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history, choose, common, buy, make, enjoy, way, another, while, serve
American summers are filled with outdoor picnics, baseball games and swimming pools. Summer in America is a time 小题1:________ the outdoors, no matter how hot it might be. Let’s take a look at some of the popular drinks.
Lemonade is 小题2:________ of all American summer drinks. It 小题3:________ by mixing lemon juice, water and sugar. It is usually served very cold, with ice.
Ice tea is 小题4:________ popular summer drink in America. Ice tea is usually 小题5:________ in a tall glass of ice. Many Americans 小题6:________ to add sugar to sweeten the drink. This drink is often drunk in the afternoon 小题7:________ relaxing in the shade. Ice tea is now also sold by the bottle , at almost any store in America.
The Slurpee, a famous American drink in recent years, is a great 小题8:________to cool off in the summer heat. It is a mix of ice, sugar and fruit juices. However, the drink is mostly made of ice. They can小题9:________ at most small convenient stores. Slurpees are popular with young Americans.
Milkshakes have a long 小题10:________ in America . It is made of a mix of ice cream , milk and flavoring.

小题1:to enjoy 
小题2:the commonest
小题3:is made
小题9:be bought

小题1:to enjoy 本题考查动词不定式。句意为:在美国的夏天是外出旅游的好时间。
小题2:the commonest 本题考查形容词最高级。句子有of all短语,故用形容词的最高级。
小题3:is made 本题考查被动语态。句意为:他是由柠檬果汁、水和糖混合而成。是一般现在时的被动语态。
小题4:another 考查不定代词的用法。上段文章说的是柠檬,这段文章说的是冰茶,故用“另一个,再一个”。  
小题5:served 本题考查被动语态。句意为:冰茶通常被放在高的带有冰的杯子里。
小题6:choose 本题考查动词词义理解。句意为:许多美国人选择加糖来让饮料变甜。选择用choose。
小题7:while 本题考查连词的用法。while表示“然而,并且”的意思。        
小题8:way 本题考查名词的用法。way表示“方式,方法”。  
小题9:be bought 本题考查情态动词的被动语态。句意为:它能够被带到大多数的小型的便利超市。 

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

More than three thousand languages are spoken in the world today . Many of these languages are spoken _36    small groups of people . On the 37   ,hand , over two hundred languages are spoken by one million or more people . Chinese is the language spoken by the ___38 ___number of people in the world . But English is most   39 spoken in the world .
English is spoken by more than four hundred million people  40  their first language . It is   41 by most people in the U.S.A. , Great Britain , Canada , Australia and New Zealand . And it is   42  used very widely in many other countries of the world . Look at the back of your watch . You may see the English words “Made   43  China” , or “Japan” , even “Germany” .
English is the first language in  44  of these . Why are English words   45  on it ? That is because in the modern world English is widely used for business between different countries .
A.otherB.othersC.anotherD.the second
A.eitherB.as wellC.alsoD.too
A.no oneB.noneC.nothingD.no


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

    What is your favourite colour? Ask famous persons like Cate Blanchett,Searlett Johansson and Bono,and maybe they will say“green.”That’s not because these artists particularly like the colour green.Instead,they are interested in green fashion.
Green fashion is about making(and wearing)clothes that are good for humans,animals,and the Earth.In the past,green fashion made people think of hippies(嬉皮士)and ugly clothes.But today,green fashion is different.It is about looking good and caring about the Earth and other people.You can have interesting clothes and be green.
Around the world,green fashion is becoming popular.For example,the U.K.company
People Tree sells men’s and women’s clothing and accessories(饰品).They are made from
natural fabrics(织物)like cotton and wool.Workers who make the clothes are from countries like Nepal,Kenya,and Bangladesh.People Tree pays the men and women good money for the clothes they create.
Singer Bono and his wife also started a clothing company called EDUN.When the clothes sell,EDUN uses most of the money to help people around the world.
小题1:According to the passage,what is“green fashion”?
A.Wearing the colour green all the time.
B.Making clothes from green trees.
C.Putting green make-up on your face.
D.Wearing clothes that are good for the Earth.
小题2:In the past,what did people often think of when they heard“green fashion”
A.Dangerous animals.
B.Beautiful women.
C.Colourful accessories.
D.Ugly clothes,
小题3:Which sentence about green clothing companies is true?
A.Most use natural fabrics to make clothes.
B.Many do not pay their workers well.
C.They make clothes mostly for women.
D.Most of the companies are in Africa.
小题4:According to the passage,what does EDUN do?
A.It teaches children to make clothes.
B.It sells clothes and uses the money to help people.
C.It gives clothes to poor people.
D.It makes expensive clothes for teenagers.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

