精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
1. When you come to Yancheng, you can enjoy the BRT(快速公交). It’s ________ (舒适)
and fast. How fast our city is developing!
2. Many people don’t want to live in Tokyo(东京) because of the Nuclear(核) _________ (污染).
3. This  his ______ (九) year in Sheyang. He loves living here. He loves everything here.
4. We are looking forward to his __________ (到达). He is a famous singer.
5. China’s __________ (人口) is becoming aging (老龄化的). We must take action to prevent it.
6. —What’s the w__________ like today?  —The radio says it’s sunny.
7. If you read more, you will get more k__________. Do you believe it?
8. Boys like watching ball games very much, e__________ the NBA. Those basketball players are really wonderful.
9. When you go for a picnic, remember “S_______ is first. Keep away from the dangerous places. ”
10. Everyone must know the i__________ of learning English. It’s used the most widely in the world now.
11. Many __________ (mouse) destroyed the crops near the village. The farmers were   catching them everywhere.
12. He is __________ (true) sorry that he failed to pass the exam. But I don’t believe him, and you?
13. Millie doesn’t dance as __________ (beautiful) as her sister. She hasn’t practice it for a long time.
14. I would like Liu Qian to teach _________ (we) how to play magic. We admire him very much. He is my hero.       
15. Juan Antonio Samaranch(萨马兰奇)’s __________ (die) was a great loss to the whole
world. People loved him very much all over the world.

1. comfortable   2. pollution   3. ninth       4. arrival    5. population
6. weather       7. knowledge   8. especially  9. Safety    10. importance
11. mice        12. truly      13. beautifully  14. us      15. death

1. Is是系动词,后跟形容词作表语。Comfortable“舒适的”。故填comfortable。 
2. pollute“污染”是动词,名词是pollution,这里填名词。故填pollution。
3. 考查序数词。“这是他在射阳的第九年,......。”nine的序数词是ninth。故填ninth。 
4. look forward to...“期待......”,后跟名词/代词/动名词。His后跟名词。“到达”的名词是arrival。故填arrival。
5. “人口”是population,不可数。故填population。
6. 根据答语“天气晴朗”可知,问的是“天气怎样”。故填weather。 
7. 句意“如果你多读书,你就会获得更多的知识。”knowledge“知识”,不可数。故填knowledge。
8. “特别,尤其”是especially,是副词。一般修饰整个句子。故填especially。
9. “安全第一”。故填Safety。 
10. “......的重要性”是the importance of ...。故填importance。
11. 考查mouse的复数形式。Mouse“老鼠”的复数是mice。故填mice。  
12. He is sorry that...“他为......感到遗憾。”,此处的truly修饰的是形容词sorry。故填truly。
13. 米莉跳舞没姐姐跳得好。修饰动词dance用副词。故填beautifully。
14. Teach后应该用代词的宾格,“教某人做某事”teach sb. to do sth.。We的宾格是us。故填us。  
15. “某人的死亡”应该是one’s death;所有格后应该用名词。故填death。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

---Whose watch is this? Is it __________?
---No, it’s not __________watch. It’s __________.
A.yours; mine; her B.your; my; hers
C.yours; my; hersD.you; my; hers


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—Congratulations! Among the best pictures in the competition, I found _________. When did you draw it?
—During the trip to the Yellow Mountain _________ May.
A.yours; inB.yours; onC.you; inD.you; on


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Our Jingmen City has lots of wonderful           (风景).
小题2:He often makes           (错误)in his spelling.
小题3:The name was           (不熟悉的)to me.
小题4:The boy found his name _______(list) in the paper.
小题5:_______(receive) a letter from my friend makes me happy.
小题6:Mike was made ______(clean) the room by his mother.
小题7:Ted w         why the police called him, so he went to the police station yesterday.
小题8:She s           us a delicious lunch.
小题9:It is bad manners to throw r           everywhere.
小题10:From s           studies, the color red makes people hungry.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:He has a_________ his dream of becoming the winner in this competition.
小题2:She took part in helping people in the Wenchuan Earthquake. She would never forget this unusual e        .
小题3:I like c______ with my friends online very much.
小题4:In Lily’s paper there are f_____ mistakes than  in Jack’s.
小题5:I read my essay a_________ in class and everyone can hear me clearly.
小题6:His speech was boring, but he did not r__________ it.
小题7:He is good at thinking. I think he can answer the question in a d__________ way.
小题8:Would you mind not w______ your time?
小题9:Don’t stay up late, or you will feel s___________ in class during the day.
小题10:He joined the army(军队) five years ago, so he has been a s___________ for five years.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Miss Gao asks Nick and______ to show ______our new clothes.
A.I, his  B. me, her  C. I, him  D me, his


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

1.Do you play an _______(积极的) part in the class activities.
2. —Your white blouse _____________(与……相配) your black trousers very well.
—Thank you.
3. My uncle is an    (精力充沛的) businessman. He always works till midnight.
4. He lives a simple life. He likes _____________(储蓄) money.
5. Dr Bethune was busy performing an __________(手术) on the dying man.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Boys and girls, I have ________ to tell you.
A. important something     B. something important   C. anything important


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

We don’t know _________. She is new here.

