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What do we really mean by being open? Being open is a kind of invitation to others to come in, to speak and to share. It is important in letting others get to know how we think and feel. In this way we will be understood and accepted by others. If we aren’t open with others, we won’t fully believe in ourselves or others.
Here are a few ways for you to be more open. First, make your outside behavior the same with your inside feelings and thoughts. Second, share how you really feel about something instead of just opinions. Third, try to change your questions into statements(陈述句) and talk in the first person so that people will understand you more easily. For example, you might say, “I feel happy that you’re here,” instead of, “Are you glad that you’re here?” Finally, try not to say, “I don’t know.” This usually means I don’t want to think about it any more.
Remember also that it is not suitable to be open with everyone in every situation. You may want to be more open with close friends, but not with people you don’t know well, because you are not sure how someone else will use what they know about you. Besides, some people may not be used to too much openness. If we say everything we feel or think to them, they will feel very uncomfortable at times.
In all, being open is a good way for us to get on well with other people, but we’d better keep the balance between being open and not being too open.

Title: Being open
Meanings of being open
l   1  others to come in, to speak and to share.
l Show others    2   we think and feel.
l Let others understand and 3  us.
l Believe in ourselves and others by being open.
   4  to be more open
l Make   5 your outside behavior is the same with your inside feelings and thoughts.
l Try to share your    6 feelings.
l Make statements instead of   7 and use the first person.
l Try not to say, “I don’t know.”
Reasons for not being too open
l Someone may use your   8  to hurt you.
l You will make them feel very uncomfortable   9   .
Conclusion: It will    10 us get on well with others if we keep the balance between being open and not being too open.


【小题1】细节理解题,根据文中语句“Being open is a kind of invitation to others to come in, to speak and to share.”理解可知。开放就是邀请别人进来。故用invite。
【小题2】细节理解题,根据文中语句“It is important in letting others get to know how we think and feel.”理解可知。开放还意味着让别人了解自己,故用how或what。
【小题3】细节理解题,根据文中语句“In this way we will be understood and accepted by others.”理解可知。开放还意味着让别人理解自己并能接受自己,故填accept。
【小题5】细节理解题,根据文中语句“make your outside behavior the same with your inside feelings and thoughts.”理解可知。确保你的言行一致,故填sure。
【小题6】细节理解题,根据文中语句“share how you really feel about something instead of just opinions.”理解可知。一定要说出您的真实感受,故选real或true。形容词。
【小题7】细节理解题,根据文中语句“try to change your questions into statements(陈述句) and talk in the first person so that people will understand you more easily.”理解可知。在跟别人交谈时一定多用陈述句,少用疑问句,故选question。
【小题8】细节理解题,根据文中语句“You may want to be more open with close friends, but not with people you don’t know well, because you are not sure how someone else will use what they know about you.”理解可知。
【小题9】细节理解题,根据文中语句“If we say everything we feel or think to them, they will feel very uncomfortable at times.”理解可知。有时我们会让别人不舒服,故填sometimes。表示有时。
【小题10】细节理解题,根据文中语句“In all, being open is a good way for us to get on well with other people, but we’d better keep the balance between being open and not being too open.”理解可知。


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年山西省阳泉市初二上学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:单选题

– Let’s make fruit salad. But what do we need?
– Well, let me tell you the name of the           .
A. ingredient           B. invitation              C. instruction


