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Mr. Ma, a famous mental (心理的)doctor from Beijing once said at an important meeting, “Now many young students can have      with their minds. Some students become worried because they have to study very hard. Others have trouble getting on well with people around them like their parents and classmates. Parents and teachers should care more about this problem.
Then Mr. Ma gave some examples. One patient, a middle school students from Xi’an was doing badly in his lessons. He thought his teachers and friends often laughed at him, and he became so nervous and worried that one night he left his home without telling parents. Another student, a 14-year-old schoolgirl from Shanghai, was very afraid of exams. While she was reading the exam paper, she couldn’t think of anything to write.
A recent report from Jiefang Daily says about 18% of the young students in Shanghai have mental problems. They often felt worried and very        . Unluckily many of them won’t go and ask for help. Some think they will look stupid (愚蠢) if they go to see a doctor. Others won’t talk about their secrets.
At the end of the meeting, Mr. Ma offered some good ideas to young people:
Talk to your parents or teachers often.
Take part in group activities.
Try to get on well with the people around you.
Go to see a doctor if you often feel unhappy.
【小题1】 在短文①② 两处分别填入一个恰当的词                        
任务三 回答下列三个问题
【小题3】What’s the trouble with the schoolgirl from Shanghai?
【小题4】Why won’t some students go to ask for help?
【小题5】What should you do if you have mental problems?

【小题1】problems/troubles  unhappy/sad/upset
【小题3】She was afraid of exams.
【小题4】Because they think others will laugh at them/they will look stupid/Because they won’t talk about their secrets.
【小题5】I should talk to my parents or teacher /go to ask for a doctor.

解析试题解析:本文大意:来自北京的著名心理学医生马先生曾经在一次重要的会议上说,现在许多学生有心理问题,一 些学生因为不得不努力学习变得忧虑,其他学生与周围的人相处困难,如家长和同学。一些人认为如果看医生,看上去很愚蠢,其他人不愿意谈论他们的秘密,父母和老师们应该更多地关注这类问题。
【小题1】推理判断题。problem/trouble问题,unhappy/sad/upset不开心;根据 Some students become worried because they have to study very hard.一 些学生因为不得不努力学习变得忧虑。 Others have trouble getting on well with people around them like their parents and classmates.其他学生与周围的人相处困难,如家长和同学,可知答案为problems/troubles;根据worried忧虑的,和and可知答案为 unhappy/sad/upset,故答案为problems/troubles,unhappy/sad/upset.
【小题2】考查英泽汉。Parents父母, and和, teachers老师, should 应该,care about关注, more 更多地,this 这个,problem问题,可知答案为:父母和老师们应该更多地关注这类问题。
【小题3】细节理解题。根据Another student, a 14-year-old schoolgirl from Shanghai, was very afraid of exams. 另一个学生,来自上海的14岁女生,非常怕考试,可知答案为She was afraid of exams.
【小题4】细节理解题。根据 Some think they will look stupid  if they go to see a doctor. Others won’t talk about their secrets.一些人认为如果看医生,看上去很愚蠢,其他人不愿意谈论他们的秘密,可知答案为Because they think others will laugh at them/they will look stupid/Because they won’t talk about their secrets.
【小题5】推理判断题。根据He thought his teachers and friends often laughed at him, and he became so nervous and worried that one night he left his home without telling parents. 他认为他的老师和朋友们经常嘲笑他,他变得那么紧张忧虑以致于没告诉家长就离家出走了, Unluckily many of them won’t go and ask for help不告幸地说许多人不会去寻求帮助,可知答案选I should talk to my parents or teacher /go to ask for a doctor.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Bai Yansong, a famous TV host, expressed his support for students wearing green scarves (绿领巾) at a primary school in Xi’an. He wore a green tie on a TV program on October 19, 2011. “I just want the students to know that I’m also wearing green. And we are all great people and are as good as those wearing red scarves.”
The First Experimental Primary School in Xi’an made children with poor schoolwork and behavior wear green scarves. Parents whose children wore green scarves were angry. “The children still need their self-esteem (自尊心) even though they are very young, and they know the green scarf means something is not quite right,” said one mother. Now, the school has stopped the practice.
Educational expert Li Zhenxi said that primary and junior high school students have strong self-esteem. They are eager to be respected and understood. Punishment will hurt them. “It’s better to encourage them rather than separating some ‘bad’ students,” he said.
A survey made by the Ministry of Education (教育部) shows that 75 percent of students feel nervous and scared when the teacher is about to announce their grades. Some schools have done better in protecting students’ privacy and encouraging them. In American schools, teachers post test results on the wall. Instead of using student names, they use secret numbers. This way, students know their secret numbers and can check their own grades only. Some teachers might call the students up to the desk and tell them their scores one at a time.
But test scores are not the only measures of a student’s ability. Everyone has his own strengths and everyone can make great progress by working hard.
【小题1】Bai Yansong wore a green tie in a TV program in order to _______.

