement we have, and we trust each other to follow          : we don't go through red lights.
We do          we say we'll do. We show up when we say we'll show up.
I was so        of myself for stopping for that red light. And as no one would ever have known what a good person I was on the road from Harrisburg to Lewisburg, I had to tell someone.
A.depended onB.looked forward toC.stayed away fromD.came back to


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

You are 21 years old and live a happy life. ________ one day, your doctor tells you that you have a serious disease and may not live more than one year.
How would you ____ ? What would you do? I think most of us might feel very _____ and give up our dreams and hopes for the future. Here is _____ one of the greatest scientists, Stephen Hawking , did.
Hawking didn’t let the disease stop him from living his dream life. He went on with his study of the universe (宇宙) and _____ around the world to give talks . In 2002, Hawking visited China and _____ to students in Hangzhou and Beijing. Because of the disease,Hawking had to sit in his wheelchair and speak _______ a computer. He told the students about his theories(理论) on some questions, for example, _____ time is , how the universe began, and what black holes are. Hawking became famous in the early 1970s. In 1988, he wrote A Brief History of Time. The _____ explains a difficult theory in an easy way and it sold very well. Stephen Hawking is a man with a _____ will(意志) and people think he is the greatest scientist in physics since Albert Einstein.

