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【小题1】I lost my pen and I looked for it e__________.
【小题2】The price i_________ both house and furniture. There isn’t extra pay.
【小题3】Does he have any e_________ of teaching? Will he be a good teacher?
【小题4】The boy can speak s_________ languages, such as English, Japanese, French, etc.
【小题5】He had a very bad cold and c_________ day and night.
【小题6】My pet dog feels n_________ when it sees a stranger.
【小题7】Jack r______ a special gift from his classmates when he had his birthday party yesterday.
【小题8】Bob never does his homework as c_________ as Mary. He makes lots of mistakes.
【小题9】There will be difficulties on the road to make your dream come true, but the biggest difficulty comes from y_________.
【小题10】–What would you like to c_________ for your mother?
--I’m not sure. Maybe a photo album.


【小题8】本题的含义为鲍勃做作业从来没有玛丽那样认真,not as+形容词或副词原级+as表示不如或不及……的含义,修饰动词使用副词,故本题空格处填副词认真地carefully。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Jeff Keith has only one leg. When he was only twelve years old, Jeff had cancer. Doctors had to 16  off most of his right leg.
 17  Jeff puts on an artificial leg(假肢). The leg is plastic. With the plastic leg, Jeff can ski, ride a bicycle, swim, and play soccer. He can also run.
Jeff made a plan with his friends who had plastic legs,  18 . They decided to  19  across America. They all wore special T-shirts. 20  it was “Run, Jeff, Run, Jeff Keith’s Run Across America”.
Jeff Keith ran across the United States from the east to the west  21  he was twenty-two years old. He started running in Boston(波士顿). Seven 22  later, he stopped 23  in Los Angeles(洛杉矶). He ran 3,200 miles (1 mile =" 1.6093km)." Jeff wore out thirty-six pairs 24  running shoes and five plastic legs. Jeff 25  in cities on the way to Los Angeles. In every city people gave Jeff money. The money was not for Jeff, 26  for the American Cancer Society. The Society used the money to help people know  27  about cancer.
On the way to Los Angeles, Jeff talked to people about 28 . Jeff is disabled, but he can do many things. He finished college and is studying to be a lawyer(律师). Jeff says, “People can do 29  they want to do. I want people to know that. I ran 30 for disabled people. I ran for everybody.”
A.Every dayB.One dayC.Some dayD.A day
A.months  B.daysC.hoursD.minutes
A.running B.to runC.walkingD.to walk
A.not onlyB.notC.onlyD.just


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Mary was an operator(接话员) 911 in Los Angeles. One Thursday morning, she was surprised to get a call from a little girl. She said, “Mom my ill, Mom my ill,’ again and again, Mary soon found the address of the call. She called the police. In a minute, the policemen and doctors arrived at the house. They broke the door open. They couldn’t believe their eyes. The little child was so young that she could not walk! She was sitting beside her mother and holding her mother’s hand. Tears were running down her face.
The doctors gave the women some medicine and soon she woke up. Later, she told people, “Everyone was surprised that my daughter could call 911. On Monday I tried to teach her how to call 911, but she couldn’t do it. ” Mary was surprised, too. “It’s the first time I have seen a two-year-old child call 911.”
【小题1】What did the girl really want to say?
A. “Mom, I’m ill.”
b. “My mom is ill.”
C. “Mom and I are ill.”
【小题2】How did the policemen feel when they got into the room?
A. Strange.           B. Normal.        C. Surprised.
【小题3】How did the policemen get into the room?'
A. By breaking the door.
b. With the girl’s help.
C. Through the window
【小题4】What does the underlined(下划线的) word “it” mean?
A. 911.           B. Calling 911.        C. Walking.
【小题5】What can we learn from the passage?
A. The little girl was so clever that she could call 911 when she was 2.          
B. The love for her mother created the miracle(奇迹).        
C. The mother knew she had to teach the little girl how to call 911.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【小题1】Li Yundi, took part in the 14th Chopin International Piano Competition in     and won first prize in his group. ?
A.GermanyB.AustriaC.PolandD.France ?
【小题2】 Harbin holds a (an)      in winter every year.?
A.Dragon Boat FestivalB.Ice and Snow Festival ?
C.Mid-autumn FestivalD.Lantern Festival ?
【小题3】They are all American cities EXCEPT      .?
A.BerlinB.New YorkC.Los AngelesD.Memphis ?
【小题4】I hope to see Niagara Falls  in      some day. It’s said to be wonderful.?
A.EuropeB.AfricaC.North AmericaD.South America ?
【小题5】What did Alexander Graham Bell say when he answered the telephone for the first time??
A.OK.B.Hello.C.Great.D.Cool.〖 ?
【小题6】 The following are all e-mail English EXCEPT    . ?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Mary was an operator(接话员) 911 in Los Angeles. One Thursday morning, she was surprised to get a call from a little girl. She said, “Mom my ill, Mom my ill,’ again and again, Mary soon found the address of the call. She called the police. In a minute, the policemen and doctors arrived at the house. They broke the door open. They couldn’t believe their eyes. The little child was so young that she could not walk! She was sitting beside her mother and holding her mother’s hand. Tears were running down her face.
The doctors gave the women some medicine and soon she woke up. Later, she told people, “Everyone was surprised that my daughter could call 911. On Monday I tried to teach her how to call 911, but she couldn’t do it. ” Mary was surprised, too. “It’s the first time I have seen a two-year-old child call 911.”
【小题1】What did the girl really want to say?
A. “Mom, I’m ill.”
b. “My mom is ill.”
C. “Mom and I are ill.”
【小题2】How did the policemen feel when they got into the room?
A. Strange.            B. Normal.        C. Surprised.
【小题3】How did the policemen get into the room?'
A. By breaking the door.
b. With the girl’s help.
C. Through the window
【小题4】What does the underlined(下划线的) word “it” mean?
A. 911.            B. Calling 911.        C. Walking.
【小题5】What can we learn from the passage?
A. The little girl was so clever that she could call 911 when she was 2.          
B. The love for her mother created the miracle(奇迹).        
C. The mother knew she had to teach the little girl how to call 911.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

