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Everyone has his own hobby.Some students in our class like to collect some interesting things.And they love their collections very much.Snow globes are Tony’s favorite.He has been collecting them for seven years.Now he has 366 of them.His Mom says he has to stop, because he has run out of room to store them.He even has them stored in lots of boxes under his bed.Mary likes collecting snow globes too.But she only gets 100 now.Luckily, her birthday is coming.And Tony decides to give her one as her birthday gift for her.Ken usually collects shells.He thinks they are beautiful.He lives with his grandparents on the beach.And he always plays there.Lucy loves coins a lot.She has got many coins from different countries.She has been collecting coins for four years.Jimmy has lots of stuffed animals.They are cute.He has collected many kinds of them in his bedroom, such as bears, penguins and so on.


(1)Tony ________ (2)Lucy ________ (3)Ken ________

A.shells B.snow globes C.coins


snow globes shells ________ ________ ________ ________


(1)How many snow globes will Mary have soon at least?

A.365 B.366 C.101 D.100

(2)________ and ________ have the same collections.

A.Tony, Lucy

B.Tony, Mary

C.Mary, Ken

D.Lucy, Ken

(3)From the passage, we know Ken usually plays near ________.

A.the sea

B.the river

C.the lake

D.the mountain

(4)Why does Tony’s Mom say he has to stop his collections?

A.Because he doesn’t have enough money.

B.Because he only has his own bedroom to store them.

C.Because he doesn’t have enough space(空间)to store them.

D.Because his mother doesn’t like them.


(1)Lucy has lots of coins from different ________.

(2)How long has Tony been collecting snow globes?



Tom likes dancing.He has been doing that since 1999.And he has been dancing for four years.



  1.(1)B (2)C (3)A

  2.coins, stuffed animals, stamps, toys, dolls, tickets

  3.(1)C (2)B (3)A (4)C

  注意第一题,由于Mary’s birthday is coming,而且Tony决定送一个snow globe给她,故答案为101个。


  (2)He has been collecting snow globes for seven years

  5.(表格内如:)playing soccer; 1995/I was ten years old; eight years

  Tom likes dancing.He has been doing that since 1999.And he has been dancing for four years.Lily likes playing the violin a lot.She has been playing the violin since she was eight years old.She has been playing it for six years.I like to play soccer very much, and I’m very good at it.I have been playing it since I was ten years old.So I have been playing it for eight years.


科目:初中英语 来源:湖南湘潭市2011年初中毕业学业考试英语试题 题型:050


  More and more people are becoming interested in the internet.They have formed a bad habit.In fact,the bad habit has become a   1  Internet Addiction Disorder(IAD网络综合症).Staying   2   for more than six hours a day   3   working or studying, and feeling very upset from not being able to get online, are the two major symptoms(症状)of IAD

  Internet addiction(上瘾)is   4   in China now.A recent research   5   that 42% Of Chinese young people get quite interested in the web, while only 18% of Americans feel in the same   6  .

  What causes IAD? Some people believe that It's the lack(缺乏)of family care.Most children in China are the   7   ones in their families.They are only told to   8   hard, but few really care about their personal interest.So some children would like to keep   9   away from the real world

  How can people stay away from IAD? Don t get online any more, go back to the real world and if it doesn't work, go to see the   10  


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in school


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because of


Out of


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becoming less


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their parents


their teachers


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科目:初中英语 来源:2013届浙江省兰溪市初二下学期期中测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题



Don’t fight with your classmates. Every one in the class needs help and friendship. Remember your classmates are the best ones to help you in school.


In school, don’t feel something difficult or boring. You should join in all kinds of activities. You should be interested in all subjects.


Don’t make any excuse if you do not do today’s work and leave it tomorrow. If the class is held up(耽误), it’s difficult to catch up with others.


Eating good meals is important, or you will think about food in class. Go to bed on time and keep having enough sleep. Do more sports to keep your body strong.


If you get bad marks in your tests, you can feel unhappy. It doesn’t matter, in fact. A person can’t be always successful. Sometimes he also has unpleasant things.


You should not play computers too much on weekends. You should go out for a walk and do your homework every day.


