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Mrs. Black is sixty-nine years old. She only has a daughter named Sandra. ___小题1:__ Mrs. Black was very sad and lived in her house alone. Two years ago her daughter had a baby. The young woman was busy all the time and had no time to look after her son James. She asked her mother to live with them.
The old woman had to sell her house and moved there. ___小题2:___ And the family liked her.
Last autumn Mrs. Black went to do some shopping. A car hit her and her leg was hurt. She had to be in hospital for three months. ___小题3:____ At first her daughter was kind to her, but soon she began to be tired of(讨厌) her. The old woman wanted to leave, but she had no money to buy a house and nobody could take care of her. ____小题4:____
One morning Mrs. Black broke a plate. It made her daughter angry. She told James to buy a wooden(木制的) plate for his grandma. That afternoon James came back with two wooden plates. She was surprised and asked, “Why did you buy two plates, son?”
“One is for grandma,” answered the boy, “the other is for you! You will also have to use a wooden plate when you’re old, I think.”
___小题5:____. She cried for long. Now she is kind to her mother as she was before .
A. She couldn’t do anything after she came back.
B. Mr. Black died twelve years ago.
C. She didn’t know what to do.
D. The woman heard this and was sad.
E .She was strong and could do all the housework.


小题1:细节理解题。根据短文Mrs. Black was very sad and lived in her house alone.描述可知,由于丈夫的去世,使她非常伤心,独自居住。故应选B。
小题4:细节理解题。根据短文she had no money to buy a house and nobody could take care of he的描述可知,因为没有钱买房子,也没有人照顾她,她不知道该怎么办。故选C。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

In today’s fast –paced(快步伐/节奏的)culture, many people may feel like they ‘re too busy to read a book. In fact, a recent survey found that reading rates (比率)are falling in the US. Young people in particular(特别的)are more likely to spend their free time watching TV or surfing the Internet than reading a novel or nonfiction(非小说类文学作品)book. According to the survey results, the average(平均) 15 to 24-year-old living in the US spends 2 hours per day watching TV, and only 7 minutes reading for pleasure. Considering all the high-tech forms of entertainment out there, from video games to cyberspace(赛博空间), maybe it’s not surprising that fewer people read these days. But is reading just an old-fashioned pastime, or is it a lost art? Marni,an office worker, said, ”I’m reading the most incredible(不可思议的) book right now, and I can’t even imagine not having that in my life, like not loving reading.” What ‘s your opinion?
Information Card
a recent survey found that reading rates (比率)are _________________in the US.
the average(平均)____________ living in the US spends much time per day watching TV
The young in the US spends 2 hours per day watching TV, and only ___________reading for pleasure.
__________says that he can’t imagine not reading in his life.
The survey shows the young in the US often watch TV or_________ when they are free.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Round The World
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer both had very busy jobs and didn' t have much time to spend with their young children. They wanted to change this, and because their hobby was boating, they, decided to sail round the world together.
It took six years to prepare everything for the trip. First, they bought a new boat. Then, both the husband and wife had to take advanced (先进的) sailing lessons and learn all about the sea and the weather. Mr. Spencer also did several courses(课程) in repairing engines and Mrs. Spencer spent an hour in a restaurant learning to cut up fish.
In October they had one year off from their jobs and sailed away from England with their two children. The next year, in August, their long journey ended in Australia.
The boat was not big, but they took a teacher for the children with them. None of them found the trip boring because there were three computers, many CDs, a TV and a DVD player on the boat.
The family loved being at the sea and seeing the stars in the sky. But, most of all, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer enjoyed playing with their children while they were still young.
Answer the following questions with  No More Than 4 Words
小题1:What was Mr. and Mrs. Spencer’s hobby?
小题2:How long did it take them to prepare for the trip?
小题3:Where did they finish their journey?
小题4:How many people were there traveling together?
小题5:What was the best part of the trip Mr. and Mrs. Spencer enjoyed?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Do you often like to use disposable(一次性的) chopsticks when eating out? It’s time to drop this habit.
China products(生产) 80 billion pairs of disposable chopsticks every year. “This is enough to cover Tian’anmen Sqaure 363 times,” said Bai Guangxin, chairman of Jilin Forest Industry Group, at the National People’s Congress on March 8.
The government has made some rules to limit(限制)the use of disposable chopsticks. However, there are still many being produced.
“The production of such chopsticks is a heavy burden on national forests,” Bai added. A total of 20 million 20-year-old trees would have to be cut down to make way for this annual production.
Bai called on people to bring their own chopsticks whenever they are eating out. “We first need to bring a change to people’s eating habits and encourage everyone to carry their own chopsticks around.” He also said that there may be technology that can turn wild grass into disposable chopsticks in the future.
小题1:Are there still many disposable chopsticks being produced ?
小题2:How many pairs of disposable chopsticks does China product every year?
小题3:What can turn into disposable chopsticks in the future?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题

My mother


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:写作题

以 My favourite sports 为题写一篇文章,介绍你最喜欢的运动,并说明喜欢的运动的种类,还有原因及你的受益,字数不少于70字。、


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Yang Cangxu has recently become hot on the Internet. He is considered as a hero, and known as "A Professional Life Saviour"(职业生命救助者), because he has saved 24 people's lives during the past 26 yeasrs.Yang, a typical (典型的)Chinese farmer, lives in Baoji, Shanxi Province.  He is good at swimming, which is also his favorite. When he was young, he joined the army.  The life in the army had a great influence (影响)on him. It also helped to form one of his characters(性格) --being ready to help others.
Just seven to eight meters away from his home flows a channel(水渠). The water is very deep and flows fast. There is a bridge over the channel. Walking across the bridge is not an easy thing. From time to time, people fall into the water. If this happens, the person must be saved in time.  Otherwise(否则), he or she will be washed away by the water.
Yang Cangxu is always the first one to rush to the channel to save the drowning (溺水)person. We must learn from him.
小题1:What does Yang Cangxu do ?                              
小题2:Why is he considered as a hero?                              
小题3:Does he like swimming best?                                
小题4:What experience had a great influence on him?                       
小题5:What will happen if the drowning person isn’t saved in time?                    


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

To  Li Ming@126.com
From    Tom@163.com
Dear Li Ming ,
Would you like to visit the zoo with Jane, Michael and me this Sunday ? In the zoo we can see two pandas from Ya’an . If you want to go there, please call me . We will meet at Jane’s home at half past eight in the morning .
Information Card (信息表)
Who writes this e-mail ?
小题1:_______________ writes this e-mail .
What would they like to do this Sunday ?
小题2:They would like to ________________________ .
How many pandas can they see in the zoo?
小题3: They can see  _____________ pandas in the zoo .
Where will they meet ?
小题4: They will meet ___________________________ .
When will they meet ?
小题5: They will meet ___________________________ .


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Jack is ten years old and he is a very lazy boy. He doesn’t like doing any work. He has to go to school, of course. But he doesn’t s  小题1:    hard there and doesn't do any work. His father and mother are b   小题2:  doctors and they hope their son will become a doctor too when he g  小题3:   up. One day, Jack says to his mother, “When I finish school, I want to be a cleaner.” “A cleaner?” his mother asks. She is surprised. “That’s not a good job. W   小题4: do you want to be a cleaner?” “Because I will only have to work one day a w   小题5:  ,” Jack answers. “Only one day a week?” his mother says, “What do you mean? And h   小题6: do you know it?” “Well,” Jack answers, “I think the cleaners come to work on T  小题7:  every week. I o  小题8: see them on that day.” His mother l 小题9:  and says, “They go to work on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in other   小题10:  .”