 was born in Brussels, on June 25th, 1928. His real name was Pierre Culliford. At first, he almost became a dentist’s assistant. Luckily, he got a job in a cartoon studio. There he met and worked with some of Europe’s most famous comic book artists such as Franquin and Morris. Unfortunately the studio closed down and Peyo decided to become a full-time comic artist. He found himself a pen name from his childhood nickname ‘Pe- yot’.
Peyo became successful as a comic (连环画) artist. He decided to draw what he really loved,
stories based in the Middle Ages. He created the character Johan and drew some Johan strips (漫画) for the Belgian daily newspaper ‘Le Soir’ and then for ‘Spirou’ magazine. Johan soon became a huge success and one of the magazine’s main characters.

For Johan’s ninth book of adventures, Peyo needed a group of imps (小精灵) to build a magic flute. At a meal with his friend Andre Franquin. he asked Franquin to pass him the salt. But he couldn’t remember the word so he said, “Pass me the … um… the smurf!”. Franquin handed it over and answered, “Here’s the smurf. Onee you’ve smurfed with it you can smurf it back to me!” And so the name and language of the little imps were invented. The readers soon fell in love with these little smurfs, who love having fun, live in mushroom-shaped houses and speak a strange and wonderful language.
The Smurfs films were first seen on Belgian television and then in France and the Netherlands. In 1981. The Smurfs was on the American NBC TV Channel for the first time, but the success didn’t stop there. The success of the Smurfs became planetary in the 80’s because of the cartoons. There are few regions left where people don’t know smurfs, but their name changes in every county; the Smurfs, die Schlümpfe, Los Pitufos, I Puffi. de Smurfen, les Schtroumpfs… and 蓝精灵 in Chinese.
In August 2011, the Smurfs make their return to the big screen again, this time in 3D! Peyo left us on December 24, 1992, but the Smurfs have continued their many adventures and are today looking forward to a bright and even more exciting future.
【小题1】Peyo’s real name was      .
【小题2】Peyo tried many different jobs except      .
A.as a dentist’s assistantB.the one in a cartoon studio
C.as a full-time comic artistD.as a newsagent
【小题3】The Smurfs       .
A.are a group of blue imps from Peyo’s book
B.are serious and hate having fun
C.soon became one of the ‘Spirou’ magazine’s main characters
D.will be in the movie on December 24th, 2011
【小题4】The last paragraph tells us       .
A.The Smurfs have come back to their big screen home.
B.Peyo has left for another country.
C.The Smurfs’ story stops after Peyo left us.
D.There might be more works about Smurfs in the future.