A.  Do Today’s Work Today.

B.  Keep Hopeful.

C.  Keep Healthy.

D.  Plan Your Time.

E.  Protect Your Friendship.

F.  Be Positive about School.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Computer games are very popular. It is natural for people to want to  41 ,so playing against a computer or against a friend on the computer can be  42  to stop.“Just one more game,” often turns into another game, then another.

Computer games do have their 43 . They are excellent for training hand / eye coordination(协调).Surgeons(外科医生) who played computer games as chitdren are often more skilled.Computer games can also be great for teaching students. The students are open to learning while playing. They can study for longer than a 44  would be able to teach.Students can also learn at their own speed and not feel pressured to match classmates. And with computers you can 45  a task as many times as you like. The more you do this, the better you will get, until you can do it perfectly.

But like anything else in life, things should be balanced. Too much time on the com purer can  46  your eyes. Regular breaks are needed. If students cannot 47  playing computer games, they won’t do as well in other areas in their life--not just schoolwork,but in developing important social skills such as how to talk with people and how to work with others as part of a 48 .And if they are 49  taking regular exercise,their health will become worse.

Computer games have their place,but people must also remember it is important to 50 a balanced lifestyle.

41.A. win     B. lose       C. fight          D. race

42.A. easy     B. necessary     C. difficult        D. natural

43.A. rules    B. advantages    C. disadvantages     D. mistakes

44.A. teacher    B. parent       C. doctor          D. computer

45.A. make    B. practice     C. put off         D. discover

46.A. break    B. hurt       C. relax         D. close

47.A. enjoy    B. start       C. stop          D. keep

48.A. family    B. game       C. match         D. team

49.A. often    B. no longer     C. always         D. still

50.A. refuse    B. give up      C. stay away from     D. have


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


My favorite class at school was dance class. It was a new experience for me. At first, I didn’t think I’d like it, but I decided to give it a chance.

To begin with, it was    35    to have to hold with a boy and dance. The steps were okay, and the music was okay, but boys were not really okay. The teacher was nice and funny, and she got us used to working together as a    36   . Then it wasn’t so strange working with a partner any more.

 As the lessons    37   and I learned new dances like waltz(华尔兹), I really began to enjoy myself. Even being with partners wasn’t bad. In fact, I started enjoying dancing with partners who tried hard and know our steps. Some of the boys thought it was a    38   . And they didn’t take it seriously. I hated dancing with them, but I politely took my turn with them anyway.

To be a proper lady was another thing I learned while I was dancing. I never thought much about it before, but the teacher expected me to    39   like a lady, which meant I had to accept dance partners politely    40   I didn’t like them. Just like life, you sometimes have to do things you don’t want to, the teacher    41   . Yet, that didn’t mean I didn’t enjoy dancing with a boy who had the proper height and good steps to be a great partner.

As the classes neared their end, I was happy to hear I’d been    42    as a finalist. That meant I and my partner, Todd, would be representing my school and going dancing at a competition.

The competition was like    43   out of a storybook. Everyone was smiling, wearing great clothes, and hair was done nicely. It was hard not to be    44   , but it was hard not to feel special, too. Todd and I, along with my teammates,    45   our way through the competition. It was hard, and all the other dancers were so good!

It was sad not to win the competition, but a third place finish was    46   . Maybe next year our dancers would come in first place. I was proud I learned a lot. I just know I loved to dance, especially the waltz.

35.  A. different       B. difficult      C. common      D. strange

36.  A. class          B. club         C. team         D. task

37.  A. went  on      B. went by      C. came over     D. came back

38.  A.  joke         B.  step        C. lesson        D. chance

39.  A.  look         B.  learn       C. behave        D. practice

40.  A. as if           B. so that       C. ever since     D. even though

41.  A. agreed         B. smiled       C. replied        D. explained

42.  A. tested          B. chosen       C. known       D. regarded

43.  A. something      B. everything    C. anything      D. nothing

44.  A. surprised       B. excited       C. nervous       D. serious

45.  A. continued       B. danced       C. found        D. took

46.  A. comfortable     B. acceptable     C. reasonable    D. enjoyable

