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Dear Dr Know,

  I'm writing to you to ask for help. I'm not f 1       . There are many r 2       in my family. I h 3       to get up at six every morning,then I have to practice s 4       English. I can't meet my friends after school because I have to f 5       my dog. On school nights,I can't watch TV. And I have to be in bed b 6       ten o'clock. On weekends I have to m 7       my bed and clean my room. Then I have to d 8       the dishes. In the afternoon,I have to go to the Children's Palace to learn the piano. I n 9       have any fun. What s 10      I do?

1.         2.          3.         

4.         5.          6.         

7.         8.          9.        



1. free根据下文描述的"我"必须做和不能做的事情可以看出,"我"没有自由。

2. rules 句意为"在家里有太多的规矩"。

3. have have to意为"不得不”.

4. speaking短语practice doing sth.意为"练习做某事";speak English意为"说英语”。

5. feed feed the dog"嚷狗"。

6. before 句意为"我必须在10点以前睡觉"。

7. make make the bed意为"整理床铺",固定搭配。

8. do do the dishes意为"刷碗,洗碟子",固定短语。

9. never据上文的描述"家规太多,没有自由"可知"我从来没有高兴过"。

10. should 本句意为:我应当怎么做?

题目来源:阳光英语阅读理解与完形填空七年级全一册 > 第三部分拓展提升


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  A zebra (斑马) and a horse are friends. One day,they talk about their clothes. The zebra says to the horse, "Your white clothes are beautiful. I want them,too. " So the horse lends (借给) his white clothes to the zebra.

  The next day,the zebra meets a tiger. The zebra is afraid of the tiger and runs away,but the tiger runs after him. He can see the zebra's white clothes clearly.

  The zebra takes off the white clothes. Then the tiger can't see him among the trees. At last the zebra returns (归还) the white clothes to the hor.se.

Don't admire (羡慕) others. Your things are the best for you.

(   ) 1. The zebra and the horse talk about their       one day.

   A. books   B. clothes

   C. best friends   D. favorite colors

(   ) 2. What does the underlined word"afraid" mean in Chinese?

   A. 友好的   B. 害怕的

   C. 开心的   D. 惊讶的

(   ) 3. Why can the tiger see the zebra?

   A. Because the zebra is very tall.

   B. Because the horse tells him.

   C. Because he can see the zebra's white clothes clearly.

   D. Because the tiger's eyes are so good.

(   ) 4. After the zebra takes off the white clothes,the tiger         .

   A. runs after him

   B. gives the clothes to the horse

   C. can't see him among the trees

   D. puts on the white clothes

(   ) 5. The writer wants to tell us         .

   A. to learn from the zebra

   B. not to borrow others' clothes

   C. to wear beautiful clothes

   D. not to admire others


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  A good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day in the year. You may not do well in the exam if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard for a few days before the exam. If you are taking an English exam,don't only learn rules of grammar. Try to read stories in English and speak English when you can. A few days before the exam,you should start going to bed early,don't stay up late (熬夜) at studying. Before you start the exam,read the question paper carefully. Try to understand the meaning of each question before you pick up your pen to write. When you have finished your exam,read over your answers,and find any mistakes,and make sure that you haven't left anything out.

(   ) 1. The good way to pass an exam is         .

   A. to work hard only before the exam

   B. to spend all the time remembering rules of grammar

   C. to stay up late before the exam

   D. work hard at all lessons all the year round

(   ) 2. Before you start the exam,you should      

   A. speak loudly

   B. revise (复习) your lessons

   C. learn rules of grammar

   D. read the question paper carefully

(   ) 3. You should        your answers before the exam paper is handed in.

   A. write   B. copy

   C. check   D. read

(   ) 4. Before you pick up your pen to write,you should       .

   A. revise your book

   B. look up the words in the dictionary

   C. copy the sentences

   D. understand the question on the paper 

(   ) 5. Which title (题目) is the best?

