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How do you like to go to school like one in Oxford(牛津大学), England ? There are no r_______(1)classes. The students go from one group to a _________(2) when they want to. You may find students of fourteen, sixteen or twenty-five years old all in the s_________(3) group. They work at their o__________(4)studies. Nobody tells them what they should or shouldn’t be doing.
The day I visited, school b___________(5) at nine. Some students were working at a tape recorder and listening to their lessons. Others were watching TV on maths. A group was reading in the school l__________(6). I didn’t see anybody just sit doing n________(7). Everybody was studying.
At lunch time I could see students w_________(8), too. They were talking about their lessons while they were e_________(9). When you think of these students you can be sure it is one of the best s _________(10) in the world. 


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

缺词填空 (6分)
The room goes dark. The audience becomes quiet. The music begins. The movie starts. In the US, it is
g   1   to see parents watching cartoons with their children, or a group of male friends watching an action film together.
People often eat popcorn in the c   2  . They drink soda. Theaters also sell candy and chocolate. S  3   people bring their own food in to save m   4   .
But how do you know which films you can w   5  ? The US has a rating(分级) system. If a movie is rated G, it means General Audience, and a   6   can see it. PG means Parental Guidance(家长指导). That means you need your p   7   to go with you, if you’re really young. A PG-13 movie means you h   8   to watch it with your parents if you’re y   9   than 13 years old. And a   10    R rated movie means unless you’re o   11   than 17, you need your parents to be w   12   you.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏省太湖格致中学初二下学期期中英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

How do you like to go to school like one in Oxford(牛津大学), England ? There are no r_______(1)classes. The students go from one group to a _________(2) when they want to. You may find students of fourteen, sixteen or twenty-five years old all in the s_________(3) group. They work at their o__________(4)studies. Nobody tells them what they should or shouldn’t be doing.
The day I visited, school b___________(5) at nine. Some students were working at a tape recorder and listening to their lessons. Others were watching TV on maths. A group was reading in the school l__________(6). I didn’t see anybody just sit doing n________(7). Everybody was studying.
At lunch time I could see students w_________(8), too. They were talking about their lessons while they were e_________(9). When you think of these students you can be sure it is one of the best s _________(10) in the world. 


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏省实验学校九年级3月适应性练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

缺词填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的词。所填单词在题后横线上必须完整写出。

I think too many people take weight-loss pills without really knowing that they can do

h 1.   to their health. I read about a Canadian actress who had to go to 2.   because she took some weight-loss pills. She lost 7 kg in two months. However, in the pills there’s something that 3.   liver (肝脏) failure, so she had to get a new liver. Luckily, a Chinese young man 4.   part of his liver to save her life.

5.   , my cousin has read about a new weight-loss pill and she really wants to try it. I’ve told her the story of the actress, but she won’t 6.  . She’s only 12, but she has become a girl who cares about her figure (体型) and how she looks. She often 7.   to eat. My aunt is worried that my cousin will buy the pills in 8.  . She says 9.   is priceless. She thinks that children must eat properly as they are g 10.   all the time. I think she is right.



科目:初中英语 来源:2015届江苏泰兴实验初级中学七年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


We usually buy things in a shop, a market or a supermarket. Shopping always takes too much t________ . We have to walk around for a long time to look f________ the things we want. Sometimes we have to c________ many heavy shopping bags. We’re always very tired after s_________. Now it’s different from that in the past(过去). We can do many things at h________, we don’t need to go to the shop. We can buy many good and c_______ things on the Internet(因特网), they look nice but don’t cost much. It seems easy and quick, b_______ it sometimes brings us some trouble(麻烦). The clothes you buy on the Internet are d________ from what you want, or the size is too s_______ or too big. You may see many people wear the same clothes in the street. Do you know why? B________ they all buy clothes on the Internet. How interesting!


