精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

      Mr Young worked in a factory.  He was an able (有能力的) worker and could get more money than
  his workmates.  His wife was able,  too.  She did all the housework and took good care of her
 children.  They were never worried about food or clothes.  But they were both miserly (吝啬) and tried to
  save everything.  Their family wore old and broken clothes.  He always went to work and their children
  went to school on foot.
    One afternoon, while Mrs Young was cooking supper, she heard the bell.  A man said on the
 telephone,  "I'm sorry to tell you something unlucky.  Your husband died in an accident. "
    The woman hardly believed her ears.  "When did it happen?" she shouted sadly.  "At four, Mrs Young. "
    "It's half past five!" the woman said angrily.  "Why didn't you tell me about it an hour ago? I've cooked
 supper for him ! "
     "Everything was confused (混乱的) here at that moment and all of us forgot it. "
     "What were his last words? "
     "He asked us to retell you he wouldn't go back for supper!"
1. Mr Young was able, so_____.
    A.  he wore old clothes            
    B.  he spend twenty to work on foot
    C.  he lived a happy life          
    D.  he got more money
2. Mr Young's children went to school on foot because_____.
    A.  they were poor
    B.  his parents tried to save money
    C.  there were no buses in the town
    D. they hoped to do morning exercises
3. Mrs Young began to cook supper at_____.
    A.  four      
    B.  half past four      
    C.  five      
    D.  half past five
4. The phrase "last words " in the story means_________.
    A. 最后一些词语            
    B. 最后一些话
   C. 遗言                    
    D. 嘱托
5. Mrs Young became angry because          .
    A. she wasn't told about the bad news before she cooked supper.
    B.  the factory didn't retell her husband's last words in time.
    C.  she couldn't see her husband before he died.
    D.  she didn't know whether her husband's last words were real.

  • 学练快车道暑假同步练期末始练新疆人民出版社系列答案
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  • 年级 高中课程 年级 初中课程
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    科目:初中英语 来源:黄冈重点作业·初二英语(下) 题型:053


      Mr Parker was living in the country. One day he wanted to go to an office in the c 1 . He took out of the k 2 , got i 3 his car and drove to the city. He drove to the office and stopped in front of the door. He locked his car a 4 started to go into the office, but then he turned and went b 5 to his car.“I left my keys in the car!”he said to himself. He telephoned his wife and said,“Excuse me, I locked my keys in the car. Please b 6 me y 7 .”

      Mrs Parker got into their second car and drove twenty miles to help her h 8 . But when he was waiting for her, he walked a 9 his car and tried the other door. It wasn't locked t But he locked it q 10 before his wife came.

    1.c________  2.k________

    3.i________  4.a________

    5.b________  6.b________

    7.y________  8.h________

    9.a________  10.q________


    科目:初中英语 来源:期中题 题型:阅读理解

         John lived with her mother when he was young.  He didn't know who his father was. The woman did
    some washing for the 'rich and could buy onl'y some bread for her son. So the boy was short and thin.
         One cold morning there was much snow in the streets. A car knocked the woman down and the
    policemen took her to the hospital.  She didn't tell John that his father deserted (遗弃) her before he was
    born until she died.  She left her son the name and address of his father.
         John found his father, Mr.  Brown, in another city.  He was one of the richest shopkeers and he had
    to receive his son.  From then on the boy lived a rich life.  He ate all kinds of delicious food and wore
    beautiful clothes.  But he didn't go to school and could not read or write.
         Once his father took him to a party.  He saw a newspaper lying on the floor and picked it up while
    others were talking about a film.  He had a look at it and found a car's wheels (轮子) were upward
    (向上). He called out,  "Oh, dear! An accident.
         All the people were surprised and began to read the newspaper.  But soon they all began to laugh.  
    Do you know why?
    1. John didn't know his father because___________.
    A.  the man was rich            
    B.  the man deserted his mother
    C.  his mother left the man      
    D.  the man didn't like him
    2.  John was short and thin because___________.
    A.  he didn't like sports
    B. his parents were short, too
    C.  he was often hungry when he was young
    D. his mother never gave him food
    3.   The woman told John who his father was___________.
    A.  after she was knocked down by a car    
    B.  before her son left
    C.  before she was in hospital                
    D.  before she died
    4.  After John found his father, ___________.
    A.  he was angry with the man  
    B.  he started a rich life
    C.  he wouldn't live with him    
    D.  the man was bad to him
    5.  The people at the party laughed at him because                        .
    A. he held the newspaper upside down  
    B. he wasn't polite
    C. the newspaper was yesterday's        
    D. he wasn't clever

