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---Mike, you ???? your bike outside the shop all night long.

?? --- My God! ???? .

A. forgot; So did I?? B. forgot; So I did?? C. left; So did I?? D. left; So I did





试题分析:句意:——马克,你把你的自行车遗忘在商店外面一整夜。——我的天哪!我的确忘了。forget忘记;leave遗忘,落下。So+主语+助动词,表示的确,确实So+助动词 +主语,表示,结合句意马克确实把自行车遗忘了。故选D




科目:初中英语 来源:2015届四川都江堰外国语实验学校七年级10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


A: Hello! What’s your name?

B: My full name is Jack Green.

A: _____1_   Lucy Smith. _____2     are you?

B: I’m fine, thanks.  And you?

A: I’m fine too. Is this  3  family  4     ?

B: Yes,it is.And this   5  my sister, Lily. These are my  6   (表哥),Tony and Mike.

A:Oh, really? _____7__ they students?

B:Yes,they are good students.  

A: ____8___ me, what’s this in English on the desk?   

B: It’s a dictionary.

A: ___9___ it, please?  

B: D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y. 

A:     10     very much.

B:It’s my pleasure.



科目:初中英语 来源:2013届云南玉溪洛河民族中学初二下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Nice to meet you, Mike. ________?

—Everything is OK. Thanks.

A.What are you doing

B.Where have you been

C.How is it going

D.What’s wrong with y



科目:初中英语 来源:江苏期末题 题型:填空题

     I'm 13 years old. My name is Mike Davis. I (1)g__________ to Hope School
and I'm in Year One. I'm really interested in science, but I find maths and Chinese
very (2)d__________. I never get high marks in them. I like sports. I'm good at
(3)r__________ and I run for the school running (4)t__________ in the 800
meters every year.
     My Dad sells farm machines(农机). We live in the country about two kilometers
away (5)f__________ the school, so I go to school by (6)b__________. My uncle
has a farm(农场)and I (7)s__________ most of my free time helping him there. I
help him (8)l__________ after the cows and I like to do the milking(挤奶) every
Saturday. My uncle has a tractor(拖拉机)and he says I can't drive it until I'm fifteen
(9)y__________ old.
     I want to work in the countryside (10)w__________ I leave school. I wouldn't
like to (11)l__________ in a town or sit in an office all day. My father (12)t__________
I should work in his company, but I want to be like my uncle and have my own farm one day.


科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. I have a_____ orange every day.
2. This i_____ a Chinese map.
3. Trees are g_____ in spring (春天).
4. Good morning, Mr W_____.
5. Tom a_____ Mike are English.
6. —What c_____is your bike?    —It's black.
7. She likes r_____roses (玫瑰).
8. The stars(星星)on the Chinese flag (旗) are y____.
9. T_____brown bag is Lily's.
10. The sky (天空) and the sea are b_____.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:


1. Xiaoqiang is y                than Xiaoming.

2. Sam is                   (更强壮的)than Mike .

3. The monkey is t                 than the elephant.

4. ---- What’s the m                , John?  ---- I have a sore t                .

5. Did you go to the                   (公园)?

6. Mary c                  her room yesterday.

7. Tom went                  (钓鱼)yesterday .

8. ---- How do you feel?  ---- I feel e                  .

9. ---- What did you do on your holiday?   ---- I learned                     (中文).

10. I w                 my clothes yesterday.

