精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情

【小题1】In the past three years, my home town ______________(change) a lot. already.
【小题2】It’s hard to say what ____________ (happen) in 100 years in our country.
【小题3】They_______________(not travel)to Shanghai next week, are they?
【小题4】The students________(chat) from 6 to7 yesterday evening.
【小题5】When I got to the station yesterday morning, my friends _______(wait ) for me at the entrance.
【小题6】If it__________ (not rain) tomorrow, we’ll go hiking.
【小题7】He____________ (not write) a letter to his mother yet. He has to do that soon. His mother misses him very much.
【小题8】Would you please__________(not make) such a big noise. The baby is sleeping.
【小题9】It’s a long time since we ________(meet) last time, isn’t it?
【小题10】----How many times _______the girl __________(forget) to take the keys to her home?
----At least three times.
【小题11】You must spend as much time as you can ________  (practise) playing the piano.
【小题12】They_______(live) in Wuxi since they were born.

【小题1】has changed
【小题2】will happen
【小题3】aren’t going to travel
【小题4】were chatting
【小题5】were waiting
【小题6】doesn’t rain
【小题7】hasn’t written
【小题8】not make
【小题12】have lived

解析【小题1】考查时态。In the past three years“在过去的三年里”,in加一段时间,与现在完成时连用。故填has changed。
【小题2】考查时态。in 100 years“100年后”,in加一段时间,与现在完成时连用。故填will happen。
【小题3】考查时态和反意疑问句。根据are they可知,主句是否定,且用be going to表示将来。故填aren’t going to travel。
【小题4】考查时态。from 6 to7 yesterday evening“昨晚6-7点”,过去某时间点正在发生的事情,用过去进行时。故填were chatting。
【小题5】考查时态。过去某时间点正在发生的事情,用过去进行时。故填were waiting。
【小题6】考查if条件句。if“如果”,引导条件句,用现在时代替将来时。故填doesn’t rain。
【小题7】考查时态。根据yet可知,应该用现在完成时的否定。故填hasn’t written。
【小题8】考查固定句型。Please后加动词原形,否定在please后加not。故填not make。
【小题10】考查固定句型。It is+数词+times+含有现在完成时的that从句,“第几次做某事”。故填has---forgotten。
【小题11】考查固定搭配。spend time doing sth“花时间做某事”,as much time as you can “尽可能多的时间”。故填practicing。
【小题12】考查时态。since从句常与现在完成时连用。故填have lived。


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届辽宁省营口市中考模拟英语试卷(一)(带解析) 题型:单词拼写


address      place     speak     really    but      healthy
practice     friendly   them      nobody   usually   talk
     The verb “chat” means to talk (to someone) in a friendly, informal (非正式的) way. Today there are many【小题1】 on the Internet where you can chat. You can chat with people all over the world, in many languages and about many subjects. These places are 【小题2】 called “chat room”. Sometimes you need to register (注册) to enter a chat room. This means that you need to offer a usename (用户名) and possibly your e-mail 【小题3】 .Your usename doesn’t have to be your 【小题4】 name. It can be any name you want. When you have your username, other people in the chat room will call you by that name and【小题5】 else can use it.
Chatting is a good way to 【小题6】 your informal English, Messages in a chat room are usually short sentences. Sometimes 【小题7】 are not even sentences, 【小题8】 just a few words that are not really grammatically (语法) correct. It’s a typical way in which we 【小题9】in a quick conversation with friends. To save time, people often use abbreviations (缩写形式) like TTYL (talk to you later) or IDK (I don’t know). So don’t go to a chat room to practice “perfect English”. Go to a chat room to practice informal English and find new 【小题10】 You can even use a chat room to help improve your typing skills if you want.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏省第三初级中学初二下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】Computers are more ________________(广泛地)used in our daily life.
【小题2】Peace and ________________(发展) are two themes in today’s world.
【小题3】I ____________(连接) the new printer to my computer and it worked well.
【小题4】School Carnival, a new __________(文化的) festival, is held every December in our school.
【小题5】Jim didn’t ______________(get to know and understand something) he was wrong until then.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏省太湖格致中学初二下学期期中英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

How do you like to go to school like one in Oxford(牛津大学), England ? There are no r_______(1)classes. The students go from one group to a _________(2) when they want to. You may find students of fourteen, sixteen or twenty-five years old all in the s_________(3) group. They work at their o__________(4)studies. Nobody tells them what they should or shouldn’t be doing.
The day I visited, school b___________(5) at nine. Some students were working at a tape recorder and listening to their lessons. Others were watching TV on maths. A group was reading in the school l__________(6). I didn’t see anybody just sit doing n________(7). Everybody was studying.
At lunch time I could see students w_________(8), too. They were talking about their lessons while they were e_________(9). When you think of these students you can be sure it is one of the best s _________(10) in the world. 


