精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
小题1:One of the ____________ on the table is broken. (glass)
小题2:I have a lot of homework ______ (do).
小题3:All of you are very busy __________ready for this exam, aren’t you? (get)
小题4:Be _________ when you cross the street. (care)
小题5:They stopped ______ (play) basketball because it began to rain
小题6:We all received an __________ to her wedding. (invite)
小题7:Thanks a lot for _____(ask) me to your party.
小题8:At the age of ten Edison became very ______ (interest) in science.
小题9:My neighbor, Helen, never talks to me .She is so __________. (friendly)
小题10:We live in a place ______ (call) Gum Tree.

小题2:to do

小题1:句意为:桌子上的其中一个杯子被打烂了。根据语境,one of+名词复数,表示“---其中之一”。故填glasses。
小题2:句意为:我有很多作业要做。根据语境可知,动词不定式在句子中作后置定语,修饰homework。故应填to do。
小题3:句意为:你们都在忙于准备这次考试,对吗?be busy doing sth是习惯用法,表示忙于做某事。故应填getting。
小题5:句意为:他们停止打篮球是因为要下雨了。stop doing sth表示停止正在做的事情,stop to do 表示停止某事而去做另一事。结合语境可知应填playing。
小题7:句意为:谢谢你邀请我参加你的聚会。thanks for doing sth是习惯用法,表示因为某事感谢某人。故应填asking。
小题8:句意为:10岁的时候爱迪生就对科学非常感兴趣。be interested in sth是固定短语,表示对某事感兴趣。故应填interested。
小题9:句意为:我的邻居海伦从来不和我说话,她很不友好。根据语境可知,海伦不和我说话,表明她 的不友好。故应填unfriendly。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

In 20 years, our lives will be 小题1:   (不同的). It will be comfortable and   小题2:(容易的).
In the school, there will be computers on   小题3:(每个人的) desk. We can use it to do our homework, send emails. We can send our homework to our teacher    小题4:   (用) email. Also, we can study at home. And we can play lots of computer games .
In our home, we will have many    小题5: (美丽的) rooms. In my room, I will have a big and comfortable bed. I will have a small and   小题6: (轻的) laptop. I will have a new and small cell phone. I can call my friends every day. I will have lots of interesting books.
In 20 years, I will find a good job, too. I can get much money a month. I will go 小题7:  (购物)and do sports every week. I will have a new robot. It can do much dull and   小题8:  (繁重的) work, so I will have lots of    小题9:  (空闲的) time. I’m sure I will have    小题10: (一个) interesting life.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

Tom is ten years old,and he is a lazy(懒的)boy.He doesn’t like doing any work.He has to go to school ,of course.but he doesn’t s 小题1:   hard there.His father and mother are b  小题2:   doctors and they hope that their son will become one too when he g  小题3:   up.But one day Tom says to his mother,“I want to be a cleaner when I finish school.”
“A cleaner?” his mother asks.She is very surprised.” That's not a very good job.W 小题4:     do you want to become a cleaner?”
“Because I only have to work one day a w小题5:    ,”Tom answers.
“Only one day a week?” his mother says,“What do you mean? And h 小题6:  do you know it?
“Well”,Tom answers,“I think the cleaners come to work on T 小题7:     , I o  小题8:    see them on that day.” His mother l  小题9:     and says,“They go to work on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in other s  小题10:      .”


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

The New Year concert provided ________ with a good platform to show our talent.  


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:It’s quite necessary to keep away from the        (pollute) rivers.
小题2:I found many pieces of paper were        (spread) on the floor when I entered the classroom.
小题3:      (what) he says, I won’t believe him.
小题4:Tomorrow I will be the        (proud) of our school.
小题5:He felt       (true) sorry that he hadn’t helped the old man up who fell down in the street.
小题6:You will be late for the meeting        (除非)you take a taxi.
小题7:Making our city more and more beautiful is every         (公民) duty.
小题8:There are many old        (家具)for  into several times. (break)
小题9:He spent 20 yuan       (租用) a bicycle to ride around Yangzhou.
小题10:A lot of       (人造的)satellites have been launched into space recently. .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1: —I like taking photos very much.
—Why not______(buy)a camera by yourself?
小题2:There are______(thousand)of trees in this mountain.
小题3:Tom is good at______(ask)questions when he was young.
小题4:Here______(be)some flowers for you.
小题5:What about______(have)lunch with me, Danny?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

A couple (夫妻) have a son and a daughter, and they are twins (双胞胎). They live in a t 小题1: near Nanjing. Their house is very small with only three rooms. No washing machine, and no f 小题2: to keep food in.
The twins are b 小题3:   students. They are in the n 小题4:   grade this year. They must do a lot of homework at home. But they don’t have a s 小题5: . They have to do their homework at the dining table. Every morning, they go to school on one bike. And when they are b小题6:  from school, they do a lot of housework for their parents.
They live a hard life. But the family is always f 小题7:  of fun. They often sit on their old sofa and chat about school life and the children’s beautiful f 小题8: there. 
The family becomes famous b 小题9:  it donates(捐赠) 2, 000 yuan to Project Hope. When people ask them why they are so generous (慷慨的), the father always says, “We know h 小题10:  people feel when their children can’t go to school.”


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:听力题

小题1:Many _____(man) are playing basketball on the playground.
小题2:Jack has ____apples, but he doesn’t have _____(some) strawberries.
小题3:There are two ____in my family, but there is only one ____(child) in Jack’s family.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Whose crayons are these ?     They are ______.
A.  my    B.  me     C.  mine

