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Life will be     because many changes will take place in 30 years, but what will the changes be?
The population is growing fast. There will be    people in the world and most of them will live longer than before. Computers will be     smaller and more useful, and there will be at least one in every home. Computer science will be one of the most important   in school. People will work fewer hours than they are doing now, so they will have more free time for sports, watching TV and traveling. Traveling will be much cheaper and   . Many more people will go to other countries    holidays.
There will be changes in our food, too. More land will be used for    new towns and houses. Then there will be less    for cows and sheep, so meat will be more expensive. Maybe people won’t eat it every day; they will eat more vegetables and fruit instead. Maybe people will be healthier.
Work in the future will be different, too. Dangerous and hard work will     by robots. Because of this, many people will not have   to do. This will be a problem.

A.little and littleB.less and lessC.many and manyD.more and more
A.easilyB.more easilyC.easyD.easier
A.buildB.buildingC.to buildD.builds
A.doneB.doC.be doneD.did
A.many workB.enough worksC.much worksD.enough work


【小题1】考查语境理解及词义辨析。Same相同的;difference名词,不同;different不同的;difficulty 名词,困难。联系下文because many changes will take place in 30 years 描述,可知此处指的是,生活将会变得不同。故选C。
【小题2】考查语境理解及短语。little and little无此说法;less and less越来越少;many and many无此说法;more and more越来越。联系前一句描述,可知此处指的是,世界上的人口会越来越多。故选D。
【小题5】考查语境理解及词义辨析。Easily副词,容易地;more easily更容易地;easy容易的;easier更容易的。结合语境可知此处指的是,旅行将会变得更便宜更轻松。结合语境可知此处是形容词作表语,故选D。


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Nowadays many parents would like to buy whatever their children like. If they go on doing this, their children will probably think that money is36to make. They will spend the money at random(随意地)and won’ t think of their parents’ hard37.
Some parents like to hold birthday parties for their children. If they38 on doing this, their children will think it is necessary for them to enjoy birthday parties every year . Year after year, maybe they will 39 their parents’ birthdays and only remember their own’s.
Many parents don’t let their children 40 the housework. They think that children just have 41 thing to do. They should study hard and do 42in their lessons. If parents go on with this, the children will not be able to take good care of 43 when they grow up. Parents should teach their children to do some simple housework 44 washing clothes and doing some cooking 45 it can help the children live a better life in the future.
【小题1】A. easy    B. hardC. free
【小题2】A. job B. workC. study
【小题3】A. make    B. let C. keep
【小题4】A. remember   B. forgetC. leave
【小题5】A. do B. didC. doing
【小题6】A. oneB. twoC. three
【小题7】A. good   B. wellC. more
【小题8】A. herselfB. himselfC. themselves
【小题9】A. as if  B. as suchC. such as
【小题10】A. thoughB. becauseC. so


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Each nation has many volunteers(志愿者) who help to take care of others. They      books to the people in hospitals or homes for the aged. Sometimes they just visit them and play games with them or listen to their    .
Other young volunteers go and work in the homes of people who are sick or     . They paint, clean up,      their houses or do their shopping.
For boys who no longer have    , there is an organization called Big Brothers. College students and other men take these boys to baseball games or fishing places and help them to get to know things that boys      learn from their fathers.
Each city has a number of clubs     boys and girls can go to play games or learn crafts (工艺). Some of these clubs organize short trips to the mountains, beaches, or other places of interest     . Most of these clubs use high school and college students as volunteers because they are young enough to      the names of boys and girls.
Volunteers believe that the happiest people in the world are those who help to     i happiness to others.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Clothes are important in our life. Different people wear different clothes. Now let’s listen to some people’s    .
My name is Tina. I started working this year, so I’m able to get    clothes more often than before.    there are different people in my working place every day, I want them to think I am very beautiful. I like to wear bright colors and always    when I go to parties. I buy all kinds of clothes and I try to    the latest way of dressing.
I am David. I don’t have much to say about clothes. Shopping for clothes isn’t really the way of  life I’m    in. Since I’m still at college, I don’t really mind    I wear . I have two jackets and I often wear them. I know    about the way of dressing.
My name is Maria. I’d like to say that my clothes have to be    and make me feel easy as soon as I put them on. Sometimes I buy clothes in some small markets — they are less    there.

A.dress upB.carry outC.put onD.calm down


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

You have probably heard the expression,“It’s raining cats and dogs outside.”That means 16  it’s raining very hard I not that  17  cats and dogs are falling from the  18 .However,one day in June,1882,it really did rain  19  over Dubuque,Iowa.The frogs  20  falling along with hailstones(冰雹)during a  21  storm.
Hail is formed when drops of rainwater are  22  by heavy winds and are carried high up into the air.There the raindrops become frozen.Many drops may freeze  23  to form balls of ice;these ice balls,or hailstones,then  24  to earth.
During the storm in Dubuque,the strong winds lifted small frogs from nearby ponds(池塘) 25  the air along with raindrops.When some of these frogs became covered with ice,both hailstones and“frog-stones”fell onto the ground.



