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【小题1】If you ___________________birds,you can go to Zhalong.
【小题2】His parents died when he was ten years old..He had to _________________.
【小题3】Tom got up very late,______________,he was late for school this morning.
【小题4】What shall I do if I want _______________________the club?
【小题5】The teacher asked me ____________________in class again.
【小题6】My father is a good driver. He has a pretty good sense of direction(方向). He never _____________ in the city.
【小题7】He broke his arm in the accident and can_______play basketball___________.
【小题8】Are tigers __________________________now?
【小题9】The information can make people_________________take action to protect birds.
【小题10】They are_____________________their favourite animals.

【小题1】are interested in
【小题2】look after himself
【小题3】as a result
【小题4】to become a member of
【小题5】not to sleep
【小题6】gets lost
【小题7】not...any more
【小题8】in danger
【小题10】talking about

【小题1】句意:如果你对鸟类感兴趣,你可以去扎龙自然保护区。故答案为are interested in
【小题2】句意:他的父母在他十岁时就去世了。他不得不照顾自己。Look after意为“照顾”;故答案为look after himself
【小题3】句意:汤姆起床起得很晚,因此,今天早晨上学迟到了。故答案为as a result
【小题4】句意:如果我想成为这个俱乐部的一员我该怎么办呢?Want to do sth意为“想要做某事”;故答案为to become a member of
【小题5】句意:老师要求我不要再在课堂上睡觉。Ask sb not to do sth意为“要求某人不要做某事”;故答案为not to sleep
【小题6】句意:我的爸爸是一个好司机。他有很好的方向感。他在城市里从来没有迷过路。Get lost意为“迷路,走丢”;故答案为gets lost
【小题7】句意:他在事故中摔断了胳膊,再也不能打篮球了。not...any more意为“不再做某事了”。
【小题8】句意:老虎们现在有危险吗?Be in danger意为“处于危险中”;故答案为in danger
【小题9】句意:这种信息能够使人们积极地采取行动去保护鸟类。Actively为副词修饰动词短语take action to protect birds故答案为actively
【小题10】句意:他们在谈论他们最喜欢的动物。故答案为talking about


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

It was very cold. It was snowing fast and almost dark; the evening—the last evening of the old year was drawing in. In the cold and darkness there went along the street a poor little girl, w【小题1】a cap and shoes. When she l 【小题2】her home she had shoes on . H【小题3】, they were much too large for her f【小题4】 ---shoes that her mother had used till then and the poor little girl l【小题5】them when she was running across the street when two carriages(四轮马车) were p【小题6】by terribly fast. When she looked for them, one was not to be found, and a boy hid the o【小题7】 and ran away with it, saying he would use it as a house for his mouse.
In the old c【小题8】 that she wore were boxes of matches, and she carried a box also in her hand. No one had bought so much as a box all the long day, and no one had g【小题9】her even a penny.
Poor little girl, shaking with cold and hunger, she walked slowly, q【小题10】  and carefully along , a perfect picture of great unhappiness.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单词拼写

A man tried to catch monkeys to sell them to zoos. The monkeys, however, were very c   【小题1】   and every kind of trap(计谋) that he set failed.
A young boy watched the man’s efforts and then took a pot with a narrow(狭窄的) neck. He placed a few peanuts around the pot and put lots of peanuts i   【小题2】    it. He then tied the pot to a tree and he told the man, “We should have a m    【小题3】    in a few hours.”
Some monkeys soon discovered the peanuts and the pot. One put his hand into the pot e  【小题4】 and got a handful of peanuts, but he couldn’t p  【小题5】   his hand with peanuts out of the narrow opening of the pot. The monkey was a  【小题6】   and began to cry. Some of the other monkeys tried unsuccessfully to pull the pot off his hand.
The boy and the man heard the noise. As the boy came near to the monkeys with a bag, the monkeys all ran away e   【小题7】 the one with its hand in the pot. The boy packed the monkey and the pot into the bag. The man was s   【小题8】  and asked the boy the secret of his monkey trap. “Why was it so easy for the monkey to get his hand in but so h  【小题9】  to get it out?”
The boy laughed and said, “The monkey could get his hand back out if he let go of the peanuts in the pot, but he just wasn’t w   【小题10】 to let go. They never are.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单词拼写


open, story, gift, hear, sing, invite, wonderful, rich, at once, wake up
You may know the song Happy Birthday very well. But do you know who 【小题1】 it first? It was written by a poor American girl. And now she has become a very  【小题2】 woman.
When she was a child, once she【小题3】  to her friend’s birthday party. She was pleased but also sad because she didn’t have enough money to buy a gift for him. Later that night she was in bed, worrying about the gift when the door  【小题4】  and in came her grandma. “What happened?” her grandma asked. Hearing the girl’s  【小题5】 , she said, “Don’t worry. I think I can help you. How about singing a song? Happy birthday to …” What a beautiful song! She sang and sang. Suddenly she  【小题6】  . It was a dream! She decided to write it down   【小题7】  and sing it to her friend at the party.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:单词造句

