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Simon hardly listened to his teachers or worked hard in class. For him, talking was so much better. He never stopped talking. He wanted to be heard. “If you listen carefully, you’ll learn something.” Mrs. Jacobs told him many times, but it didn’t work.
Last Sunday, Simon had a sore throat (喉咙痛) and he lost his voice the next morning. “Can I stay home?” he tried to ask, but words didn’t come out. His mother thought he could go to school. He felt upset.
When he got to school, he didn’t say anything to his friends or teachers. Everyone started talking at once. They were excited, worried and surprised. Mrs. Jacobs seemed happy. Simon was bored because he couldn’t talk.
But it wasn’t so bad. He could do his homework. The next day,  even though his voice was coming back, he stayed quiet again. He listened and put up his hand to speak. What a great difference!
小题1:Simon          before last Sunday.
A.was hard-workingB.was shyC.kept silentD.liked talking
小题2: Mrs. Jacobs once asked Simon to           many times.
A.leave schoolB.listen to her
C.get to school earlyD.talk loudly
小题3: What happened to Simon on Monday?
A.He lost his dog.B.He had the flu.
C.He had a fight with his friend.D.He lost his voice.
小题4: Simon felt           when he got to school.
小题5:According to the passage, Simon finally learned to           .
A.listen to his teacherB.listen to his friends
C.do his homework aloneD.talk with his classmates


小题1:细节理解题。问题:上星期前西蒙的表现。原文:For him, talking was so much better. He never stopped talking.句意:对他来说,说话得太多。他从不停止说话。表明他的说话太多,故选D。
小题2:细节理解题。问题:雅各布斯夫人曾经告诉他什么很多次?联系原文:“If you listen carefully, you’ll learn something.” Mrs. Jacobs told him many times, but it didn’t work.句意:“如果你仔细听,你会学到一些东西。”雅各布斯夫人告诉他很多次,但它没有效果。故选B。
小题3:细节理解题。问题:西蒙周一发生了什么事?分析原文:Last Sunday, Simon had a sore throat (喉咙痛) and he lost his voice the next morning.句意:上周日,西蒙有一个喉咙痛,第二天早上他失去了他的声音。第二天就是星期一,故选D。
小题4:细节理解题。问题:当西蒙到达学校的时候,他感觉怎样?原句:Simon was bored because he couldn’t talk.句意:西蒙感到无聊,因为他不能说话。故选C。
小题5:细节理解题。问题:通过短文的理解西蒙学到了什么?联系前文与原句He listened and put up his hand to speak.句意:他听课并且举手回答问题。故选A。

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Jim is a young farmer. He was once put into prison( 监狱).
One day, he got a letter from his mother. “ I’m so worried about our farm,”she wrote.”it’s time to plant potatoes. I can’t dig (挖 ) all the fields(田地 ) by myself.”
Jim read the letter and became sad. “ What can I do?” he thought. Then he had a good idea. He wrote to his mother,” don’t dig the fields. There is much money in the earth. Don’t plant potatoes until I come home.”
Some days later, Jim got another letter from his mother. It said, “ Two days ago, about ten men came to our farm and dug all the fields. I can’t understand it. It seemed that they were looking for something. What should I do?”
Jim smiled when he read his mother’s letter. He wrote a letter to his mother at once. It was very short. Guess what it would say.
小题1:Jim’s mother was much worried about___________.
A.himB.their farm
C.the potatoesD.the money
小题2:In the letter to his mother, Jim told his mother not to______.
A.dig the fieldsB.dig for the money
C.ask others for helpD.go to the prison to see him
小题3:Jim’s mother told him that about ten men came to dig their fields. These men might be_____.
A.farmersB.Jim’s friendsC.prison guards( 监督员)D.Jim’s brothers
小题4:What would it say in Jim’s second letter?
A.I will go out of prison very soon.
B.You can plant potatoes now, dear mother.
C.I can’t help you, dear mother.
D.The guards will plant potatoes.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

