精英家教网 > 初中英语 > 题目详情
Look at the picture  . 【1】. 它是一间教室的照片. What can you see in  the classroom?
【2】.I can see a black desk in the front of the classroom. Some books are on the desk. What other things can you see on the teacher’s desk? I can see two white  【3】 . There is some chalk in   them. Where are the brooms? They are behind the door.
小题1:汉译英:                                              .
小题2:英译汉:                                             .
小题4:Where are the books?                             
小题5:Are the brooms behind the desk?                             

小题1: It’s  a picture of a classroom
小题4:They are on the desk.
小题5:No,they aren’t.

小题1: a picture of一张……的照片。主语是它,故用代词it,谓语用单数形式is,因此此举翻译为:It’s  a picture of a classroom。
小题2: in the front of the classroom在教室的前面。a black desk一张黑色的书桌。see看见。因此此句的意思为:在教室的前面我看见一张黑色的书桌.
小题3:根据There is some chalk in them. 在他们里面有一些粉笔,可知此处是指粉笔盒,有因为是两个,故用复数形式boxes。
小题4:根据Some books are on the desk可知书在书桌上,因此答案为:They are on the desk.
小题5:根据Where are the brooms? They are behind the door可知扫帚在门后面,不再书桌后面,因此此处用否定回答No,they aren’t.

科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A: Hello! May I take your o 小题1:  now?
B: Yes, please. Let me see the menu (菜单) first. What w  小题2: you like, Lucy?
C: I’d like something to d 小题3: , Lily.
B: Well, what about some orange juice?
C: No, t  小题4: . I think I’d like some apple juice. How a  小题5:  you ?
B: I’d like a glass of milk. Would you like s 小题6:   to eat?
C: I w  小题7: some dumplings.
B: But I’d like to eat some noodles. Are t小题8:   any vegetables in your beef noodles?
A: Yes. There are some tomatoes.
B: OK. W 小题9: would like some apple juice, a glass of milk, some dumplings and a large b 小题10: of beef noodles.
A: OK. Wait(等待)a minute, please. 
B & C: Thank you very much.
A: You’re welcome.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

What do you do at weekends? Some people like to stay at home and have a rest. Other people think going out for a walk is good for their health. My friend Jack works very hard from Monday to Friday. At weekends he always does the same things. On Saturdays he  washes his car and on Sundays he takes his family to a village(村庄) far from his house. His uncle and aunt live there,so Jack goes to see them every week. They have a big farm and only one worker to help them. So they are usually very busy. Jack often asks his family to help them. The children give the animals food. Jack and his wife work in the fields(田). After a long day of work, they are very tired and hungry. So Jack’s uncle gives them a nice meal. After that about five,they drive home.
                     What do people do at weekends?
Some people
They like to ___小题1:____ at home and have a rest.
Other people
They think ____小题2:___out for a walk is good for their health.
My friend Jack
He works very hard five ___小题3:______a week. On ___小题4:___he washes his car and on Sundays he __小题5:____his family to a village. It is far__小题6:____his house.He goes there to __小题7:____his uncle and aunt. Jack’s uncle and aunt have a big farm and have only one ___小题8:___to help them.So Jack often takes his family to __小题9:___them.Jack’s uncle gives them a nice meal after a long day of work.At about five,they __小题10:___home.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Tom comes from Sydney. He is now staying in Beijing with his family. Every day he gets up at about six thirty and has breakfast at seven o'clock. Then he leaves home at seven fifteen. He gets to school at seven forty-five. His first class begins at eight. There are four lessons in the morning. Morning classes are over at eleven fifty, and he has lunch ten minutes later(以后).
Afternoon classes begin at one thirty. There are two lessons in the afternoon. They are over at three ten. Tom stays at school for another hour to play games, and he gets home at about four thirty.
Tom usually has supper at six at home. In the evening he does his homework. Sometimes he watches TV. He goes to bed at about ten.
小题1:Where does Tom come from ?
小题2:Who is Tom now staying in Beijing with?
小题3:When does Tom usually have lunch ?
小题4:How many lessons does Tom have every day?
小题5:Does Tom do his homework at home?


