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Reading is a very good hobby for all the students. You can know much about the world ①_____ the help of all kinds of books. I’m sure everyone has a favorite subject. For example, some are interested in animals, some in history, and some are interested in literature. Mine is science. I like ②___it___ because it’s fun and educational.
My favorite novel is Around the World in Eighty Days.③It was written by Jules Verne ,a French writer. Jules Verne was regarded as father of Modern Science Fiction because he devoted(奉献) himself to literature and wrote several ④well–known scientific romances.
The exciting story of Around the World in Eighty Days tells us about an English gentleman whose name is Mr. Phileas Fogg , He travels around the world in eighty days. From the story, we can see the writer’s love for the sea, traveling and adventure(冒险).In fact, they played an important role in his life. ⑤多亏了the writer’s imagination, language skills and scientific and geographical(地理的) knowledge, we can feel as if we were there when we read the story.
Jules Verne, the French writer _________ the novel Around the World in Eighty Days.

【小题5】Thanks to

【小题1】句意:学生们可以在各种各样的书籍的帮助下,更多的了解这个世界。with the help of 是一个固定的短语,意为:在……的帮助下。
【小题2】句意:我最喜欢的主题是科学,因为它很有趣,很有教育意义。根据上下文可知,这里的it 指的是前一句话提到的science,科学。
【小题3】原句中was written是一个一般过去时的被动语态形式,我们在用主动语态改写时要注意不能改变原句的时态,故仍是一般过去时,故填write 的过去式wrote。
【小题4】句意:Jules Verne被认为是现代科幻小说之父,因为他把自己的一生献给了文学,写出了很多著名的科幻作品。这个句子中well-known 意为著名的,出名的,是一个形容词,它的同义词就是famous。
【小题5】句意:多亏了作者的想象力、语言技能和科学、地理知识,我们读故事的时候就好像身临其境一样。thanks to 是一个固定短语,意为:多亏,幸亏。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The Big Lottery is giving money to groups of teenagers between 14 and 19 who want to become active citizens. The teenagers who would like to help make the area you live in better,cleaner, safer and more friendly can actually get money for improving your local community (社区).We have $ 80,000 to give away. We are looking for young people to take part inschemes(规划) and projects near to where they live.

Here are a few easy things you could do to get started.
Meeting the neighbors Everybody needs good neighbors. Knock onpeople's door and find out what they would like improving in your area. Set a date for a meeting and then make some plans together. If you don't want to go round to their houses, then you could always put a note through their doors.
Neighborhood watch Neighborhood watch schemes are very popular in the UK. If you go away on holiday and leave your house, it's very nice to know that a neighbor is keeping an eye on it. It's a good way to make the area you live in safer. You could set one up easily and quickly.
Lending a hand There are often elderly people living in the neighborhood who may not be able to do the things that you can. Offer to do iheir shopping once a week, look after their garden for them or maybe walk their dog.
No littering Nobody likes picking up other people's rubbish, but a clean street can make all the difference. Take it in turns to go out once or twice a week and see what you can find. You never know, one day you might find something valuable.
Recycling Nearly two-thirds of your rubbish can be recycled. Some areas already provide places to people to recycle bottles, tins, plastic and paper. Find out if this is done in your neighborhood. Ifit's not, do something about it.
So go on...Just tell us what kind of project you want to join jn. Then we'll send you more details. Take positive action and help make your neighborhood a better place to live in.
【小题1】The aim of the Big Lottery is_        .

A.to make the neighborhood busier
B.to help the old people in the community
C.to improve the local community
D.to help young babies in the neighborhood
【小题2】Who is needed to take part in the project?
A.Anyone who wants to. B.All the teenagers.
C.Students in the neighborhood. D.Teenagers from 14 t0 19.
【小题3】Paragraph 4 and Paragraph 5 tell us_         .
A.neighborhood watch is good to make the community cleaner
B.how to make the community safer and morefriendly
C.lending a hand means to lend some money to others
D.to help neighbors do what they wouldn't like to do.
【小题4】What should you do ifyou want to make the neighborhood cleaner?
A.Recycle the rubbish and take tums to pick up others' rubbish.
B.Pick up the rubbish and find something valuable in the street.
C.Find out the recycled rubbish and throw them everywhere. .
D.Try to recycle three-fourths ofyour rubbish once or twice a week.
【小题5】According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A.Discuss plans with your neighbor for improving your area.
B.Do some shopping once a week for old people who can't do it.
C.Pick up the rubbish everywhere in the street to make your area cleaner.
D.Look after the garden, walk the dogs for the old in order to get much money.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Hello, everyone! I’m Kathy. I live in Washington, D.C. I’m in Grade 8. I spend about half an hour on my homework every day. My homework this week is to find out how much homework students have now. Please tell me about your homework on the website.