   A. Study Your Lessons Hard

   B. Read More Books

   C. Do Exercises

   D. A Good Way to Pass an Exam


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  One day there was an argument (争论) between the wind and the sun. " I'm much 1        than you " said the wind. "No,I don't agree with you!" said the sun. While they were arguing,they saw a man 2        along the road. He is wearing a heavy coat. The sun said to the wind, "Now,let's 3       who can make the man take 4        his coat. Then we will know who is stronger."

  First the wind tried. It began to blow very hard. It blew 5        hard that the man pulled his coat around him. The wind was 6        with the man. Then it said to the sun, "Now,it's your 7       . ”The sun started to 8        on the man. Soon it got very 9       !The man took off his coat. The argument was over. We know the 10        was stronger now.

(   ) 1. A. strong   B. good

   C. stronger   D. better

(   ) 2. A. walking   B. walk

   C. walks   D. walked

(   ) 3. A. seeing   B. sees

   C. see   D. to see

(   ) 4. A. up   B. on

   C. off   D. down

(   ) 5. A. much   B. so

   C. such   D. even

(   ) 6. A. sad   B. happy

   C. angry   D. excited

(   ) 7. A. way   B. turn

   C. turns   D. ways

(   ) 8. A. leave   B. shine

   C. to shine   D. to leave

(   ) 9. A. hot   B. cold

   C. cool   D. wet

(   ) 10. A. wind   B. sun

   C. man   D. rain


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  London is a great city in the world. The 30th Olympic Games will be held here in 2012. London is very big. The Thames River (泰晤士河) runs through the city from the west to the east. So the city has two parts (部分) :the South and the North. In the North,there are many houses? shops,big parks and some interesting places.

  The weather in London is good. In winter it is not very cold and in summer it is not hot,because the city is near the sea. People say London is a foggy city and it often rains.

  I am in London now. Today I meet a terrible fog. I can't see my hands in front of my eyes. Cars and buses go slowly. When evening comes,the weather is very bad. All the buses and cars can only stop on streets. And I can't find a car to go home,so I walk home.

(   ) 1. The Thames River is in         .

   A. Sydney   B. Paris

   C. London   D. New York

(   ) 2. In London'the weather is not very cold or hot,because         .

   A. it's a foggy city

   B. it often rains

   C. it's very big

   D. the city is near the sea

(   ) 3. The underlined word "foggy" means

   A. 雾   B. 有雾的

   C. 有雨的   D. 下雨

(   ) 4. The writer meets a terrible        on that day.

   A. rain   B. fog

   C. wind   D. snow

(   ) 5. At last,          , so the writer walks home.

   A. it isn't foggy

   B. it rains

   C. he can't find a car to go home

   D. he doesn't want to take a car


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Do you like the camel? It is a cute 1        with a long neck. It 2       a giraffe. It's a large animal and it is always brown. If you come close to the camel,you can find one or two humps (驼峰) on 3        back. The camel can 4        long and it can even live 50 to 60 years. The camel can help people carry heavy things in the 5       . It can travel for a long time 6        water. If people feel tired,they can also 7        it. It can stand the wind,the sand,the heat,the cold,the hunger,the thirst and the loneliness (孤独) .In all,the camel is very strong and 8       . The camel has 9        name. It is also called " the boat of the desert". 10       special animal it is!Many people love it very much.

(   ) 1. A. animal   B. sport

   C. person   D. place

(   ) 2. A. looks for   B. looks at

   C. looks like   D. looks after

(   ) 3. A. his   B. her

   C. its   D. their

(   ) 4. A. sleep   B. live

   C. start   D. work

(   ) 5. A. sea   B. desert

   C. mountain   D. beach

(   ) 6. A. with   B. for

   C. in   D. without

(   ) 7. A. ride   B. drive

   C. walk   D. bring

(   ) 8. A. bad   B. terrible

   C. helpful   D. tired

(   ) 9. A. other   B. the other

   C. another   D. others

(   ) 10. A. What   B. How

   C. What a   D. How a


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear Mother,

  Here I am on the beach in Benidorm on the Spanish coast (海岸) .Benidorm is a great city. It has everything you want in a city. There're also expensive restaurants where you can eat Italian,German or American food. The restaurants near the coast serve delicious and fresh seafood.