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏省无锡市石塘湾中学初二下学期期中英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】There was a loud noise while Lily _______________ (listen) to music in her study.
【小题2】It is very important ________________ (not give) your goldfish too much food.
【小题3】Look! The audience __________________ (clap) their hands at the theatre .
【小题4】---_________ you_________  (hear) from him recently?   --- Not yet.
【小题5】Listen! The radio says something bad ______________ (happen) last night.
【小题6】The parade was so wonderful that all of us couldn’t stop _____________ (take) photos.
【小题7】There ________________ (be) a class meeting this afternoon, isn’t there?
【小题8】Computers __________________ (control) by programs .
【小题9】The hot water must _________________ (keep) away from the children .
【小题10】_________________ (not throw)litter everywhere, children.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏宜兴外国语学校初二下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

【小题1】____________(study) Zhalong helps us learn about protecting wildlife.
【小题2】Some of the students___________(remove)the snow when we arrived there.
【小题3】One of my classmates __________________ ( be) to the Great Wall twice.
【小题4】Father’s Day is coming, but I__________ (buy) a present for my father yet.
【小题5】Tom ____________ (live) in Nanjing for ten months in 2005.
【小题6】There__________ (be) many great changes in many areas in China since 2000.
【小题7】The teacher has told us many times that light _____________ (travel) faster than sound.
【小题8】We did everything we can____________ (protect) animals in danger.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届江苏省南京市六合区中考一模英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

Be a potato, but be the best
A young college student thought that he chose the wrong major (专业) at a common college, so he drank every day and didn’t study at all. He b  1   more and more discouraged.
But he was never a  2   from Professor Yang’s biology (生物) class. He liked the course. Besides, Yang’s class was so i  3   that he always listened carefully, never caring about w  4   the other students were paying attention or not in class.
Once he put a note in the homework he handed in, saying: “Professor, it is said that today’s college students are c  5   than potatoes. Do you agree?”
That day Professor Yang sent for him after class. When he came, he f  6  the professor at a table with food on it. They drank happily over their meal.
When they became half drunk, the professor took out a small potato that was sprouting (发芽的). “Do you know how much this c  7 ?” he asked the young man. “It’s soft but poisonous. N  8  will take it even if it’s free. ” He then threw the potato away.
The professor then showed him another potato. It was half the s  9  of a football and perfectly round. “This potato is organic (有机的). It is not only large and fresh but also free of pollution. People are in need of such k  10   of potatoes and they’re quite expensive.”
The young man was impressed by what he’d heard. “Be such a potato,” said the professor.


科目:初中英语 来源:2012届江苏省江阴市石庄中学初三中考模拟英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

(A) 根据句意,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出括号内所给单词的适当形式。
【小题1】It was raining ____________ (heavy) at this time yesterday.
【小题2】Our headmaster is the        (strict) with us among the teachers who teach us.
【小题3】They looked at our pictures, but they didn’t show us ___________ (they).
【小题4】Our English teacher has offered us some useful _______________ (suggest). I think they will help us a lot in our English study.


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年广东省湛江市八年级第四次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单词拼写

Good morning! Now let me report the discussion work in our group. Wu Jun cleans up rooms (1)           weekends and Jia Mei likes cooking dinner with her mum. Wang Ping sometimes (2)          (wash) clothes for her family. As for me, I usually help my father water the flowers.
In my opinion, it is necessary (3)          us students to do some housework by doing it, we can help our parents and understand them better. We’ll also learn to take care of(4)        . Besides, we can relax ourselves from hard work and develop our abilities.
That’s all. Thanks for (5)          ( listen)!

