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I do not need a calendar to tell me when it is winter. All I need is my nose. When I wake up in the morning and smell the tasty treats my mom is cooking downstairs, I know winter has arrived.
The first one is the smell of chocolate. During the holiday season (from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day) my mother makes her special hot chocolate. She always adds a peppermint candy cane (薄荷味拐棍糖) to the drink and tops it with cream.
The hot chocolate gets me out of bed, but it is my mother’s chocolate fudge (软糕) that makes me run downstairs. It is a thick chunk (块) of chocolate that tastes like heaven. My mother adds nuts. That gives it more texture (质感).
But my mother isn’t done yet. She also makes a treat she calls “window panes (窗玻璃)”. She takes a few different colored marshmallows (棉花糖) and melts them together with chocolate. The final product looks like a colorful church window, so we call it “window panes”.
These tasty holiday treats are usually eaten after a meal as a dessert. But don’t tell Santa Claus because I secretly eat them all day long.
【小题1】What wakes “me” up in the morning?

A.The alarm clock.B.My mom.C.The noise upstairs.D.The smell of food.
【小题2】 In the author’s eyes, the taste of the chocolate fudge is ____.
A.terribleB.wonderfulC.awfulD.so so
【小题3】With nuts, the chocolate fudge tastes _____.
【小题4】The “window panes” the author mentions refer to _____.
A.special hot chocolate drinkB.decorations on the window
C.chocolate cake with fruits on itD.a mixture of marshmallows and chocolate
【小题5】Why does the author look forward to the winter?
A.There is plenty of time to play around.B.The food his mom cooks is mouthwatering.
C.It’s great fun to play outdoors.D.He can have a good rest during the winter.


解析1. D 细节题。根据When I wake up in the morning and smell the tasty treats my mom is cooking downstairs可知是食物的香味让他醒的,而不是闹钟,也不是他妈妈或是楼上的噪音,选D。
2. B 本题考查对语句的理解,根据it is my mother’s chocolate fudge (软糕) that makes me run downstairs知道,是母亲做的软糕巧克力让他下楼的,故可以推测出应该是很不错的,选B。
3. C 从It is a thick chunk (块) of chocolate that tastes like heaven可知本来巧克力就是很厚的一块,但是作者的母亲adds nuts让它更有质感,故更加硬了,选C。
4. D 考查对词义的理解,要从上下文来理解。定位到so we call it “window panes”的前面一句,可知window panes是由棉花糖和巧克力的混合(colored marshmallows (棉花糖) and melts them together with chocolate),故选D。
5. B 本题是推测题。文章写的是作者想吃母亲做的巧克力,所以他期待冬天的到来(I know winter has arrived),故选B,其它答案文章并没有提及到。


科目:初中英语 来源:江苏省泰州市海陵区2011-2012学年七年级下学期期末考试英语试题 题型:053


  There is a new shopping mall near my school.It is very e  1   to find.It is near the bus stop and the t  2   rank.The mall is very big.There are lots of clothes shops.This is g  3   for girls.However, there are not many shops for b  4  .There is only one sports shop.I think the mall n  5   some more.There are lots of restaurants on the t  6   floor.You can eat all kinds of food.I like food f  7   Sichuan best.I like the big cinema.I like watching a film b  8   I go shopping.I do not like the computer games centre.It is small and there are too m  9   people.

  The mall is a r  10   fun place to go.It is a good place to meet friends.


科目:初中英语 来源:2013届江苏省海门市中考二模英语卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

In Britain, people have different attitudes(态度)to the police. Most people generally   1  them and the job they do, but some people said that the police shouldn’t    have special   2 .
What does a policeman actually do? It is not a(n)  3  job to describe. After all,a policeman has a number of jobs to do. A policeman often has to   4  traffic, either on foot in the centre of a town, or in a police car on the roads. Indeed,in Britain, he might be in the Traffic Police and spend a lot of time  5  up and down main roads. A traffic policeman has to help keep the traffic moving,stop speeding cars and help when there is a(n)  6  .
A policeman has to help keep the  7 ,too. If there is a fight, we  8  the police to come immediately. And they often have to deal with situation at great risk of their own  9 .
We want the police to solve crimes,of course,so an ordinary(普通) policeman,    10  he is not a detective,he will often have to help   11  criminals. And   12  do we call when there is an emergency—an air crash,a fire or an earthquake?Of course the police. So a policeman has to  13  to face any terrible emergency that may happen in the modern world.
The police do a  14  job,they do it so well that I support them. But I do not envy policemen. I do not think that I could   15  do the job of a policeman.