  There're wonderful big beaches with golden sand. People can go swimming and sailing. The weather hardly ever changes. It's usually sunny and hot and it never snows.

  I'm having a great time. I'm staying in a lovely hotel near the beach. I'm writing this letter next to the hotel pool.

  See you next week.


根据短文内容判断正(T) 误(F) 。

(   ) 1. Benidorm is a city in Spain.

(   ) 2. People can enjoy fresh seafood in the restaurants near the coast.

(   ) 3. The sand at the beach is made of gold.

(   ) 4. The weather there is changeable.

(   ) 5. Ethel is having a terrific time in Benidorm.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

  Tony's uncle 1       (居住) in New York. He knows something about China on the Internet,but he wants to know more. So he is looking forward to 2       (参观) China. He is going to have a 3       (假期) next week. He is going to visit Beijing because he likes 4       (中国的) culture. He is going there by 5       (飞机) and then stay in a hotel. In Beijing he is going to do some 6       (观光) ,visit the Forbidden City,the Summer Palace and walk up the Great Wall. Tony's uncle also likes animals. He likes Chinese pandas very much. So he is going to Beijing Zoo to see the pandas there and take some 7      (照片) of them. Finally,

  8       (在) the last day in Beijing he is going to go 9       (购物 ) .He wants to buy Tony a 10       (礼物) .He knows Tony likes Chinese paintings.

1.        2.          3.         

4.         5.          6.         

7.         8.          9.         



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:

Wang Ruonan is a 17-year-old Beijinger. Huang Yuying is a Junior 1 middle school 1       "living in Beichuan,Sichuan. The two girls are 2        friends. Their friendship started from a schoolbag.

In 2009 Wang's father told her about a project by the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (中国扶贫基金会) called "The Schoolbag of Love". It is about donating (捐献) schoolbags to kids in 3        areas.

You can spend 100yuan 4       a schoolbag full of school supplies (用品) at the post office. Then the workers there give you a list of kids in poor areas. You choose one of them to send your schoolbag to. After the kid gets the bag,he or she will mail a return postcard 5        you.

Wang thought it was a very good idea and she acted quickly. She chose to send the bag to Huang. Two weeks 6       ,she got a postcard back 7        Huang. The two soon became good friends,sending messages and 8        phone calls to each other.

One thing affected (影响) Wang deeply 9        she made friends with Huang.

"It was 2: 00 or 3: 00 in the morning. I suddenly got her message 10        me a small earthquake hit her place. Their house was shaking (颤抖) and they couldn't sleep."

Wang said she was moved because 11        panic (惊慌) Huang sent a message to her,meaning the girl saw her as a true friend.

Warmed by the friendship,Wang donated a 12      "schoolbag of love" to a girl in Xinyang,Henan last month. She also became a volunteer to introduce the schoolbag project 13        other communities (社区) in Beijing.

"I like the project 14        I can get to know the people I help and make friends 15        them," said Wang. "A full schoolbag is also practical (实际的) help for students."

(   ) 1. A. teacher   B. student   C. worker   D. classmate

(   ) 2. A. bad   B. good   C. terrible   D. better

(   ) 3. A. rich   B. poor   C. bad   D. good

(   ) 4. A. to buy   B. buying   C. bought   D. buys

(   ) 5. A. at   B. to   C. for   D. in

(   ) 6. A. late   B. later   C. latest   D. lately

(   ) 7. A. from   B. to   C. with   D. in

(   ) 8. A. make   B. making   C. makes   D. made

(   ) 9. A. before   B. after   C. in front of   D. above

(   ) 10. A. telling   B. saying   C. speaking   D. talking

(   ) 11. A. with   B. in   C. by   D. on

(   ) 12. A. 1st   B. 2nd   C. 3rd   D. 4th

(   ) 13. A. by   B. with   C. in   D. to

(   ) 14. A. because   B. as   C. as a result   D. result in

(   ) 15. A. to   B. with   C. from   D. to