科目:初中英语 来源:2012年初中毕业升学考试(广东广州卷)英语(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Paul and Jason were brothers who lived and worked on neighbouring farms.For 35 years they farmed side by side,sharing machinery and goods as needed,without a single problem.
However,one autumn,things changed.It began with a tiny disagreement about a horse,which grew into a major difference.The difference led to angry words,followed by weeks of silence between the two brothers.
One morning there was a knock on Paul’s door.He opened it and saw a builder holding his toolbox.“I’m looking for a few days’work,”the builder said.“Are there any jobs here I could help with?”
“Yes,”answered Paul,extremely pleased to see the builder.“I do have a job for you.Look at that farm across the creek(小溪).That’s my brother’s farm.That creek used to be a grass field,but last week my brother dug a path from the fiver and made the creek.But I’ll go him one better.See that pile of wood?1 want you to build me a fence,two metres tall,so 1 won’t need to see him anymore.”
The builder said thoughtfully.“I think I understand the situation and I'll be able to do a job that pleases you.”
Paul had business in town that day and left the builder to his work.When he returned,the builder had just finished his job.Paul was shocked.Instead of a fence there was a bridge,stretching from one side of the creek to the other.
As Paul stood on the bridge,staring in amazement,his younger brother Jason,came across,and took Paul’s hand.“You are a good man to have built this bridge after a11 I've done,”said Jason.
Then,Paul,with tears in his eyes,said to the builder who was packing his bag to go,“Thank you so much。Please stay.I have much more for you to do.”
“I’d love to.”the builder said quietly,“but,I have many more bridges to build.”
【小题1】What was the cause of the disagreement between the two brothers?

A.The digging of the creek.
B.A problem about a farm animal.
C.Who owned the field between the farms.
D.Who would pay for building the fence.
【小题2】The underlined expression“go him one better”in paragraph 4 means         ·
A.do something even worseB.improve the situation
C.point out his mistakeD.help him out
【小题3】What do we know about the brothers?
A.They had been fighting for many years.
B.Their farms were not very successful.
C.They finally realized their mistakes.
D.They liked building bridges.
【小题4】Why did the builder build the bridge?
A.He needed a way to get across the river.
B.There was not enough wood for the fence.
C.He misunderstood Paul’s instructions.
D.He wanted to bring the brothers together.
【小题5】In what order did the following take place in the story?
a.The brothers stood on the bridge.
b.Jason dug the creek.
C.The brothers became angry with each other,
d.The builder asked for work.
e.Paul went into town.
A.b,c,e,d,a    B.c,b,d,e,a
C.b,e,c,a,d    D.c,d,b,a,e


科目:初中英语 来源:2013年初中毕业升学考试(山东东营卷)英语(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A primary school bus driver stopped the bus in a gas station in Ohio because he had to use the bathroom. Instead of turning off the engine (引擎) and taking the key with him, the driver left the bus running. And he forgot to set the brake (制动器) because he was in a hurry. “It was cold outside, and I didn’t want the kids to get cold while I was using the bathroom,” he told a police officer.

The bus slowly started moving away from the gas station. As the bus picked up speed, the kids began shouting and crying. Ten-year-old Jake ran forward to the driver’s seat and held the steering wheel (方向盘). He pressed hard on the brake pedal (踏板) and managed to stop the bus as it came nearer to a river bed. Jake turned off the engine at last. After the police arrived at the scene, they praised Jake for his great effort.

“That is one cool kid,” said the police officer. “I told him he would make a great police officer when he grew up.”

Jake wasn’t impressed with what he had done. “Stopping the bus,” he said, “was easy compared to playing Grand Theft Auto III,” his favorite action video game. The bus driver was taken to the police station. He was at first charged (指控) with “leaving a child alone while motor is running.” The lawyer said he hoped to upgrade the charge because of the number of children (twenty) on the bus.

“Whatever he is charged with,” the police officer said, “I will see that he never drives a bus again.”

1.Why didn’t the driver turn off the engine when he went to the bathroom? Because _________.

A. he was in a hurry

B. he forgot to do it

C. he didn’t want the kids to get cold

D. he thought he would be back in a minute

2.What is the correct order?  _________

a. The bus started moving.

b. Jake turned off the engine.

c. Jake held the steering wheel.

d. The kids began shouting and crying.

e. Jake ran forward to the driver’s seat.

f. Jake pressed hard on the brake pedal.

