精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
—  _______ that man?
— The one in the green car? Oh, that's my uncle.

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A. Whose
B. Who
C. Whose's
D. Who's

科目:初中英语 来源:2013届浙江杭州萧山市高桥初中九年级上学期期初摸底考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单选题

—David,is that man your Chinese teacher?
—It___________ be him.He’s having a meeting.



科目:初中英语 来源:2013届辽宁省大石桥市水源二中九年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:翻译

That man _______ my English teacher.
Could you please ___ about student exchange programs?
When we got to the station, they _______us.
He ________________ for five days.


科目:初中英语 来源:2014年浙江省自主招生九年级英语模拟试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Trees are useful to man in three important ways: they give him wood and other useful things, they give him cool places, and they help to stop drought and flood.

Unluckily, in many parts of the world, man has not found that the third of these points is the most important. Man wants to make money from trees, so he has cut them down in large numbers, only to find that without them he has lost the best friends he had. And also, he is usually too careless to plant and look after new trees. So the forests slowly disappear.

This does not only mean that man will have fewer trees. The results are even worse: for where there are trees, their roots break up soil-make the rain in-and also bind the soil, thus stopping it from being washed away easily; but where there are no trees, the rain falls on hard ground and flows away, causing floods and carrying away the rich top-soil. When all the top-soil is gone, nothing is left but useless desert.

1.The most important points of trees to man is ________.

A. they help him to make money

B. they give him cool

C. they give him wood and other things

D. they help him to stop drought and floods

2.In many places forests slowly disappear because ________ .

A. many trees have been cut down by man

B. new trees are not well looked after

C. man has not paid enough attention to planting trees

D. all the above

3.Land becomes desert after all trees are cut down because ________ .

A. roots of trees break up the soil

B. there are too many rainfalls

C. strong winds bring a lot of sand

D. there are no longer trees to keep the rain and protect the top-soil.

4. Which title best fits the passage?

A. Trees and Man.

B. The Function of Tree Wood.

C. How do People do with Trees?

D. The Usage of Tree Roots.



科目:初中英语 来源:2014届杭州市八年级下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

A nurse took a tired soldier to an old man , “Your son is here ,” she told the old man. The old man could hardly  1 the young soldier clearly. He reached out his 2 .The soldier held the old man’s hand. The nurse brought a chair so that he could sit  3 the bed. All through the night, the young soldier sat there   4  the old man’s hand. Now and then he heard him say a few words. The dying man said . He only held his son’s hand tightly all through the night.

The next morning, the old man died. The soldier freed his hand and went to  6  the nurse .While the nurse did  7 she had to do, he waited. Then he asked her, “Who was that man?”

The nurse was  8“Wasn’t he your father?” she said.

“No, he wasn’t”, the soldier answered.” I 9 saw him before.”

“Then  10 didn’t you say anything when I took you to  11 ?”

“I knew right away there had been a  12 , and I also knew he needed his son ,_13  his son just wasn’t here. When I found that he was too  14 to tell whether or not I was his son, I knew  15 he needed me, I stayed.

1.                A.see            B.look           C.saw  D.seeing


2.                A.head           B.foot            C.hand D.hair


3.                A.besides         B.beside          C.under    D.on


4.                A.held           B.holds           C.holding   D.was holding


5.                A.everything      B.nothing         C.anything  D.something


6.                A.cry            B.speak          C.tell  D.say


7.                A.how           B.who           C.what D.when


8.                A.surprising       B.surprised       C.surprise  D.surprises


9.                A.sometimes      B.usually         C.always    D.never


10.               A.where         B.why           C.which D.who


11.               A.him           B.he            C.his   D.her


12.               A.bed           B.chair           C.mistake   D.hand


13.               A.and           B.or             C.but   D.then


14.               A.sick           B.healthy         C.strong D.nice


15.               A.how many      B.how long       C.how much D.how old




科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年辽宁省大石桥市九年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:翻译



That man _______ my English teacher.


Could you please ___ about student exchange programs?


When we got to the station, they _______us.


He ________________ for five days.