You may know the song Happy Birthday very well. But do you know who wrote this song and for whom it was written? Let me tell you a story. About one hundred years ago, there was a girl called Kate in the USA. She loved children very much and wrote many songs for children. One of them was the song Good Morning To You. The song was very popular at that time among children, but not all grown-ups ( 成年人 ) knew it.
The girl was very poor. Once her friends invited her to a little child's birthday party. She felt happy but sad because she had no money to buy a present for him. Finally she decided to sing the song Happy Birthday. in the melody (曲调) of Good Morning to You for the little boy. When her friends heard the song at the party, they were very happy. "How wonderfully she is singing!We have not heard this song before. It's a special present," said someone. And they learned to sing it together. Later, the song became very popular throughout the world. People like it because it's simple and friendly. 
小题1:Happy Birthday is a old song. Nobody knows who wrote the song Happy Birthday.
小题2:The song Happy Birthday is a song from America.
小题3:The melody of Happy Birthday comes from the melody of Good Morning to You.
小题4:The girl first sang the song for a little child as a birthday present.
小题5:The girl knew the song would be popular before she came to the party.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Hello! My name is Joy. I’m a girl(女孩).I’m eleven. I’m in Class Eight, Grade Seven. This is my friend Joan. She is twelve. She is a high school student(中学生).She is in Class Seven, Grade Eight. Miss White is my English teacher, and her English teacher is Miss Green. Look! Who’s that? Oh, she’s my mom. She’s a Chinese(语文,中文)teacher.
小题1:     is in Class Eight, Grade seven.
小题2:Joan is Joy’s(乔伊的)     .
小题3:Joan is       .
小题4:Joy’s English teacher is          .
A.Miss WhiteB.Miss GreenC.Joy’s momD.Joan
小题5:Joy’s mom is        .
A.an English teacherB.a friendC.a studentD.a Chinese teacher


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Mike didn't live too far away from school. He liked to ____ to school every day. When it rained, like many _____ boys, Mike liked playing in the water. One afternoon, when the boy came______, he was all wet. His mother became very ___ and said, “Don’t play in the water after school.” The next day he was very ____ again, and his mother became ___ angrier. "I'll tell your father ___ you go to play in the water again," she said. The third day the boy was dry when he came ___ from school. "You are a ____ boy today,” his mother said. “You didn't play in the water.”
"No," Mike answered. "Because there were _____ older boys in the water, I couldn't play in it.”    
小题1:A. have          B. walk        C. fly        
小题2:A. other          B. others          C. much      
小题3:A. house         B. family        C. home     
小题4:A. angry         B. happy         C. good      
小题5:A. dry   .       B. late             C. wet
小题6:A. very            B. even          C. much      
小题7:A. if           B. before        C. for       
小题8:A. to            B. back              C. away         
小题9:A. good          B. well             C. bad        
小题10:A. many so       B. so many          C. much too    


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

There is a bar (酒吧) in our town with the name "The White Horse". It is Mr Webster’s.        people went to the bar last year. But things are quite different now.
There was a picture of a white horse on the door of the bar. Then a stranger came in one day, drank something,          around the bar, and then said to Mr. Webster, “Few people come here. Take down the picture of the white horse and put a picture of a black horse         .” 
“But the name of the bar is The White Horse,” Mr. Webster said. “Yes, but do it.” the man said. Then he went out of the bar. Mr. Webster went to        and said, “I want a picture of a black horse.”
      later a picture of a black horse was on the door of the bar instead of the white horse. Soon after the door        , a man came in and said, “There’s a         on the door of your bar. It is surprising that the picture is different from the name.” The man looked, sat down and           something. Then another man came in and said      , and then another and another. A lot of people came in and said, “The picture on your door is         ,” and they all stopped and drank in Mr. Webster’s bar.
A.FewB.So manyC.SomeD.A lot of
A.tooB.as wellC.insteadD.either
A.an artistB.a musicianC.an athleteD.a teacher
A.different ideasB.the sameC.nothingD.everything
A.suitableB.a beautyC.wrongD.an ad