China is the home of tea,  36 has more than 4,000 years of history. People in China drink tea daily.  37  the three major drinks ----tea, coffee and cocoa, tea is drunk by   38 people in the world. Tea from China, along   39 silk and porcelain, began to be known by the world over a thousand years ago and has been an important Chinese export  40  .
Tea leaves  41  mainly in the area south of the Yangtze River, in the provinces of Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Fujian, because of the mild  42  and rich soil there. Longjing, Wulong, Pu’er and Tieguanyin are all 43  kinds of tea.
Over the past centuries, Chinese people  44  their unique tea culture, which includes tea planting, tea-leaf picking, tea making, tea drinking and so on. Tea is   45  a popular topic which is often mentioned in dances, songs, poems and novels.
A.the number ofB.a number ofC.a large number ofD.the largest number of
A.at that timeB.from now onC.since thenD.since now
A.produceB.are producedC.makeD.are made
A.had developedB.have developedC.developedD.are developing
A.tooB.as wellC.eitherD.also


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I am 15. Now I’m studying English in London. I want to invent a language machine that can help me understand as many languages as possible.
Marie, France
Aug. 15, 2009
I am 13. I dream of going to a top university after I finish middle school. I want to be a reporter in the future.
Michiko, Japan
Sep.21, 2009
I am a 12-year-old girl. I like traveling very much. How I wish to visit Egypt some day!
Masha, Russia
Oct. 15, 2009
I am a 16-year-old girl in Tibet. The Qinghai Tibet Railway has been built. I’ll be able to reach Shanghai by train in about 50 hours. My dream is to go to Shanghai to visit Expo 2010.
Joma, China
June 10, 2008
I am 14 years old. I dream of inventing a machine that can send things or people from one place to another in a minute.
Andrew, the USA
Nov. 30, 2009
小题1: What is Michiko’s dream?
A.Visiting Egypt.
B.Going from one place to another in a minute.
C.Going to a top university
D.Inventing a language machine.
小题2:How old is Joma when Expo 2010 Shanghai are held?
A.Fifteen.B.SixteenC.Seventeen. D.Eighteen.
小题3:The best title for this passage would be ____________.
A.I Have a Dream
B.Different Students From Different Countries
C.Five Middle School Students
D.Our Inventions


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

小题1:How much does it cost children under 4 to travel Hawaii?
小题2:What kind of hotel will be provided?
小题3:When is County Animal Hospital open?
小题4:Where is County Animal Hospital?
小题5:Do you need any pay to visit County Animal Hospital?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

小题1:Charles works in the city center and wants to take up a sport that he can often do during his lunch break. He enjoys a game in which he can play with his workmate on the desk to relax.
小题2: Isabel, aged 17, is a Chinese girl who studies in the US now.  She never misses any matches played by Houston Rockets.  She hopes to follow in Yao Ming’s steps.
小题3:Alex likes water sports very much.  He is good at showing different styles, such as butterflies, frogs and so on. Believe it or not, he can dive under water for 2. 5 minutes.
小题4:Tara comes from America. Now she teaches English in a middle school in Beijing.  In her free time, she would like to go in for a traditional sport so that she can learn more about China.
小题5: Toby is a student in charge of PE lesson in Riverside Middle School. These days he is training hard for the coming sport meet. He wants very much to break the school record of 175cm.
A                B               C               D             E


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Our school is very big. There are sixty classes in our school. There are about(大约) fifty students in a class. There is a television in a classroom, but there isn’t a computer. There are 52 desks in my classroom. In my class there are 26 boys and 25 girls.
Our library is big, too. There are many books in it. The gym is behind it, and the science labs are next to the library. Behind the gym is our dining hall. We have lunch(吃午饭)in it.
小题1: There are about ___________ students in a class in our school.
小题2:There is no ________ in my classroom.
C.blackboardD.teacher’s desk
小题3:In my class there are _________ students.
小题4: _________ is in front of the gym.
A.The libraryB.The science lab
C.The dining hallD.The classroom
小题5:We have lunch in the _________.
A.libraryB.science lab
C.dining hallD.classroom


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Word box: publish   出版           achievement 成就
Newbery Medal 纽伯瑞文学奖        Guinness 吉尼斯
小题1:       of the books in the form were written by American writers.
A. Two                  B. Three          C. Four
小题2:The book that came out in 1957 was written by         .
A.GaryB.SchmidtC.Paulo CoelhoD.Theodore Geisel
小题3: If you want to know how a boy’s mind developed, you should choose        according to the form above.
A. The Wednesday Wars
B. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm
C. The Alchemist
小题4:The book that broke the Guinness record came out        .
A. in 1947                B. in 1988            C. in 1903
小题5:Which of the following is NOT true according to the information above?
A. The theme of the book The Cat in the Hat is a natural and easy attitude to life.
B. Only one of the four books won the Newbery Medal.
C. The book with the theme of a positive attitude to difficulty came out when the writer was 41 years old.

