精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

【小题1】 Please turn down the TV a little. It’s too noisy to make __________ (we) heard.
【小题2】Last week, Miss Brown was robbed of her necklace. Now when Miss Brown closes her eyes,
one of the __________ face comes into her mind. (rob)
【小题3】The old scientist died in his__________ (ninety).
【小题4】With the money we have __________ sent many poor children to school.(success)

【小题 1】ourselve 
【小题 2】robbers’ 
【小题 3】nineties
【小题 4】successfully 

解析【小题 1】考查反身代词。句意“请把电视声音调小一点,吵得我们不能听到我们的谈话。”make sb heard“让某人被听见”。故填ourselve。 
【小题 2】考查名词所有格。one of the+名词的复数,“......之一”。先变为复数,再加“’”。故填robbers’。 
【小题 3】考查固定短语。in one’s+数词的复数,表示“在某人多少岁”。故填nineties。
【小题 4】考查副词。修饰动词sent要用副词successfully。故填successfully。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【小题1】 Please don’t tell others about my p__________ things.
【小题2】 Tom jumped into the water and saved the little child . He was really a b       .  man.
【小题3】 The t_________in the street is always busy, so you must be careful.
【小题4】 If you tell him the truth, you ’ll prove how h________ you are.
【小题5】We all know that there are four s ________ in a year.
【小题6】He gets the most ,although he has the __________(最少)money.
【小题7】I have read one of your ___________(文章)in the newspaper.
【小题8】Everybody should _______ (保护) the wild animals. Because they are our friends.
【小题9】 The old man lives alone, but he doesn’t feel ______ (孤独的).
【小题10】Do you know who ___________ ( 复印 ) this paper for me just now?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

London-Paris Tour Details (详情)
【小题1】 Please wait by the front desk at 4:45am for your FREE transfer to and from St. Pancras International Station. It’s for the travelers staying in central London hotels only.
【小题2】Check in at 5:30am for your journey to Paris. Meet your guide at the group welcome desk at St. Pancras International Station where you will receive your welcome pack. Our guide will travel with you the whole day.
【小题3】Enjoy a tour of Paris on comfortable boat seats! We visit the Eiffel Tower where you can enjoy amazing views of the city from the second floor.
【小题4】 Visit the brilliant Palace of Versailles, which was built in 1661. Take in the Great Royal Apartments, Hall of Mirrors and the Queen’s Apartments. The tour also includes a visit to the wonderful gardens, except on Saturday and Public Holidays.
【小题5】You guide will take you back to the Gare du Nord. Your departure time from Paris is 8:13pm, arriving back in London at 9:40pm.
A.Journey to Paris
B.Free London Hotel Transfers
C.Tour of Paris and Eiffel Tower
D.Open Top Bus Tour
E. Return Journey
F. The Palace of Versailles


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

【小题1】Please give me something to drink. I’m t         .
【小题2】Time is knowledge and time is money. Don’t w        it, please.
【小题3】Lin Tao’s biggest d       is to enter Tsinghua University, so he is working hard
all the time.
【小题4】We live in a flat with three ________ (卧室).
【小题5】My parents always ________ (鼓励) me to practice English every day.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年重庆市开县德阳中学七年级下学期第一次学情检测英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

For Rent
A big apartment for a family of three people. ¥900 a month. Call Mrs. Brown.
Looking for a quiet single room under $120 per month. Please call Dick at 159-5912-5856.
ID card
Please call (0591)8838-7166.
A red purse with some money and keys. Come to Room 402 from 7:00- 9:00 p. m. or call Jim at(0591)8378-3021.
【小题1】Please call _____ to rent a three-bedroom apartment.
【小题2】You can rent your single room to Dick for _____ per month.
【小题3】If you find an ID card,  you can call _____ at (0591)8838-7166.
A.JimB.DickC.JackD.Mrs. Brown
【小题4】If you can’t find your purse,  you can go to Room 402 to get it back at _____.
A.7:00 a. m. B.7:30p. m. C.9:30 p. m. D.8 o’clock in the morning
【小题5】You want to rent a big apartment for your family for three months. You must take out _____.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年山东省高青县七年级上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】Please c______ me at 493-0718.
【小题2】My father’s brother is my u_______ .
【小题3】T_______(谢谢) for your help .
【小题4】What c____    is your jacket? --- It’s black.
【小题5】Hi, Dale! How a______ you?