科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Hello! Welcome to our Music Program. And now if you listen to this programme, you’ll know that it’s time for our competition every week. Last week’s prize of two theatre tickets was won by Bill Martins. Congratulations, Bill. I hope you’ve       your tickets by now. This week we are offering a classical (经典的) CD. I hope you will be the first listener to tell the name of the music and the person who       it. but        I do, you need to get a pencil and a piece of paper, as I’m going to give you some        which should make your job a little easier. Are you ready? Right. Now listen carefully, as you might be this week’s        winner.
Although the person who wrote the music was born in Italy, he spent most of his      in Spain. Have you got that? The second point: There is also a famous play which has the same title as this music and which is usually performed in the open air in the summer. Any     yet? I should warn you that it’s not that easy. Now for the next point: When this piece of music was first performed, many people in the audience got up and walked out. They thought the music was terrible and said it was a waste of their money. It’s      really, when you think how     it is today.
And now for the last point. Part of his music was used for an advertisement which you can see on television, in a lot of magazines and even on your cinema screen from next month. I’m     when you hear the music, you’ll know what the advertisement is for. I’m not going to tell you what product (产品) it is, because that would almost give you the answer!
So, that’s four things to remember. If you can give us the answer, please ring 400-8937224. And the music is coming up now.

A.questionB.idea C.thingD.point
A.fantasticB.surprising C.unfairD.unwelcome


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Simon is a middle school student. He is studying in Grade 7. He usually        at 7:00 o’clock in the morning. But today he gets up at 6:30         helps his grandparents clean their room. After that he goes to buy a big      because it is his grandpa’s birthday. His     is going to be 68 years old.
Simon     two CDs about Beijing Opera(京剧) for his grandpa. He is      his grandpa would like them very much       his grandpa enjoys listening to Beijing Opera.
It takes Simon five          to finish all these things. When he gets home, it’s already        , his mother is making noodles with grandma. They are       and talking about something happily. His grandpa is drinking tea and listening to Beijing Opera.
Simon says, “       to you, grandpa.” Then he cuts the big cake and         grandpa a big piece. Grandpa is very happy and         it.
In the evening, Simon watches TV        his grandparents together after the family let off         . He is a little tired but very happy, because he can make his grandparents happy.

A.goes to schoolB.gets upC.watches TVD.goes to bed
A.flowerB.cardC.cake D.book
A.seesB.listens toC.watchesD.buys
【小题11】A. Good morning    B. Good afternoon  Happy New Year   D. Happy birthday


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Jack is an English boy. He is a good student. He is twelve years old. Now he is in a red coat. Linda is Jack’s sister. She is a nice girl. She is fourteen years old. Now she is in a green dress. Lucy and Lily are from the USA. They are students, too. They are in yellow coats. They look the same. Jack, Linda, Lucy and Lily are good friends. Jack, Lucy and Lily are in the same school. But Linda is not in the school. They like China.
【小题1】Jack is from ____.
A. the USA.     B. England       C. China             D. Japan
【小题2】Linda is ____.

A.Lucy’s sister B.Lily’s sister C.Jack’s sister D.Jack’s mom
【小题3】Linda is in ____.
A.a red dress B.a red coat C.a green dress D.a green coat
【小题4】Lucy and Lily are ____.
A.in the same school B.in the same class
C.in different schools D.in different colors
【小题5】Jack, Linda, Lucy and Lily are ____.
A.good teachers B.good sisters C.good classmates D.good friends


科目:初中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Super Dan
Lin Dan is a famous badminton player. Now he plays for Badminton team of the People's Republic of China. Many people around the world know him because he won the gold medals in 2008 and 2012.
He is from Fujian. He was born on October 14, 1983. He lives with his parents, grandmother and his wife now. Lin Dan’s favorite player is Jordan. Jordan is a basketball player. Lin loves Coke. He likes pets, but dog is his favorite.
Many young people love him very much. They think Lin Dan is their super star. They also call him Super Dan.
【小题1】How many people are there in Lin Dan’s family?

A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6
【小题2】Who is Lin Dan’s favorite player?
A.Kobe B.Yao Ming
C.Jordan D.We don’t know.
【小题3】 Lin Dan is a ___________ player.
A.badminton B.swimming
C.basketball D.football
【小题4】 How old is Lin Dan?
A.19 B.29 C.31 D.32
【小题5】Which sentence is right?
A.Lin Dan plays for Badminton team of Jiangsu now.
B.He won the gold medal in 2012 only.
C.He loves dogs best.
D.Old people don't like him.

