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参考词汇:体育中考senior high school entrance examination of P.E.跳绳rope skipping

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科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川简阳市镇金学区九年级上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Bollywood: the Hollywood of India

You might be surprised to learn that India produces about 800 movies a year, and that number continues to grow. Just as the movie Capital of the United States is Hollywood, the movie capital of India is Bombay (孟买), but it is usually called "Bollywood", a combination(结合) of the words Bombay and Hollywood.

All Bollywood movies are thought complete with a few songs and dances. In fact, music is an important part of Bollywood movies. Even a bad movie can still do well if the music is good. Music directors are sometimes more popular than the film stars. A Bollywood movie has five to six songs with at least three songs to show what the dances mean.

Bollywood may be different from Hollywood in music, but it is very like Hollywood in several ways. If Tom Cruise can hold a gun, so can the Bollywood hero Sharukh Khan. Hollywood stars are followed by news reporters just as often as Hollywood stars. The persona! lives of actors and actresses catch the headlines(头版头条), just as they do in the United States.

The Oscars are a very exciting time of the year for actors and actresses in America, Bollywood has its own form of the Oscars, and they are also very exciting.

1.The name Bollywood comes from the words _______________________.

2.Bollywood is a place where many ___________ are made each year,

3.In India, the film stars are sometimes______ than music directors.

4.Every complete Bollywood movie has a few _____________in them.

5.The Oscars in India are as _____as those in America though they are different.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川巴中市平昌县岩口小学九年级下第一次综合考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—We will build a subway in our city before 2014.

—Wow, _______! Will it pass our place?

A. how exciting the news is

B. what an excited news

C. what excited news

D. how exciting news


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年陕西西安市九年级下第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

It is reported that a 14-year-old girl, Winter Vinecki, runs marathons in memory of her faher who died of cancer. Now she bocome the youngest person to complete a marathon on every continent after completing her seventh marathon in Athens, Greece.

Winter began running at five. When her father died in 2009, she decided to coplete a marathon on every continent before her 15th birthday. After finishing her goal,she said, “I know that I’ve done something amaing here and I’m very happy. I guess the world is magical(有魔力的).”

Winter will share the title of completing seven marathons around the globle with her mother who shared each moment with her. They have run marathons in the United States, Kenya, Antarctica, Mongolia, New Zealand and Greece. Winter said her favorite two races were in Kenya and Peru.

After losing her dad, Winter set up a non-profit organization to raise money for researching the cancer. She said, “I’ll do everything I can do to put an end to the cancer and help find a cure, so other people don’t have to endure the hardship that I faced.”

Now Winter is training to complete in the 2018 Winter Olympics as an aerial(空中的)skier.

1.Winter began running in 2009.

2.Now Winter has become the youngest person to complete seven marathons around the globle.

3.Winter’s favorite two races were in Antarctica and Kenya.

4.After losing her father, Winter set up a non-profit organization to raise money for researching the cancer.

5.Winter has decided to complete in the 2018 Winter Olympics.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年陕西西安市九年级下第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

–Are you going to Shanghai by bus?

--I am not sure. It’s cheap, but uncomfortable. I _____ take a train.

A. may B. must C. can D. should


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东枣庄峄城区左庄中学九年级3月测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Taking away a city’s rubbish is a big job.Every day trucks come into a city to collect it.Most rubbish is made up of things we can’t eat or use.If we kept these things, we would soon have a mountain of rubbish.

In some cities the rubbish is collected and taken outside of city to a dump.Often the city dump is placed where the ground is low or there is a big hole.The kitchen rubbish is broken into small pieces and sent into the sewage system.The sewage system takes away the used water from toilets, bathtubs and other places.

To keep mice and flies away, some earth is used to cover the newly dumped rubbish.Later, grass may be planted on the rubbish-filled land.Finally , a house or a school may be built there, and then you’d never know that this had once been an old rubbish dump.

In other cities the rubbish is burnt in special places.The fire burns everything but the metal.Sometimes the metal can be used again in factories where things are made of metal.The food parts of rubbish are put in special piles where they slowly change into something called humus, which looks like black earth.It is rich with kinds of things that feed plants and help make them grow.

1.The underline word “sewage” in the passage means_______

A.排污 B.染色 C.洗涤 D.洗尘

2.According to the passage, the food parts of rubbish can be used again_______.

A.to feed animals B.to feed plants

C.to build a house D.to make machines

3.The main idea of the passage is ______

A.to let us know taking away rubbish is a big job.

B.to explain the need for rubbish collection

C.to introduce different ways to treat rubbish

D.to tell people to take useful things out of rubbish


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东枣庄峄城区左庄中学九年级3月测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

--- Can I join their club?

--- I am afraid you will be refused __________ you’ve passed all their tests.

A.if B.when

C.unless D.since


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东枣庄峄城区阴平中学中考模拟调研测2英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

For a long time being happy was considered something that just happened,and there was nothing special about it.Now we know that getting along with other people is something that we can work at.It is possible to act in such a way that other people will like us better. One way is being unselfish,not wanting everything from our friends.Another way is to look for good points,not bad points in other people.It is surprising how successful this treasure hunt can be.

You do not have to be spineless(优柔寡断的) in order to be popular.In fact,you will be liked or loved if you are not afraid to stand up for your rights(正当行为).But do it politely and pleasantly.Being friendly and polite to your group,to other people and to strangers and especially to those who do not look important or do not interest you is one way to develop a good character.

You cannot expect to be perfect,and you must learn not to be unhappy when you make mistakes.Everyone makes mistakes,and no one is to be blamed if he does not refuse to learn from them.Many young people become discouraged (灰心丧气的) when they know in themselves qualities that they do not like-selfishness,laziness,and other unpleasant qualities.Just remember that we all have some of these faults(缺点) and have to fight against them.

At the same time,it is important to remember that while you are probably no worse than others,the best way to be happy is to think yourself above other people.When something is wrong,it is good sense to try to make it right.Perhaps you do not like a teacher or a classmate.Try to see why,and look at yourself,too,to be sure that you are not doing anything to make that person dislike you.Some day,things may turn out all right when you have to learn to get along the best with the situation,without thinking too much about it.Worrying never helps in a situation you cannot change.

1.One of the two ways the writer suggests for us to get along with others is to ____.

A.work hard at everything we do

B.enjoy the best share of everything

C.look for treasure in order to be successful

D.pay more attention to their strong points

2.If a person wants to be popular,he or she has to____.

A.be polite and friendly

B.give up some rights

C.get away arguing with other people

D.be ready to change his or her character

3.There is no person but someone should be blamed if he or she

A.is modest and generous

B.does not draw a lesson from his or her own mistake

C.is selfish and lazy

D.is very happy with unpleasant quality

4.The purpose for the writer to write the passage is to

A.train you to be perfect

B.show you the way to be happy

C.tell you how to act when you dislike a person

D.teach you how to be popular among your friends


科目:初中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东滕州张汪镇中心中学九年级学业水平测2英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—How many computers are there in the room?

—________.Some workers moved them to another place just now.

A.None B.Both

C.Nobody D.Neither