I’m in Grade 7 in Macross City. I have too much homework. I usually spend more than two hours on homework every day. I don’t use the Internet to help with my homework
Hi! I live in New York. I’m in Grade 6. I guess I’m lucky, because I don’t have too much homework. I usually finish my homework in an hour. I don’t use the Internet for homework. My brother will come to help me if I have problems with my homework.
I’m in Grade 8. I usually spend less than an hour on my homework. I sometimes use the Internet to find information about homework. I don’t think my homework is too much.
【小题1】Why does Kathy want others to tell her about their homework?
A.Because she wants to know about her classmates.
B.Because she wants to make friends on the Internet.
C.Because she wants to finish her homework.
D.Because she wants to find someone to do her homework.
【小题2】What will Linda do if she has problems with her homework?
A.Ask her brother for help.
B.Ask her teacher for help.
C.Use the Internet for help.
D.Discuss them with her friends.
【小题3】__ spends the most time on homework .
A.Kathy B.Ben C.Linda D.Jack
【小题4】Which two students are in the same grade?
A.Kathy and Linda.
B.Linda and Jack.
C.Ben and Jack.
D.Kathy and Jack.
【小题5】How many of the four students use the Internet for homework?
A.One B.Two C.Three D.Four


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

【小题1】No one wins all the time. Learn from the times that you lose. All great champions were once losers at some point. But, they learned. And they kept a positive attitude until they got better.
【小题2】Your happiness is up to you. Many people forget this. Truly successful people choose happiness no matter what their present situations are.
【小题3】Chances lie in what you do every day. You do the same work. You eat the same foods. You wear the same clothes. Try a new way. Take a new path. Even talk to someone new.
【小题4】Opportunity is everywhere. Even the worst situations have opportunities. Seize (抓住) the opportunity, and seize the time. That's the secret of success.

A. Choose to Be Happy          B. Do Something New
C. Look for the Opportunity       D. Learn from Losing
【小题5】The material above tells us the ways to ________.
A.find a good jobB.live a positive life
C.protect the environmentD.keep us healthy


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

任务型阅读 阅读短文,按要求完成各题(5分) 

Minoru Yamasaki was a well-known American architect(建筑师).He was born in 1912 in Seattle.Washington.His parents came from Japan.
Minoru went to college to study architecture.Every summer he worked in a fish factory to help pay for college.Often he worked from four o’clock in the morning until midnight.He slept in a room with 100 other men.Later in life.Yamasaki remembered these times and was always good to his workers. 
Yamasaki sometimes dreamed about his work.Once he woke up at three o’clock in the morning.He got up and started to draw the building that was in his dream and he still remembered.Yamasaki used a new design for the buildings.These buildings are now the Century Plaza Hotel,and Tower in Los Angeles,California.
Yamasaki was different from other architects.His buildings give people a feeling of peace and happiness.Many of his designs have pools of  water,flowers,and windows on the roof to let in light.He always designed buildings to please people.He wanted to give them a place away from the busy ways of modern life.

Yamasaki worked for several companies.But his success began when he started his own company.In 1956,he won the Architect’s First Honor Award for his design of an airport in St.Louis.Missouri.He won two more awards over the next five years.In l962,he designed the World Trade Center in New York.It is very famous.
In l993,a bomb exploded(炸弹爆炸)in the World Trade Center.But the buildings did not fall down because they had a good design.
Yamasaki had strong opinions about his buildings.They had to be built his way.He refused to change the design of his buildings,even if he lost a job.
Minoru Yamasaki died in l986.He designed more than 300 buildings.People will enjoy the design and beauty of his buildings for a very longtime.  
In the first paragraph the writer of the passage tells us ____________ and ____________ Minoru Yamasaki was born.
The buildings that Minoru Yamasaki designed are different from the other architects’ because his buildings always make people feel______________ and ______________
From which sentence in the passage can we know Yamasaki had strong opinions about his buildings?
Minoru Yamasaki was a well—known American architect.What is he famous for?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I live in a small town near Xing'an in Guilin. You can't see it on the map of China, because it is too small. The air here is very fresh(清新的).
There are not many tall buildings in our town. The tallest building is in our school. There are five hundred students and twenty-five teachers in our school.
In the front of the school, there is a playground. I often play basketball with my classmates on it. There is a little garden behind our school. And we can grow (种植) beautiful flowers and plant trees there. Next to the garden, there is an orange orchard(果园). You can hear birds singing everywhere.
There is a river not far from our school. In summer, we usually go swimming with our teachers in it. We study Chinese, English, Maths and other subjects at school. The teachers are very nice. We love our school.
Do you like my town? I hope you can come here to have a look.
【小题1】The writer lives_______.