A.show people his special dressing style
B.call on people to live a green life
C.tell students green-scarf students are also good students
D.remind students wearing green scarves means being bad
【小题2】Why did those parents whose children wore green scarves feel angry?
A.Because their children did do well at school.
B.Because they thought the school didn’t have the right.
C.Because it was against the law.
D.Because it hurts their children’s self-esteem.
【小题3】According to the article, which of the following is TRUE?
A.Primary school students are too young to know what self-esteem is.
B.Separating some “bad” students helps create good learning environment.
C.Most “good” students like their teachers to announce their scores.
D.Using secret numbers instead of students’ names can protect their privacy better.
【小题4】Which of the following may the writer agree with?
A.The green scarves system can make students work hard.
B.Student’s ability should not be measured only by test scores.
C.Students who get low marks should use secret numbers.
D.Teachers should tell students their scores secretly one by one.
【小题5】What does the word “measure” mean in the last paragraph?
A.长度 B.尺度
C.方法 D.标准


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

 School education(教育) is very important and useful. Yet, no one can learn everything from school. A teacher, no matter how much he knows, can not teach his students everything they want to know. The teacher’s job is to show his students how to learn. He teaches them how to read and how to think. So, much more is to be learned outside school by the students themselves.
It is always more important to know how to study by oneself than to memorize some facts or a formula(公式). It is actually quite easy to learn a certain fact in history or a formula in math. But it is very difficult to use a formula in working out a math problem.
Great scientists didn’t get everything from school. For example, Edison didn’t even finish primary school. But they were all so successful. They invented so many things . The reason for their success was that they knew how to study. They read books that were not taught at school. They would ask many questions as they read. They did thousands of experiments. They worked hard all their lives, wasting not a single moment. Above all, they knew how to use their brain.
【小题1】  According to the passage, the most important thing a teacher should do is _______.

A.to teach his students everything he knows
B.to teach the students how to think
C.to know everything they want to know
D.to teach the students how to work out a math problem
【小题2】 To work out a math problem, you need to know _________.
A.a certain formulaB.a certain fact
C.some factsD.the way to solve it
【小题3】 Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Great scientists read a lot of books and asked many questions while reading.
B.Great scientists did thousands of experiments.
C.Great scientists always worked hard and never wasted time.
D.Great scientists got everything from school.
【小题4】 The passage is written mainly to tell us         .
A.how to memorize some facts or a formula(公式)
B.who the great scientists are
C.How to study
D.why Edison didn’t finish primary school


