精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
be,  he , come,  idea,  kilometer
小题1:— Hi, Tom! Tomorrow is Sunday. What are you going to do?
—I’ve no            . What about you?
小题2:I’m going to work on my uncle’s farm. Would you like to                with me?
小题3:How far is it from your home to school?  About 3                 .
小题4:How long does it take                    to go to work?
小题5:Would you like to tell me where you                  born ?


小题1:句意:嗨,汤姆!明天是星期日。你要去做什么?根据下文你呢?及前文no,可知此处指的是,我不知道。短语have no idea不知道,故填名词idea,主义,思想,抽象名词不可数,故用原形即可。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

小题1:You’d better ________(not play)basketball on the playground in such smoggy weather.
小题2:Boys and girls, try your best to pull _________(you)up the rocks! Don’t give up easily!
小题3:Now young people like to use microblog and We Chat to communicate with each other, and text messages are _________(popular).
小题4:Do you think it is better to travel ten thousand miles than _______(read)ten thousand books?
小题5:The smart phone which _______(invent)14 years ago has changed our everyday life.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

I am ________ ________ the bus to the zoo.
He is ________ ________ ________ going home next week.
Heavy smokers take longer to ________ ________.
Now these children can go to school again ________ ________ ________ ________ Project Hope. 
The British and the Americans ________ ________ speak the same language ________ ________ share a large number of social customs.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A、 Would you like to come?    
B、 What time will it begin?
C、Here you are.               
D、Have you finished your homework?
E、Where is she?               
F、By the way.
G、I’ll help you.
A: 小题1:  _________________________?                                       
B: Not yet. Exercise 3 is too difficult for me.
A: Don’t worry. 小题2: _______________________.
B: It’s very kind of you. But I think I can do it myself. Can you lend me your English-Chinese dictionary?
A: With pleasure. 小题3:. ______________________..
B: Thanks. 小题4:. ________________, is Miss Gao at the teachers’ office?
A: Oh, no. She’s out at the moment.
B: 小题5:._______________________? Do you know? I have some questions to ask her.
A: I think she is at the library. She told me she wanted to borrow some books.
B: I have to wait for her.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

The school rule says, “Don’t ________  ________for class.”
________   _________ the heavy rain, they stopped playing basketball.
There  _______   ________ be a lot of big trees here.  
It’s very important for everybody ________  ________healthy.
We  ________    _________home until we finished doing homework.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A: 小题1:__________________  
B: I was flying a kite.
A: 小题2:________________  
B: By the river. A lot of children were flying kites there ,too.
A: It blew yesterday, didn’t it?  
B: 小题3:______________ It was good weather for flying a kite.
A: 小题4:________________  
B: Zhang Lei and Liu Hua. They both bought two new kites and got there earlier than I did.
A: Did you enjoy yourselves yesterday?
B: 小题5:________________
A.Who helped you to mend the kite?
B.What were you doing yesterday afternoon?
C.Who did you fly kites with?
D.Yes, but the wind wasn’t strong.
E. Were you very busy yesterday?          
F. Where did you fly the kite?
G. Yes, we did. We played there for about three hours.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

A. come       B. recent      C. modern    D. prefer      E. dangerous      F. detective
A: What do you want to be in the future, Sam?
B: To be a great 小题1:__________ like my uncle.
A: Really? But don't you think it is more 小题2:__________ than any other job?
B: Maybe. However, I 小题3:__________ to get a kind of exciting life.
A: I see. By the way, do you know some things about your uncle?
B: Yes, he caught bad men in a 小题4: __________ case again.
A: How great he is! I hope your dream will 小题5:_________ true, too.
B: Thanks a lot.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

I’d like to tell you something about my pet cat. 小题1:      It was black and white. When I saw it, I wanted to take it home. I gave it a name “ Tail” because its tail(尾巴)was very long. After a few days, I thought it was a trouble for me, but I didn’t want to give it back. 小题2:      
Maybe because the cat was a male(雄性), it was noisy and very good at doing bad things. 小题3:       It sometimes jumped on to the mosquito net(蚊帐) and played at night. It never listened to my words, but it was very afraid of my dog “ Mandy”. 小题4:.  When it happened so, my housekeeper had to look for it everywhere. Sometimes the cat hid(躲) under the chair. Once the door was opened, it ran out of the room quickly.
Now, it is getting along well with my pet dog. 小题5:        Though it always does bad things, I love it.
A.It got lost on its way home.
B.I got it from my cousin last month.
C.Sometimes I didn’t see it two or three hours.
D.I decided to wait and see for two or three days.
E. It always carried small things rolling(原地打转)
F. I like the dog better than the cat.
G. It plays and sleeps with the dog.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

–Do you have any time this afternoon?
--Yes, ___________
A. I have no time.    B.  I am free.    C. That’s OK.