My favorite TV program is a reality show called Survivor (幸存者). It isn’t on TV at the moment  【小题1】 it was on  last year.
In the show, two teams of people are taken to a (an) 【小题2】. All of them have to sleep  【小题3】 because there aren’t any houses or hotels. They usually choose 【小题4】 really useful like a toothbrush since they can only  【小题5】one thing with them. The people also have to find food and they spend a lot of time fishing and collecting fruit from the 【小题6】. Every week one person has to 【小题7】. At the end, there are only two people on the island and one of them is chose【小题8】 the winner.
I really like Survivor because it’s very 【小题9】 and the people have to do things like hunting for food. I really  【小题10】 myself when I watch it. I don’t want to be on the show, however, I like living in a house!

take     tree       beach      like       island       but 
leave   exciting   enjoy       outside    as          something


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

shows     exciting     from     takes    dresses
Mulan is an 【小题1】 ______ action movie. It comes【小题2】 _________ an old Chinese story. The movie is about a village girl, Mulan. She【小题3】_________ up like a boy and 【小题4】_______her father’s place to fight in the army. I like Mulan very much. The movie【小题5】______ her love for her family, friends and country.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

offer     walk     valuable      big      discover
forget     harmful    important    exactly     watch
【小题1】Eric spends half an hour     TV every evening.
【小题2】My brother didn' t realize the     of English until he began to work in a Canadian factory.
【小题3】She    where she parked her car yesterday, so it took her a long time to find it.
【小题4】Every day after supper, my father     his dog in the park.
【小题5】Smoking is     to your health, so you'd better give it up.
【小题6】The house is     the same as it was 20 years ago.
【小题7】This T-shirt is kind of small. Can you show me a     one?
【小题8】Our teacher gave us some     advice on how to learn English well
【小题9】The strueture(结构)of DNA was one of the most important    in the twentieth century.
【小题10】He said he would drive rne home, but I turned down his    .


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

ago, age, reply, modern, good, even, someone, seem, what, be, specially, impossible
“Mommy, am I special?” asked nine-year-old Ali.
“How special do you want to be?” asked his mother.
“Like the inventor of the computer,”     【小题1】  Ali.
“Well, you are always special to me    【小题2】   if you did not invent the computer,” said his mother.
Ali felt happy every time his mother said he was special. But deep inside, Ali really wanted to be someone     【小题3】   .
Ali said, “Mommy, almost all of my best friends    【小题4】   to have something that makes themselves special. Kimberly is top in math. Nigel is the    【小题5】   football player in my class. Gopal is the fastest runner in the school. When it comes to drawing, Rajoo won first prize in the city drawing competition three days     【小题6】 …”
“Ali, you should be pleased with yourself. You’re friendly and polite. You’re healthy,” said his mother, as if she knew   【小题7】  he was thinking.
“Thanks, Mommy, but I really want to be  【小题8】 special and do something different. I don’t want to be an ordinary person.”
“Dear, when I was your  【小题9】, I also wanted to do something special and make myself different. But I’ve realized that a simple life is a true life and a peaceful life is a happy life.   【小题10】  an ordinary person is great.”
Ali lost in thought.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:选词填空

within    just    lost their lives    in their twenties    put out
A: Have you heard of a big fire on May Day?
B: Not yet. When and where did the fire happen?
A: It happened on May 1st in Shanghai.
B: Did the firemen   【小题1】  the fire soon?
A: Yes. The firemen reached the burning building   【小题2】  six minutes.
B: Was anybody hurt in the fire?
A: Two firemen   【小题3】  in the fire.
B: I am sorry to hear that.
A: These two firemen are very young. Both of them are   【小题4】 .
B: I am very sad. They are   【小题5】  several years older than us.
A: I have the same feeling. Fire is really terrible. Everyone should be careful with it.

