精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
Trip1  The Green Mountain
Bring your strong shoes for the hiking in a beautiful area of the Green Mountain. You can also find many kinds of wild animals living in this area.
Time: May 8—May 14                Tel: 64639818
Adult: $110.00                     Child: $55.00
Trip 2  The Heaven Garden
This is a beautiful garden with different kinds of flowers. Take your camera and enjoy the wonderful sight here. It is also a good place for fishing.
Time: May 20—May 22                   Tel: 63986432
Adult: $ 50.00                     Child: $ 25.00
Trip 3  The Dungog Valley
Put on your warm clothes, and come for a night walk along the Dungog Valley. Many of the plants you will see on this trip can only be seen at night.
Time: May 16—May 18                   Tel: 63875629
Adult: $ 30.00                     Not for children
Trip 4  By the sea
Wear your sun hat and enjoy wonderful sunshine all the time from morning to evening. You can also take a boat to different places for swimming.
Time: May 23—May 27                   Tel: 67538293
Adult: $ 80.00                     Child: $ 40.00
小题1:David has no classes from May 7 to May 15. He can go ________.
A.hiking in the mountain
B.fishing in the garden
C.watching plants at night
D.swimming in the sea
小题2:Mr. and Mrs. Smith want to stay in the Heaven Garden with their five-year-old son and seven-year-old daughter. They need to pay _______ for the trip.
A.$50 B.$ 100C.$240 D.$150
小题3:Lucy wants to know something about  plants. ________ suits her well.
A.Trip 1 B.Trip 2 C.Trip 3D.Trip 4
小题4:You should take ________ for the sightseeing in the Heaven Garden.
A.a sun hat B.a cameraC.warm clothes D.strong shoes
小题5:You should call ________ if you want to enjoy the sunshine at the seaside.
A.64639818 B.63986432 C.63875629D.67538293


小题1:根据第一则信息Time: May 8—May 14 描述,可知选A
小题2:根据第二则信息Adult: $ 50.00       Child: $ 25.00计算可知50*2+25*2=150,故选D。
小题3:根据第三则信息Many of the plants you will see on this trip can only be seen at night.描述,可知选C。
小题4:根据第二则信息Take your camera and enjoy the wonderful sight here.描述,可知选B。
小题5:根据第四则信息Tel: 67538293描述,可知选D。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:If you find a white-black cat today, you should call ________.
A.Miss GaoB.LucyC.Wang JiangD.Mr. wan
小题2:You can get in touch with Miss Gao or go to 118 Zhujiang Road to__________.
A.sell your bikeB.rent a bike
C.have your bike repairedD.buy a bike made in England
小题3:You have a free single-room apartment, then you can _________.
A.call Lucy at noonB.call Wang Jiang
C.call 86811123 at 8 pm.D.call 13711166688
小题4:According to the information above, we know that _________.
A.Lin Feng is a student
B.Wang Jiang’s cat is dead
C.Mr. Wan wants to sell his house
D.Lucy must find an apartment near No. 10 Middle School
小题5:Where can we possibly read the information?
A.At the library.B.In a local newspaper.
C.In a novel.D.In a hotel.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Mr. and Mrs. Brown have two children, Mike and Liz. The whole family are all busy, so they often leave notes for each other. Read these notes and answer following questions.
①3:30 p.m.
To Mike,
Mr. Tyler rang. No football practice today. I’m going to Donna’s house to play and be back at 5:00 p.m.
② 4:00 p.m.
To Liz,
It’s your turn to walk the dog. I have to do my homework after school. Remember to play with Teddy when you get home.
Has anyone seen my tennis shoes? I’m in my bedroom doing my homework.
④9:00 p.m.
I saw your shoes this morning. They smelt terrible so I put them outside the back door. Good night, dears!
小题1:When will Liz be back home?
A.At 3:30 p.m.B.At 4:00 p.m.C.At 5:00 p.m.D.At 9:00 p.m.
小题2:Who should walk the dog today?
A.Mike.B.Mrs. BrownC.LizD.Mr. Brown
小题3:What’s Mike probably doing at 6:50 p.m.?
A.Practicing football.
B.Going to Donna’s house.
C.Playing tennis.
D.Doing his homework.
小题4:Where can Mike find his tennis shoes?
A.In his bedroom.
B.Outside the back door.
C.In the living room.
D.At Donna’s house.
小题5:According to the notes, Teddy is          .
A.Mike’s mother.B.Mike’s brother.
C.Mike’s football coach.D.the dog in the family.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Dear Sally, Please take these things to your brother Bob: his dictionary, pen, notebook, keys, and a baseball. The dictionary is on the bed. The pen is in the pencil case. I put the pencil case on the sofa. The notebook is on the desk. The keys are on the dresser. The baseball is under the bed. Thanks, Grandma
小题1:Sally is Bob’s _____.
小题2:Where’s Bob’s dictionary?
A.On the bed. B.On the sofa.
C.On the desk. D.On the dresser.
小题3:The Chinese meaning (汉语意思) of "put" is "______".
写  B. 放  C. 吃  D. 卖
小题4:The ______ is / are under the bed.
小题5:Grandma tells (告诉) Sally to take _______ things to Bob.
A.three B.fourC.fiveD.six