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Hello! My ___小题1:___ is Jane. I’m a student (学生). ___小题2:___! This is my classroom (教室). It is nice. This is my backpack. And that ___小题3:___ my notebook. Is this my pen? Yes, it is. Is that my ___小题4:___? No, it isn’t. It’s Tom’s eraser. It’s yellow. ___小题5:___ eraser is green, and it is in my pencil case. ___小题6:___ this? It’s a dictionary. It’s Grace’s dictionary. I ___小题7:___ my dictionary. It’s blue. Please call me if (如果) you found it. My ___小题8:___ number is 906-3428.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

阅读表达 阅读短文,按要求完成短文后的各项任务。(每小题1分,满分5分)
Here is a useful computer game. Let me tell you how (2) _________ _________ it. The game is called Draw Something. It needs two players to work together. One draws a picture and the other guesses what it is.
The game gives you three words each time. Then you choose(选择) one to draw. Some are easy and others are difficult. For example, it is much easier to draw a moon than a cat. If your partner guesses the word correctly, you will get one to three “coins(硬币)”. Coins are very useful. The more you guess the pictures, the more coins you will get. If you can’t draw any of the words, you can use a “bomb”(炸弹) to get three new words. Of course, the bombs are not free. You need to buy them with the coins.
(1)This game can help you learn English words and practise drawing pictures. But you’d better not spend too much time on it. It will be bad for your eyes.
_________________ ___________________
小题3:回答问题:How many words does the game give you each time? 并写在答题纸上。
小题4:找出与You have to spend some coins buying them. 意思相近的句子,并写在答题纸上。


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Obama goes on a trip to Beijing and Shanghai on November11th to 15th 2009.
Obama has a four-day visit to China. He has a very busy schedule(日程). But he still spends some time visiting the Forbidden City and the Great Wall.
Obama spends 50 minutes in the Forbidden City . He thinks the Forbidden City is a “beautiful place to visit”. He said, “I will come back with my girls and my wife.”
The next day, he takes quick tour of the Great Wall at Badaling. Obama has a good time there. He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man. US President Barack Obama is a true man.
Obama’s first 小题1:          to China
First Obama visits the小题2:① ___________________, then he goes to the 小题3:②________________.
It takes him 小题4:______________ to visit to China.
It’s true that Obama has a great 小题5:_______ visiting China.
Obama says that he will 小题6:_______________ with his family again.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Making friends is a skill. Like most skills, you can improve it if you are patient. If you want to meet people and make friends, you must be willing to take action. You must first go where there are people. You won't make friends staying home a      .
Joining a club or a group, talking to those who like the same things as you do is much e     . Or join someone in some activities.
Many people are n    when talking to new people. After all, meeting strangers means seeing  the unknown. And it's human nature to feel a bit unpleasant about the unknown. Most of fears about d     . with new people come from doubts(怀疑) about ourselves. We imagine other people are judging us-finding us too tall or too short, too this or too that. But don't forget that they must be feeling the s     way. Try to accept yourself as you are, and try to make others feel at home.  You'll all feel more c     .
Try to be brave even if you don't feel that way when you e   a room full of strangers. Walk  tall and straight, look d    at other people and smile.
If you see someone you'd like to speak to, say something. Don't w     for the other person to start a conversation(对话).
Just meeting someone new does not mean that you'll make friends with that person. Friendship is based on mutual(相互的)likings and“give and take”.It takes time and effort(精力)for us to d    friendship. And there are things that stop a new friendship from growing.


科目:初中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

What if there is a fire in your house? Would you know what to do? Here are several suggestions which might help you escape (逃生) from the fire.
Leaving the house through a door should be your first choice as an escape route. Windows on a higher floor may be a safe escape route if you could get help from another person.
If you can see smoke in the house, stay low to the ground as you go to the door. In a fire, smoke and poisonous air hurt more people. You’ll breathe less smoke if you stay close to the ground.
If fire or smoke is blocking (阻塞) an escape route, you do this, firefighters (消防队员) will have difficulty finding you. The sooner they find you, the sooner you can get out.
Meanwhile, keep heat and smoke from getting through the door by blocking the cracks (缝隙) around the door with blankets, or clothing. If there is a window, open it all the way and stand in front of it. If you can get a piece of clothing, cover your mouth to keep from breathing in the smoke. This works even better if you wet the cloth first.
If your clothed catch fire during a fire, don’t run! You had better stop, drop to the ground, and roll. This will cut off the air and put out the fire.
  小题1:   to Do in a Fire
It’s important to learn how to escape from a fire.
Selecting escape routes
First    小题2:  a door leading outside. Escape through a
  小题3:  if someone could help you.
 小题4:  or smoke is blocking an escape route.
★Stay    小题5:  to the ground while you make your way out so that you will breathe in less smoke.
★Shout for help from a window that is    小题6:   or call 110.
★Don’t hide under the bed so that firefighters will be able to find you more    小题7:  .
★Make sure heat and smoke are   小题8:   from getting through the door.
★Open a window and stand in front of it.    小题9:   your mouth with a piece of clothing.
Your clothes catch fire.
Stop, drop and roll    小题10:   of running.