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

According to a new survey, students' safety has become a big problem. Now in some cities of China, many schools start a new lesson: self -- protection. Students like this lesson because there are no exams or boring classes. And they can leam how to save lives and know how to stop danger before it happens.
Lin Li, a teacher from Yantai, gives young students some advice on how to deal with danger
★If you are in a traffic accident
If a car hits you, you should remember the car number. If you get badly hurt, you should call l20. If it is a bicycle, try to call your parents before you let the rider go. This is because you don’t know how seriously you are hurt.
★ If it is raining hard and there is lightning (闪电)
Don't stay in high places or turn on the TV. Don't use the phones. Keep away from trees.
★When there is a fire
Get away as fast as you can. Put wet things on your body and try to find an exit. Don't take the lift.
★ If someone is drowning (溺水)
If you can’t swim, don't get into water. Cry out for help.
★If you are robbed (抢劫)
Keep calm. If you can not cry for help or run away, give the robber your money. Try remember what the robber looks like and tell the police.
Remember that danger is never as far away as you think. Protect yourself at all times !
【小题1】There are ______ways of self -- protection mentioned in the passage.

【小题2】If a car hits you, you should________ .
A.remember the car number
B.call ll9 for help
C.let the driver go before you call your parents
D.let the driver go because you know how seriously you are hurt
【小题3】If it is raining hard and there is lightning, you can't do these things except__________ .
A.using the phonesB.Turing on the TV
C.studying in high placesD.staying away from trees
【小题4】If your house is on fire, you can_________ .
① put wet things on your body                
② run quickly and take the lift
③run away and find an exit as quickly as you can 
④ take everything you have and then run away
【小题5】The writer wants to tell you how to _________ .
A.keep calmB.run awayC.protect yourselfD.keep away from a fire


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Zhou Yan, a Junior 3 student, wishes he never got a mobile phone. Last week, he went to see a doctor because his arms and fingers were injured. The doctor told him that he had “mobile phone disease”. A growing number of teenagers are getting “mobile phone disease” because more of them are using mobile phones.
Zhou got his mobile phone five months ago. He sent messages to his friends with it all the time, even when going to bed. Zhou started to do badly in the exams because he spent so much time playing with his mobile phone. His mother got very angry with him. He didn’t stop playing with the mobile phone until his arms got injured.
Yang Ling,a doctor, says that if someone uses his mobile phone too much, like Zhou Yan, he might get “mobile phone disease’. If teenagers find their arms or fingers hurt, they should go to see a doctor as soon as possible. Yang Ling said students should try to use their mobile phones less,especially at school.
【小题1】Zhou Yan wishes he never got a mobile phone because____.

A.it is useless to him B.it doesn’t work well
C.it made his arms hurt D.his mother got angry with him
【小题2】Zhou Yan didn’t do well in exams because______.
A.he didn’t like studying
B.he was ill and didn’t go to school
C.he was afraid of exams
D.he spent much time on the mobile phone
【小题3】If someone has “mobile phone disease”, it means_______.
A.the mobile phone brought him a disease
B.something is wrong with his mobile phone
C.he can’t live without the mobile phone
D.he hates the mobile phone very much
【小题4】Yang Ling thinks students should_______
A.go to see a doctor very often
B.use mobile phones more when they are out of school.
C.use mobile phones less.
D.not use mobile phones anymore
【小题5】The writer want to tell us___ in the article. 
A.using mobile phones too much is bad for our study and health
B.only a few teenagers have mobile phones
C.mobile phones can help students get out of trouble
D.people shouldn’t use mobile phones


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Though the ways of teaching have come a long way, the ways of communicating between teachers and students are almost the same. But now, a European country is trying to change that by building schools that have no classrooms, no subject lessons and best of all, no grades.
The idea behind the special school is that children are creative. And researchers also think that kids’ learning and ideas are as important as those of the CEO of Google, so why not give them a similar environment? Kids may be successful in such an environment.
To make kids more creative, the schools are built with special learning areas instead of traditional classrooms. And even the lessons are taught in a special way, with mobile phones and computers.
There is no “right” or “wrong” kind of education. The school believes that everything is a learning experience, whether it is about a serious science project or making a movie inside the school’s recording studio.
One of the special schools opened in August, 2011. It has five learning areas. The Cave is a secluded place where students fix their attention on individual (个人的) projects without being bothered (打扰). The Lab is a place where students can do all kinds of experiments and test their ideas. Kids can work in groups in the same projects in The Camp Fire. The Show Off is where kids can show their inventions. And if the kids need a rest, they can visit The Watering Hole, which has all kinds of fun activities.
Sounds great? And the coolest thing is that the school is free! I hope more schools like this will appear in the world!
【小题1】What is the idea behind the special school?