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The White family invites all the exchange students to a Barbecue Party. Saturday, July 3rd, 2~6 p.m.
Summer Concert
Listen to local jazz group Blue Wind in Central Park! The concert is free. Everyone is welcome! Sunday, July 10 at 6:00 p.m.
Great Short Story Competition
Are you under sixteen years old? Do you want to win a free trip to Disneyland? All you have to do is to write a short story containing these three words: monster, thrilling and Disneyland. Write your story now and email it to Rebecca@163.com before July 30.
Waiters Wanted
Age: between 20 and 40
Language: one foreign language (English or French) Requirements: ◆must be willing to work late ◆must be outgoing and friendly
Working place: Red Rose Restaurant
Tel: 0431—82233301
小题1:The Barbecue Party will be held on _____.
小题2:Monster, ______ and Disneyland are the three words need to be contained in the story.
小题3:If you want to be a waiter, your age must be between ______ to 40.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Activities This Weekend

An Open-air Craft (工艺) Market
In Front of the City Hall
Sunday from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Need to buy a present? Find bamboo toys, paper flowers, paper umbrellas, model cars and more! Food from around the world, too!
City Museum
Travel Movies
Meeting Room
Sat. & Sun. at 2:30 p.m.
Do you want to travel but don’t have enough money? See movies on Japan, Italy, America, England, Russia, and Australia. There are only 80 seats, so come early.
Autumn Fashion Show
Golden Shopping Center
Sunday at 3:00 p.m.
Men’s and women’s autumn clothes. See 25 handsome and pretty models show the latest fashions. All clothing will be on sale after the show for under ¥100.

Pop Concert at Yunhai Square
Saturday from 9:00 p.m. to midnight
Five groups of college students are
going to play the guitar and sing pop songs. Bring your own
food and drink.
   Library Lecture
City Library Hall
Saturday at 10:00 a.m.
How to find the job that
you really want! Two-hour lecture. Advice on choosing and getting the right job for you. Coke and sandwiches are sold.
小题1:Are you a movie fan? Then you can go to _____.
A.Autumn Fashion ShowB.City Museum
C.City Library HallD.Yunhai Square
小题2:People can buy presents _____.
A.at Yunhai Square
B.in City Library Hall
C.in City Museum
D.at Open-air Craft Market
小题3:If people want to get some information about getting jobs, they can _____.
A.see the movies
B.go to the pop concert
C.see the fashion show
D.go to the library lecture
小题4:Pop concert at Yunhai Square will begin _____.
A.at 9:00 p.m., Saturday
B.at 2:30 a.m., Saturday and Sunday
C.at 10:00 am., Sunday
D.at 8:30 a.m., Sunday
小题5:Which of the following is not true?
A.The two-hour Library Lecture takes place in City Library Hall.
B.There are few kinds of food at the Open-air Craft Market.
C.All clothing will be on sale after the fashion show for under ¥100.
D.Only 80 seats are available for travel movies.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1: The movie is about two__________.
A.cats B.kidsC.personsD.tickets
小题2:If Jim and Bob want to see the movie in the evening, they have to pay_________.
小题3: Which of the following is NOT true according to the ad?
A.Children may like Crazy Cats.
B.The movie will be on for 6 years.
C.The movie will be shown 5 times a day.
D.We can see the movie at 10:00 on June 18th.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1: Peter’s study group meeting will be on ______.
A.Saturday morning B.Monday afternoon
C.Saturday evening D.Friday afternoon
小题2: From Peter’s plan we learn that Peter likes ______.
A.table tennis B.music
C.art D.basketball
小题3: On Sunday morning Mary will ______.
A.be free B.be busy
C.see the doctor D.go shopping
小题4: What will Mary do on Wednesday evening?
A.See her friends B.Play basketball
C.Go to her art class D.Prepare for an exam
小题5: Peter and Marry want to play badminton on Saturday, what time is suitable?
A.10 a.mB.9.30 a.mC.2.p.mD. 4.p.m


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

CCTV-9 Schedule
07:00 a.m. News Hour
12:00 a.m. News Hour
07:00 p.m. News Hour
08:00 a.m. Weather Show
01:00 p.m. Documentary
07:10 p.m. Animal World
10:15 a.m. Visiting Singapore
03:30 p.m. Sports Game
08:50 p.m. France Today
小题1:How many times(次数)does CCTV-9 show News Hours?
小题2:Mary wants to go to Singapore, so she can watch          .
A.News HourB.Visiting SingaporeC.Sports GamesD.France Today
小题3:Bob likes sports very much. He may turn on TV at           .
A.8:00 a.m.B.10:15 a.m.C.3:30 p.m.D.7:10 p.m.
小题4:If you watch Animal World. It lasts(持续)      .
小题5:From CCTV-9, we can't know anything about       .