A.in a small town B.in the city C.in the country D.in a tall building
【小题2】There is_______in the front of our school.
A.a river B.an orange orchard C.a playground D.a garden
【小题3】How many students are there in the school?
A.4025 B.500 C.245 D.425
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE?
A.There are many tall building in the town
B.People can hear students singing everywhere.
C.There is a river in the school
D.Behind the school there is a garden


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Hello! This is my family. I’m David Green. I’m from England. My family is in Beijing. My father and mother work here. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. I have a sister but no brothers. My sister and I are students of a middle school in Beijing. We love China. My home is very nice. My family has a TV and a computer. My room (房间) is big. I have a bed(床), a desk (桌子) and two chairs(椅子) in it. My books are on my desk. I have an MP3 in my bag. There are some pictures on the wall. I like my room and I like these pictures very much.
【小题1】Four people are in David’s family.
【小题2】Mr. and Mrs. Green have a son and a daughter.
【小题3】David’s father works in a school in Beijing.
【小题4】Two chairs and a desk are in David’s room.
【小题5】—Is an MP3 on David’s desk?
—No, it isn’


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Tips for avoiding traffic jams:
The radio has more than just music. Check the local news station for the latest traffic report. Or go online and check traffic cameras before you set out. If there is a jam, you'll be prepared and can try another route.
Take the road less traveled. Although highways may be the most direct route, back (偏僻的) roads can be much less crowded, which can save you from the frustration of the stop-and-go traffic.
Rush hour isn't just a lovely nickname. It means the morning and afternoon traffic lasts for several hours, but they're still called "rush hour" for a reason - everyone's on the road and in a hurry to get somewhere. Treat rush hour like bad weather - if you don't have to go anywhere, stay off the roads.
Tips for those unavoidable traffic jams:
Don't break the law. You've gone 30 feet in 30 minutes and all of a sudden you see people using the shoulders(紧急停车道). Don't behave like them. Not only is this illegal, but also there's a good  chance they'll get caught or cause even more problems.
Pay extra attention to zig-zaggers (Z字形行进者). When some people are anxious, they may start changing lanes(车道)every 5 seconds or cut you off, Keep checking your windows and mirrors. for these lane changers.
Look for an escape. If it is possible to exit the road safely, do it. Use a GPS unit, and you can change your route mid-trip if needed.
Be courteous. Good manners could help you avoid a possible accident. Allow people in from a lane that is ending. Speeding up to keep them out increases your chances of an accident.
【小题1】To avoid traffic jams,we are advised to do the following EXCEPT_______.

A.get traffic news before leaving
B.choose back roads.
C.avoid rush hours.
D.change lanes frequently.
【小题2】What should we do when there are zig-zaggers?
A.Keep checking the mirrors
B.Stop and let them go first
C.Sound the hom loudly.
D.Drive quickly to keep them out
【小题3】What does the underlined word “courteous”in the last paragraph mean?
【小题4】In which part of a magazine can this passage be found?


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

What do you think Americans in the early twentieth century (1900--1925) did on weekends? What do they do on weekends now?

Once upon a time, people spent lots of time at home on weekends. Then new inventions changed the weekends. People used electric(电动的) streetcars to travel in cities. On weekends, they rode the streetcars to parks. Young people liked roller coasters.(过山车)The first movie lasted only one minute. Soon movies lasted longer. In the 1920s, movie theaters sold millions of tickets each week. In 1927, movies eventually(最终) had sound. Sometimes, people stayed at home instead, and listened to another new invention—radio. People in cities worked indoors during the week, so they wanted to be outdoors on weekends. Bicycling became a popular activity.
With more time, money and inventions, people have many more choices.
They can visit large parks like Disney World and ride modern roller coaster that go higher and faster than ever before. They can choose from lots of different movies at a multiplex (a building with many movie theaters) or watch a video at home. Many people jog (慢跑), bicycle, work out at the gym, or play sports. Others turn on their TV and watch sports.
【小题1】Before the early twentieth century, Americans used to spend their weekends       .
A.at home B.in the theater C.outdoors D.in the park
【小题2】What do you know about the first movie ?
A.It had no sound B.It got longer C.It sold well D.It lasted minutes
【小题3】The best title of the text is     .
A.Many More Choices B.The New Invention
C.The Popular Activities D.The Changing Weekend