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

My name is Jake Hill. My Chinese teacher is Yang Bin.      is from Shanghai. He has      children, a son and a daughter.      are twins. The son is Yang Chen. The        is Yang Xi. Mr Yang and his son        in Nanjing, but his wife Chao Feng is in Shanghai. She is a         ,she works in a hospital. Mr Yang’s daughter is in England. She is a college(大学)student.Yang Chen and I        _ the same college. He likes         scoccer ball.We are classmates and we are good        . I teach him English and he teaches me        
小题1:A. His         B. Him      C. He
小题2:A. two         B. three     C. four
小题3:A. Them       B. They      C. Their
小题4:A. wife        B.son        C. daughter
小题5:A. is          B. am        C. are
小题6:A. teacher      B.doctor      C. writer
小题7:A. go to        B. to         C. goes to
小题8:A. playing      B.plays       C. play
小题9:A.friend       B.friends      C. student
小题10:A. English    B. China       C. Chinese


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Mr and Mrs Jackson bought a big farm and they were always busy working on it .They had a good harvest every year.One of their sons Victor studied at a high school.The boy studied hard and did well in his lessons.It made them happy.
Last month Victor finished high school and passed the university entrance examination.Mrs Jackson was very happy and told almost all her friends about it .
Yesterday morning she went to the town to buy something for her son.On the bus she met one of her friends and they hadn’t seen each other for fifteen years.She told her friend how clever her son was.She spoke very loudly.All the people on the bus could hear her.
“Which university will your son study in?”a man next to her asked.
“Oxford University,”said Mrs Jackson happily.
Most of the people on the bus looked at her.Some of them said to her, “Congratulations!”
A woman sitting opposite her said, “I’m sure he’ll meet Jim White.”
“Who’s Jim White?”
“He’s my son,”said the woman with smile.
“Does he study in the same university?”
“No.He is one of the professors(教授).”
小题1:The underlined word “harvest”probably means “_______”in Chinese.
A. 庄稼              B. 收成            C. 成就      
小题2:Mr and Mrs Jackson were happy because________.
A.their son did well in his lessons
B.they bought a big farm
C.they had a good time on the farm
小题3:Mrs Jackson wanted everyone to know_________.
A.her som finished high school
B.her son was brave
C.her son was going to study in a famous university
小题4:Mrs Jackson spoke so loudly on the bus that________.
A.her friend could hear her
B.all the people could hear her
C.all the people looked at her
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Mrs Jackson met some of her friends on the bus.
B.The woman was Mrs Jackson’s friend.
C.The woman wanted to stop Mrs Jackson from talking about her son.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A king is old and he knows it is time to choose (选择) a new king. He       all the young people in his country,“I will give      of you a seed (种子). Plant it and        it back here one year later. Show me the plants (植物) you bring,         I’ll choose a new king from you.”
A boy named Peter gets a seed, too. He       it carefully. But the seed doesn’t grow at all. A year later, Peter         take his empty (空的)box to the palace (宫殿). Others all take beautiful plants there and Peter feels        .
The king gets to the palace and looks around. When he finds there is nothing       Peter’s box, the king smiles and says to the others,“One year ago, I gave everyone a seed. In fact (事实上), all the seeds can’t grow. But all of you, except (除了) Peter, brings me beautiful plants. Peter is the      one with the honesty (诚实) to bring me such a box. So he will be the new        !”
A.says B.tells C.speaks D.asks
A.manyB.some C.one D.each
A.take B.bring C.go D.come
A.but B.so C.and D.if
A.plants B.makes C.finds D.gets
A.listens to B.has toC.wants to D.needs to
A.happy B.excited C.sad D.soft
A.on B.in C.behind D.over
A.firstB.last C.next D.only
A.plant B.man C.king D.palace

