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Bicycle tour and race

A bike tour and race will be held on August 26 and 27 (Sat. & Sun.). At 5:30 a.m. the riders will leave Tian’anmen Square and ride the first 35 kilometers as a training leg. Then the next 55 kilometers leg, from Yanjiao to Jixian, will be the first competitive part of the tour. The riders and their bikes will then be taken from Jixian to Changli.

The second racing leg of the tour will be from Changli to the seaside of Nandaihe, covering a distance of 20 kilometers. Saturday night includes the stay at Nandaihe and supper. Sunday morning is free for playing at the seaside. At noon all the people and their bikes will be taken back to Beijing.

Cost: 200 yuan

Telephone: 4675027

Brazilian footballers

The Brazilian Football Club will play Beijing Guo’an Team at the Workers’ Stadium on August 26. The club has four national team players. Also coming is 2004 US World Cup star Romario who has promised to play for at least 45 minutes.

Ticket prices: 60, 100, 150 yuan

Time / Date: 4:30p.m.,  August 26 (Sat.)

Telephone: 5012372

Rock climbing

The Third National Rock Climbing Competition will be held on August 26-27 at the Huairou Mountain-climbing Training Base. More than 10 teams from Beijing, Wuhan, Dalian, Jilin and other places will take part in it. A Japanese team will give an exhibition climbing. Free for spectators.

Take a long-distance bus from Dongzhimen to Huairou.

Time / Date: 9-12 a.m., August 26 and 27

Telephone: 7143177, 7144850, Wang Zhenghua

1.The main purpose of announcing the above events is to give information about ______.

A.visiting teams

B.famous players

C.things to do for the weekend

D.prices to pay for the sports events

2. If you take part in the bicycle tour, you will ride for ______ kilometers in the competition.





3. The underlined word “leg” in “Bicycle tour and race” probably means ______.


B.part of the training


D.part of the tour

4. What is special about the rock climbing competition?

A.A foreign team takes part in it.

B.You can watch it without paying.

C.You don’t have to be a sportsman to take part.

D.The bus trip to the place of the competition is free.

5. If you want to find something to do for Saturday afternoon, you will call ______.














2.由第一段“Then the next 55 kilometers leg, from Yanjiao to Jixian, will be the first competitive part of the tour. The riders and their bikes will then be taken from Jixian to Changli.

The second racing leg of the tour will be from Changli to the seaside of Nandaihe, covering a distance of 20 kilometers.”可知

3.由第一段“Then the next 55 kilometers leg, from Yanjiao to Jixian, will be the first competitive part of the tour”可知。

4.根据第三段“Free for spectators”可知。

5.根据第二段“Time / Date: 4:30p.m.,  August 26 (Sat).”可知。



科目:初中英语 来源:2012届湖南武冈三中九年级下学期期中考试英语卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Tom saw an advertisement(广告)in a newspaper for a beautiful bicycle. It cost 55 pounds so he went to the shop and asked to see one of the wonderful bicycles. The owner of the shop was happy to show one to Tom. Tom examined it carefully and then turned to the owner and said, ‘There isn’t a lamp(灯)on this bicycle, but there was one on the bicycle in your advertisement.” “Yes, sir” answered the man, “but the lamp isn’t included(包括)in the price of the bicycle.” “Not included in the price of the bicycle?” Tom said angrily, “But that’s not honest. If the lamp is in the advertisement, it should be included in the price.” “Well, sir” answered the shop owner coldly. “There is also a girl on the bicycle in the advertisement, but we can not give you a girl with the bicycle, either.”
【小题1】In the advertisement, there was a     and a  on the bicycle.
A. lamp, girl         B. newspaper, shop owner        C. lamp, man
【小题2】After he read the advertisement. Tom decided to    .
A.see and buy the lamp    B. ask the owner   C. see and buy the bike 
【小题3】Tom  after he looked at the bike carefully
A. returned the bike to the shop owner
B. didn’t find a lamp on the bicycle
C. showed the bike to the shop owner
【小题4】Tom thought it was  for the shop owner to sell the bike without a lamp while there was one in the advertisement.
A. wrong    B. honest    C. necessary
【小题5】The text gives us a lesson that   .
A. we must read a newspaper carefully
B. bicycle must be examined carefully before they are bought
C. sometimes we can’t completely(完全地)believe an  advertisement


