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I        a brother. He        tall.
A.have, has                B.has, is              C.have, is


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1:I had a difficult time _________ (study) English
小题2:My sister is _________ (thin) than me.
小题3:John always listens to the old man in _________ (silent).
小题4:Let’s welcome these _________ (hero) to our school.
小题5:My brother plays the guitar very ________ (good).


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

look,  year,  change,  deep,  home,  cold,  can,  work,  take,  father
Every day, on her way to work, Amelia had to pass a slum(贫民窟). As a social 小题1:    , she had not paid much attention to it. This 小题2:.      one day when she met a ragged(衣衫褴褛的) boy named Sam. Sam knew she was the head of social services, and that she 小题3:.    help. He reached out his hand and said, “Can you help me?  I’m 小题4:       for my dad.” His hands were so 小题5:     . Amelia said, “What’s up?” “My mom is terribly sick. Her birthday is coming. I know my 小题6:          coming back would be the best present. My dad had left us before I was two 小题7:.    old,” said the boy.
Amelia was 小题8:.     moved and asked Sam to take her to his home. He led her to a small house. Amelia saw a woman lying on the bed. The woman knew she was dying. She said to Amelia, “Please find a 小题9:.      for my son.”
Amelia 小题10:.    her hand and nodded with tears(眼泪). She got an idea! Her husband and she had no children, and looking forward to having one. Later Amelia brought Sam home. Ever since then, the new family have had happiness and laughter.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

When you put down your pens at the end of the college entrance e  小题1:   , twelve hard years of study will have come to an end. Forget your studies for a while. It's time to enjoy yourselves!
  There are many ways to c  小题2:    this special month of graduation. You can have photos t  小题3:   with your classmates and teachers, or dinner out together and exchange gifts.
  High school students in western countries such as the United States and Canada usually have a party to m  小题4:   their graduation. After the party, teenagers either go to college or find a job. It means they will no longer depend on(依靠) their parents as b 小题5:  .
  At the party, boys usually dress in dinner jackets and bow ties, though many different types of formal clothes are worn. Girls t 小题6:    wear nice dresses or dress to be noticed, in shiny or brightly colored materials.
  Common party activities include dining, dancing, the crowing(加冕) of a ball(舞会) king and queen, and just talking to friends. In some cases, high school students collect funds for their class party t  小题7:    the four years of their high school.
High schools in or near large cities may rent(租用) some big rooms at expensive hotels or, to be u  小题8:   , on a pleasure boat.But often c  小题9:    are cut by simply using the school gym(健身房). Students make a lot of e  小题10:    to decorate(装饰) the gym to make the event special. The music played at the party will be the most popular kinds, like rock and hip-hop.
Sometimes teachers and parents also go to the party. But others like to go with friends, to whom they are soon going to say goodbye.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

----A number of people_____ready to work in poorareas in the western part of China
----Yes,the number______getting________.
A.is,is,more and moreB.are,is,larger and larger
C.is,are, larger and largerD.are,is,more and more


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

—My good friend Tom, together with his classmates,     going to visit Shenzhen.
—Will he phone you as soon as he      here?
A.are; arrivesB.are; will arrive C.is; arrivesD.is; will arrive


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Tom together with her good friends ________in the playground.They ________playing basketball.
A.is,are B.are,isC.is,isD.are,are


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

______have a racing bicycle.
A.EachB.Each of usC.We eachD.Every one


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

- Don't you see the sign "No Parking!" on the right?
-Sorry, I didn't. But now I know parking_______ here.
A.wasn't allowed B.isn't allowedC.won't allowD.doesn't allow