A. a-b-c-d-e-f            B. a-d-e-c-f-b                      C. d-a-c-e-f-b             D. d-e-a-b-c-f

3.What do we know about Jake?   ________

A. He could drive.                                                   B. He was eleven years old.

C. He wanted to be a police officer.           D. He liked playing Grand Theft Auto III.

4.What does the underlined word “upgrade” mean in the fourth paragraph?  __________

A. 改变                      B. 取消                                 C. 加重                      D. 减轻

5.What will most probably happen to the bus driver? He will_______.

A. not be charged

B. face the most serious charge

C. not be allowed to drive a bus again

D. only be charged with “leaving a child alone while motor is running”



科目:初中英语 来源:2012年外研版初中英语九年级下Module 1 练习卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Hello Sandy,

We have just returned from our holiday. We went with our friends Edward Smith and his wife Tina to the Yorkshire Moors. This is a beautiful place. It is a natural park. There are lots of places to walk on the tops of the hills, miles of grassland with no people, just sheep and birds.

Edward, who had just come out of hospital, could not walk as far as he used to. However this meant that we walked in the mornings, and then stopped at a cafe for lunch each day, before returning to the place we live. Edward and I slept in front of the fire all afternoon, while the ladies went for another walk. Very pleasant!

I have taken lots of photos from the place we live, across the valley(峡谷)below us, of the morning sunrise, and the mist in the valley. Also, in England, the old steam powered trains(蒸汽火车)are very popular. I have taken many photos of the train and from it.

Yesterday we had the first snow of this winter. It is very early (we usually expect snow in January). It rained all day, and then snowed in the evening. Today we have bright sunshine!

Both Jenny and I are well. I don’t know if I told you, in the last E-mail, that Jenny is now working in a hotel. Although she has to work hard, people there are nice and she is enjoying the work.

Please write to us to tell us your news.



1. What kind of place is the Yorkshire Moors?

A.A hotel.

B.A natural park.

C.A hospital.

D.A cafe.

2. When did the ladies take a walk?

A.Only in the morning.

B.Only in the afternoon.

C.Both in the morning and in the afternoon.

D.In the evening.

3. They had ______ snow this winter.

A.an early

B.a late

C.a usual

D.a big

4. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.The valley.


C.The mist.

D.The train.

5. What do we know from this passage?

A.This is the first time Victor wrote an e-mall to Sandy.

B.Edward didn’t go traveling because he had just come out of hospital.

C.Jenny’s new job in a hotel is an easy one.

D.People in England like the old steam powered trains very much.



科目:初中英语 来源:2010年桂林市毕业暨升学考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

We live on the earth. We use the sea around us. What do we take from the ocean? And what do we give to it?

We take fishes from the ocean—millions of kilograms of fish, every year, to feed millions of people.  1.   We take minerals(矿物) from the ocean. We can get salt by evaporating(蒸发) seawater.  2.    Many other minerals, such as gold, can be also got from the sea, but not by simple evaporation. 3.    Seaweed(海草) becomes food of many kinds— even candy, and ice cream—as well as medicine. Believe it or not, fresh water is another gift from the sea. We can’t drink ocean water.   4.   But ocean water becomes fresh water when the salts are removed. In the future, we will find ourselves depending more and more on fresh water from the sea.

The sea gives us food, fertilizer, minerals, water and other gifts. What do we give the sea? We pollute the ocean all the time.   5.  Throwing waste into the ocean is killing off sea life. Yet as the world population grows, we may need the sea and its gifts more than ever.

We are finally learning that if we destroy our sea, we might also destroy ourselves. Hopefully, it is not too late.


A. Other gifts from the sea , such as seaweed, can be also got from the sea.

B. Huge as it is, the ocean can’t hold all that we pour into it.

C. Along with salt, other minerals are left after evaporation.

D. We even use their bones(骨头) for fertilizer(化肥).

E. Some of its contents(所含物) may cause illness.