A.dislike   B.protectC.admire   D.suspect
A.power   B.thoughts C.knowledgeD.abilities
A.funny  B.difficult   C.attractive   D.easy
A.controlB.stop    C.remove     D.break
A.walking  B.driving    C.marching  D.searching
A.peace   B.balanceC.situation   D.rule
A.order  B.encourageC.allow    D.expect
A.family  B.safety  C.future   D.work
A.only if   B.as    C.since   D.even if
A.interview   B.noticeC.arrest   D.warn
A.how    B.whereC.what   D.who
A.hope   B.promise    C.prepare  D.decide
A.hardly  B.ever   C.forever    D.never


科目:初中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏省海门市中考二模英语卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

In Britain, people have different attitudes(态度)to the police. Most people generally   1  them and the job they do, but some people said that the police shouldn’t    have special   2 .

What does a policeman actually do? It is not a(n)  3  job to describe. After all,a policeman has a number of jobs to do. A policeman often has to   4  traffic, either on foot in the centre of a town, or in a police car on the roads. Indeed,in Britain, he might be in the Traffic Police and spend a lot of time  5  up and down main roads. A traffic policeman has to help keep the traffic moving,stop speeding cars and help when there is a(n)  6  .

A policeman has to help keep the  7 ,too. If there is a fight, we  8  the police to come immediately. And they often have to deal with situation at great risk of their own  9 .

We want the police to solve crimes,of course,so an ordinary(普通) policeman,    10  he is not a detective,he will often have to help   11  criminals. And   12  do we call when there is an emergency—an air crash,a fire or an earthquake?Of course the police. So a policeman has to  13  to face any terrible emergency that may happen in the modern world.

The police do a  14  job,they do it so well that I support them. But I do not envy policemen. I do not think that I could   15  do the job of a policeman.

1.                A.dislike       B.protect         C.admire     D.suspect


2.                A.power        B.thoughts        C.knowledge    D.abilities


3.                A.funny        B.difficult       C.attractive   D.easy


4.                A.control         B.stop         C.remove       D.break


5.                A.walking       B.driving       C.marching    D.searching


6.                A.murder         B.robbery        C.accident  D.theft


7.                A.peace       B.balance         C.situation    D.rule


8.                A.order        B.encourage      C.allow      D.expect


9.                A.family         B.safety        C.future     D.work


10.               A.only if        B.as           C.since   D.even if


11.               A.interview    B.notice          C.arrest      D.warn


12.               A.how        B.where         C.what       D.who


13.               A.hope        B.promise      C.prepare     D.decide


14.               A.comfortable     B.hopeless        C.necessary  D.meaningless


15.               A.hardly        B.ever         C.forever    D.never




科目:初中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

Dear Editor,
      I am a r__1__ of your magazine and I need help. I am very u__2__ these days b__3__ I have some
problems with my new school.
      I am a G__4__ 8 student. I lived in Jiangsu but I just moved to Shanghai with my p__5__ .Now , I
am studying at a new s__6__ school in Shanghai.
      I do not know the school very well and I have n__7__ friends here. I do not know how to t__8__to
my classmates. Sometimes, I am uncomfortable when they talk to me . During lunchtime, I always sit a
___9___ in the playground and read books. I hope they will not come and talk to me.
    I m__10__ my classmates from my o__11__ school very much. I do not know what I can do now. I
hope you can give me some a__12__.


科目:初中英语 来源:0112 月考题 题型:填空题

       I live in a building n  1   Dongdan. I like Dongdan b  2   there are lots of things to do here. The o  3   thing
I do not like is the air p  4  . My friend from Australia is coming to v  5   me soon but she does not speak
Chinese. She asked me a  6   what to see and do in Beijing. I'll take her to my f  7   restaurant, where my father
works a  8   a cook. She likes opera, so I'm going to take her to a t  9   to enjoy Beijing Opera. She also wants to
buy some souvenirs for her friends and f  10  .
1.                 2.                 3.                  4.                  5.                
6.                 7.                 8.                  9.                  10.             