A.The children are creative.
B.All the students need to be taught.
C.All the students must be successful.
D.All the students must have high grades.
【小题2】From the passage we can infer (推断) that        in the special schools.
A.students are boredB.students are tired
C.students learn freely D.students learn from their teachers
【小题3】“The Cave is a secluded place ….” The word “secluded” probably means “   ” in Chinese.
【小题4】Paragraph 5 mainly tells us that       .              
A.the school doesn’t have grades
B.the school has clever students
C.the school has five learning areas
D.the school doesn’t have classrooms


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Learning English grammar and English vocabulary can be hard enough, but trying to understand English sayings can be more difficult. Some are just hard to figure out and others don’t make any sense at all. Here are four funny English sayings that you can use every day.
I’m happy as a clam(蛤).
Think of a clam. It doesn’t have to do anything. It just sits on a beach or on the bottom of the ocean all day doing nothing. It never has to work. That sounds like happiness, doesn’t it? If someone asks, “How are you today?” you can answer “I am happy as a clam” to let him or her know what a great mood you are in.
I wouldn’t touch that (or him/her) with a ten-foot pole.
Maybe there is a person who you don’t want to be friends with or even talk to. Well, this saying means that you dislike him or her so much that you don’t want to touch or go near him or her, even within ten feet!
You don’t have a leg to stand on.
This saying doesn’t mean that the person you’re talking to has no legs. It means that his or her argument is incorrect. He or she doesn’t have a leg to stand on because he or she has no facts to support what he or she is saying. This saying is a good way to tell people that you think they’re wrong.
Break a leg!
This saying actually means the opposite of what it sounds like. If you tell this to a person, you’re wishing him or her good luck!The saying comes from a superstition(迷信) that whatever you say aloud, the opposite will come true.
【小题1】The first paragraph mainly tells us____________________.

A.learning English grammar is hard
B.learning English vocabulary is hard
C.we should use English sayings every day
D.it can be harder to understand English sayings
【小题2】Which of the following is TRUE about a clam?
A.It can be used to show happiness.B.It needs to do many things.
C.It needs to eat a lot.D.It can only live on the beach.
【小题3】The saying “I wouldn’t touch him with a ten-foot pole” means___________.
A.I hate him.B.I want him to be my friend.
C.I like him.D.I want to argue with him.
【小题4】We can learn from the passage that______________________.
A.the saying “You don’t have a leg to stand on” means someone loses his legs
B.the saying “Break a leg” means someone hurts his or her leg
C.if we say “Break a leg” to someone, we give him or her a good wish
D.if we say “I am ill” aloud, we will become healthy


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

【小题1】 What is necessary to know when we speak English besides using grammar?

A.Introduction.B.The culture.C.Grammar.D.Topics.
【小题2】 "When speaking to a stranger, ask them where they are from and then make a connection (联系) with that place" can be used as a sentence to_______.
A.speak about locationB.talk about sports
C.address peopleD.talk about work
【小题3】 We can learn from the text that_______.
A.Americans shake hands when greeting same sex friends
B.different sex friends should hold hands when first meeting
C.when you speak to others, it's polite to look into their eyes
D.smoking is not allowed in the modem United Sates
【小题4】 What would be the best title for the text?
A.American English Tips.B.Language Differences.
C.The Different Language Culture.D.American Customs.


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