科目:初中英语 来源:2011-2012学年湖南武冈三中九年级下学期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Tom saw an advertisement(广告)in a newspaper for a beautiful bicycle. It cost 55 pounds so he went to the shop and asked to see one of the wonderful bicycles. The owner of the shop was happy to show one to Tom. Tom examined it carefully and then turned to the owner and said, ‘There isn’t a lamp(灯)on this bicycle, but there was one on the bicycle in your advertisement.” “Yes, sir” answered the man, “but the lamp isn’t included(包括)in the price of the bicycle.” “Not included in the price of the bicycle?” Tom said angrily, “But that’s not honest. If the lamp is in the advertisement, it should be included in the price.” “Well, sir” answered the shop owner coldly. “There is also a girl on the bicycle in the advertisement, but we can not give you a girl with the bicycle, either.”

1.In the advertisement, there was a     and a  on the bicycle.

A. lamp, girl         B. newspaper, shop owner        C. lamp, man

2.After he read the advertisement. Tom decided to    .

A.see and buy the lamp    B. ask the owner   C. see and buy the bike 

3.Tom  after he looked at the bike carefully

A. returned the bike to the shop owner

B. didn’t find a lamp on the bicycle

C. showed the bike to the shop owner

4.Tom thought it was  for the shop owner to sell the bike without a lamp while there was one in the advertisement.

A. wrong    B. honest    C. necessary

5.The text gives us a lesson that   .

A. we must read a newspaper carefully

B. bicycle must be examined carefully before they are bought

C. sometimes we can’t completely(完全地)believe an  advertisement



科目:初中英语 来源:2012年人教版初中英语八年级上册第一单元练习卷 题型:阅读理解


John is a paper boy. He delivers(投递)newspapers to different houses in his street every day. He has about 80 customers(客户). Half of his customers only take the newspapers on weekdays, and about half take the newspapers on weekdays and on Sundays. Two of John’s customers only take the newspapers on Sundays.

John has to get up at 4:30 every morning to deliver his newspapers. It takes longer to deliver the newspapers on Sundays. The Sunday newspapers are twice as heavy as those on weekdays.

John is saving his money to buy a new bicycle. He is also saving money for college (大学). He has already saved 500 dollars.

1.John ________________ every day.

A.reads books

B.sells newspapers

C.borrows books

D.delivers newspapers

2. How many customers does he have?

A.About 40.

B.About 120.

C.About 80.

D.About 20.

3. ______________ of his customers only take the newspapers on Sundays.





4. What time does he have to get up every morning?





5. John is saving his money to buy __________________.

A.a newspaper

B.a new bag

C.a house

D.a new bicycle



科目:初中英语 来源:2012年人教版初中英语九年级上册第三单元练习卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Quick Work?

Ted Robinson has been worried all the week.Last Tuesday he received a letter from the local police.In the letter he was asked to call at the station.Ted wondered why he was wanted by the police,but he went to the station yesterday and he is not worried at more.?

At the station,he was told by a smiling policeman that his bicycle had been found.Five days ago,the policeman told him,the bicycle was picked up in a small village four hundred miles away.It is now being sent to his home by train.?

Ted was most surprised when he heard the news.He was amused (感到有趣),too,because he never expected (指望)the bicycle to be found.It was stolen twenty years ago when Ted was a boy of fifteen.?

Answer the questions:?

1.What happened last Tuesday??


2.What was he told at the station??


3.What are the police doing with the bicycle??


4.Why was he surprised and amused??


5.How old was Ted when his bicycle was stolen??


